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<p style="font-size:xx-small;">he kinds of nuclear capabilities referenced in the passage," Pentagon spokesman
George Little said. Clapper echoed the assessment.Meanwhile, North Korea
was leveling new threats Friday. According to South Korea's Yonhap News
Agency, the regime warned that Tokyo would, in the event of a
war, be the first target "if it continues to maintain its hostile
posture." North Korea was apparently threatening Japan because it vowed
to destroy any missile heading toward the country.Separately, South Korean
President Park Geun-hye reportedly said she's open to working with the North
to resolve the standoff if the regime ends its provocative behavior.The
dispute over the North's nuclear capability started with the Capitol Hill
hearing Thursday. At the hearing, Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., read aloud
what he said was an unclassified paragraph from a secret Defense Intelligence
Agency report that was supplied to some members of Congress.He said, reading
from the report: "DIA assesses with moderate confidence the North currently
has nuclear weapons capable of delivering by ballistic missiles, however
the reliability will be low.''The reading seemed to take Gen. Martin Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by surprise, who said he
hadn't seen the report and declined to answer questions about it.Pentagon
officials told Fox News that the memo he read from was in
fact classified. However, someone at the Defense Intelligence Agency mistakenly
ble of pairing a nuclear warhead to a ballistic missile that
could reach Japan or beyond.In response, Dempsey said the extent of North
Korean progress on designing a nuclear weapon small enough to operate as
a missile warhead was a classified matter. But he did not rule
out that the North has achieved the capability revealed in the DIA
report."They have conducted two nuclear tests," Dempsey told a Pentagon
news conference. "They have conducted several successful ballistic missile
launches. And in the absence of concrete evidence to the contrary, we
have to assume the worst case, and that's why we're postured as
we are today." He was referring to recent moves by the U.S.
to increase its missile defense capabilities in the Pacific.At the same
House hearing where Lamborn revealed the DIA conclusion, Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel was asked a different version of the same question: Does
North Korea have the capability to strike U.S. territory with a nuclear
weapon? Hagel said the answer is no."Now does that mean that they
won't have it or they can't have it or they're not working
on it?" Hagel added. "No. That's why this is a very dangerous
situation.""Now is the time for North Korea to end the belligerent approach
they have taken and to try to lower temperatures," Obama said in
his first public comments since Pyongyang threatened the United States and
its allies in East Asia with nuclear attack.Obama, speaking from the Oval
Office, said h