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 Is there a "monster" living in Lough Foyle, Ireland.YouTube.com videoFor 
lovers of the paranormal who've grown weary of waiting for the Loch 
Ness monster to reappear, here's a new "monster" to feast your eyes 
upon.Three college students were filming a short movie as a class project 
at Lough Foyle, a large tidal estuary in County Donegal, Ireland, when 
something very odd moved through the water in front of them, UPI 
reports."Looks like we have our own Loch Ness monster!" Conall Melarkey, 
a student at North West Regional College in Derry, Ireland, wrote in 
his posting of the video clip to YouTube. [Loch Ness, Chupacabra & 
More: Our 10 Favorite Monsters]"I have absolutely no idea what it is, 
but it looked amazing!" Melarkey wrote.The shaky, 59-second video shows 
a dark object of indeterminate size moving slowly along the surface of 
Lough Foyle before diving or sinking slowly beneath the waves.Some observers 
have speculated that the object could be a large fish, a whale, 
a dolphin or some other marine animal (Lough Foyle is open to 
the North Atlantic).Besides the infamous Loch Ness monster of Scotland, 
reports of large, lake-dwelling creatures have come from other parts of 
the world, including the mysterious "Devil of Lake Labynkyr" in Siberia.Nessie 
achieved international fame when, in 1934, a now-famous photograph was published 
showing a large animal with a serpentine head and neck. The photo, 
taken by a London surgeon named Kenneth Wilso
 July 1, 2003: The South Carolina State House in Columbia is shown.APThe 
Supreme Court may have ruled ObamaCare is constitutional, but implementing 
the controversial federal law would become a crime in South Carolina if 
a bill passed by the state House becomes law.The bill, approved Wednesday 
by a vote of 65-39, declares President Obama's signature legislation "null 
and void." Whereas the law that Obama pushed and Congress passed is 
known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, South Carolina's 
law would be known as the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act.It 
would prohibit state officials and employees from "enforcing or attempting 
to enforce such unconstitutional laws" and "establish criminal penalties 
and civil liability" for those who engage in activities that aid the 
implementation of ObamaCare.The Supreme Court ruled last year that ObamaCare's 
underlying provision, requiring all Americans to obtain health insurance, 
is constitutional, though lawsuits still are pending that argue against 
certain parts of that mandate -- in particular, contraceptive coverage, 
which some Christian employers argue violates their religious beliefs.In 
South Carolina, the nullification bill would allow the state attorney general 
to take action against anyone causing harm by the implementation of ObamaCare. 
It proceeds to the state Senate for committee review, according to The 
Washington Times.Gov. Nikki Haley has rejected the expansion of Medica
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