[Vtigercrm-developers] [FEATURE REQUEST] Support Multiple Sales Offices

Jens Hamisch jens at Strawberry.COM
Wed Aug 16 23:10:59 PDT 2006


I urgently need this feature, too.

At a first glance it seems not to be too complicated. 

I'd agree to have more than one entry in the organzation table and
to add the modification dialogs. Also I'd introduce a organization to
crmentity mapping which would allow each entity to be assigned to
one (or even more) organzation(s).

Also there should be a relation between users and organzations, so
that a particular user may act only for those organzations he's
related to. This would introduce another stage after login: If
a user is assigned to more than one organization, than there must
be a selection for which one he's going to act during the next
session. This would be the "default" organization later on.

We'd have to think of each particular entity then: IMHO products
may be assigned to more than one organzation, but a salesorder 
or quote should only be assigned to the default organzation ...
So there may be extra dialogs to be added later on.  To get a
quick start on this, I'd suggest to assign each new entity to
the creating users default organzation and to implement multi-
organzation relations in a second step.

You see, I've already thought a lot about this feature, so I may
suggest to implement a proposal  and send it to this list for 
discussion ...


On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 12:08:18PM -0400, Dennis Grant wrote:
> Here's a kick at me asking for a feature instead of just implementing it
> directly myself....
> Companies (like ours) often have multiple sales offices in different
> localities (like countries)
> So the "Company Information" table needs to be multivalued; instead of
> editing global company information, it needs to be "Create New Office",
> "Edit Office", and "Delete Office" 
> And on Quotes, Sales Orders, Etc there needs to be a drop-down box to
> select the sales office associated with that Quote/Order, which changes
> what is printed on the PDF version of that Quote/Order etc.
> Anybody want to own this one?
> DG
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 +##+|##+   STRAWBERRY                     Jens Hamisch
+v#+v v##+  EDV-Systeme GmbH               Managing director
/ v    v\v
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 \   .  /   Tel.: (+49 8171) 41805-0       Email:        jens at Strawberry.COM
  \____/    Strawberry at Strawberry.COM      

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