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<span class="h3" style="font-family:'Myriad Pro', Arial, sans-serif; font-size:20px; color:#000000; line-height:24px;">From August 15th-18th, free your heart and communicate with your matches for FREE*.</span><br>
<span class="text" style="font-family:'Myriad Pro', Arial, sans-serif; color:#000000; font-size:16px; line-height:20px;">Mark your calendars, this event is from the <a href="http://www.evitedflaltp.info/1917/137/293/1164/2472.11tt74660321AAF7.php" style="color:#000000; text-decoration:underline;">15th to the 18th only!</a></span>
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*Only available between 12:01 a.m. PT on 08/15/13 and 11:59 p.m. PT on 08/18/13. Does not include Photos, Skip to Mail, or Secure Call. For questions about the event please see our Help Topics. ©2013 eHarmony, Inc.<br><br> <a href="http://www.evitedflaltp.info/1917/137/293/1164/2472.11tt74660321AAF8.html" style="color:#585959;">Update Preferences</a> <br><br> eHarmony, Inc., P.O. Box 3640, Santa Monica, CA 90408.
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<p style="font-size:xx-small;">l,
the people of Boston and the families who've lost a piece of
your heart, we thank you for your leadership, we thank you for
your courage, we thank you for your grace.I'm here today on behalf
of the American people with a simple message: Every one of us
has been touched by this attack on your beloved city. Every one
of us stands with you.Because after all, it's our beloved city, too.
Boston may be your hometown, but we claim it, too. It's one
of America's iconic cities. It's one of the world's great cities.And one
of the reasons the world knows Boston so well is that Boston
opens its heart to the world. Over successive generations, you've welcomed
again and again new arrivals to our shores, immigrants who constantly reinvigorated
this city and this commonwealth and our nation.Every fall, you welcome students
from all across America and all across the globe. And every spring,
you graduate them back into the world, a Boston diaspora that excels
in every field of human endeavor. Year after year, you welcome the
greatest talents in the arts and science, research. You welcome them to
your concert halls and your hospitals and your laboratories to exchange
ideas and insights that draw this world together.And every third Monday
in April, you welcome people from all around the world to the
hub for friendship and fellowship and healthy competition, a gathering of
men and women of every race and every religion, every shape and
every size, a
multitude represented by all those flags that flew over
the finish line.So whether folks come here to Boston for just today
or they stay here for years, they leave with a piece of
this town tucked firmly into their hearts. So Boston's your hometown, but
we claim it a little bit, too. I know this...(APPLAUSE)I know this
because there's a piece of Boston in me. You welcomed me as
a young law student across the river. Welcomed Michelle, too.You welcomed
me...(APPLAUSE)You welcomed me during a convention when I was still a state
senator and very few people could pronounce my name right.(LAUGHTER)Like
you, Michelle and I have walked these streets. Like you, we know
these neighborhoods. And like you, in this moment of grief, we join
you in saying: Boston, you're my home.For millions of us, what happened
on Monday is personal. It's personal. Today our prayers are with the
Campbell family of Medford. They're here today. Their daughter, Krystle,
was always smiling. Those who knew her said that with her red
hair and her freckles and her ever-eager willingness to speak her mind,
she was beautiful. Sometimes she'd be a little noisy, and everybody loved
her for it. She would have turned 30 next month. As her
mother said through her tears, this doesn't make any sense.Our prayers are
with the Lu family of China, who sent their daughter, Lingzi, to
BU so that she could experience all that this city has to
offer. She was a 23-year-old student far from