[Vtigercrm-developers] Customizing vTiger to do extra cool stuff

david bain pigeonflight at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 06:38:54 PDT 2006

I'm new to vTiger so forgive me if my expectations are too high. I plan to
dedicate 5 days solely to vTiger, I have significant php and mysql
experience, though I've been mostly coding in python for the last 2 years. I
would like to accomplish the following:

   - be able to transfer/assign tasks to appropriate persons csr/manager
   based on type of action, possibly categorized by authorization level
   use case: customer calls the help desk and wants their thingy ma jig
   to be able to send messages to hong kong, this requires a manager to
   authorize this. The customer rep creates a "request" in vtiger for "send
   message to hongkong ability" this automatically assigned to a manager since
   a normal customer rep cannot accomplish this task.
    - master screen where a manager can see outstanding items and
   required completion time
   use case: a manager logs in and goes to their master screen. It shows
   them outstanding tasks with a live countdown to when it will become overdue,
   overdue tasks are highlighted in a different color.
   - ability to assess csr performance based on time task is completed
   use case: a manager goes to an area in vtiger which allows them to see
   how many calls were fielded by customer rep x and how quickly issues were
   resolved based on predetermined completion times
   - call type differentiation - should be able to show a report of the
   number of calls grouped by type (10 balance requests, 15 signups.)
   - talk to an external webservice via SOAP, should be possible to pull
   additional customer data stored on a different server and then store that
   data locally in the vTiger database.
   use case: customer transaction history for web purchases are stored on
   an external website. vTiger works with an hourly cronjob to update itself
   with the latest purchase history of customers (e.g. items purchased
   and the time of purchase and failed purchases)

I'm especially interested in how much of this can already be accomplished in
vTiger and whether the balance can realistically be accomplished in 5
dedicated days (i.e. 40 programmer hours and lots of posts to the mailing
list/discussion boards etc..)
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