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 l year ending Sept. 30. When lawmakers approved a new spending bill 
at the end of March they gave the Pentagon greater latitude in 
where to find the savings.In an attempt to take some of the 
sting out of the more than $40 billion in across-the-board budget cuts, 
Congress shifted additional money to operations and maintenance accounts. 
Over time, defense officials have continued to study the legislation and 
figure out where they can cut and where they can add money 
back to fill shortfalls and fund priorities.Navy officials have argued that 
the furloughs -- particularly for civilian workers at Navy shipyards and 
depots -- will end up costing the service more than the salary 
cuts would save.Navy officials said they believe they can find the $300 
million needed to eliminate the furloughs for roughly 200,000 civilians 
in the Navy and Marine Corps, and that discussions with Pentagon leaders 
on that proposal continue.The officials said that according to a Navy analysis, 
forcing shipyard and depot workers to take 14 days off would extend 
the amount of time it will take for ship maintenance. They said 
that would create a ripple effect that will keep vessels at the 
shipyards longer and create a backlog.Ultimately, the backlog would delay 
deployments, forcing other ships to remain at sea longer, increasing their 
programs is soaring too. Facing such massive disruptions in an election 
year is bad news for Democrats, and they are therefore quite willing 
to hear from industry honchos who seek delays and exemptions to hold 
down costs.It was once thought that the government could hold down premiums 
through force by refusing increases. But while the Supreme Court may have 
ruled that the government can force you to buy insurance, but no 
one has said so far that anyone has to sell it. If 
profits vanish, so too will Obamas partners in expanded coverage.Meantime, 
special-interest groups harmed by the law  manufacturers of medical devices, 
hospitals, doctors, small businesses and others  are keeping up the pressure 
for changes to the law that would make it less generous, more 
unaffordable and harder still to implement.Like the Republican governors 
and lawmakers whose resistance Sebelius blames for the haywire implementation 
of the law, the lobbyists havent given up either. And they never 
will.But whomever Team Obama wants to blame for the growing list of 
problems with the law, voters will always remember whose big [expletive] 
deal this is.And Now, A Word From CharlesThe fact that [the murder 
trial of a Philadelphia abortionist charged with killing seven infants born 
alive] is not covered, I think is easily explained. It puts the 
pro-abortion forces in a very bad light. It brings the issue of 
late-term abortion starkly into relief.-- Charles Krautha
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