[Vtigercrm-commits] You could learn a new language in as little as 10 days

Innovative Language Program InnovativeLanguageProgram at yogafordogsncats.info
Mon Aug 12 09:21:35 UTC 2013

10 days to begin speaking a new language


Unsub- http://www.yogafordogsncats.info/1850/81/242/774/1568.11tt74660321AAF21.html

get said many 
of the claimed benefits from EPA clean air regulations "are mostly attributable 
to the reduction in public exposure to a single air pollutant: fine 
particulate matter."The EPA claims that changes made to emissions standards 
and other areas will save billions in health costs for the public.The 
same report estimated that in fiscal 2012, 14 major rules came with 
between $14.8 billion and $19.5 billion in annual costs, but with between 
$53.2 billion and $114.6 billion in annual benefits.The Heritage report's 
estimate of the annual costs imposed in 2012 were not that far 
off -- Heritage pegged the annual cost of 2012 rules at $23.5 
billion.The Heritage report did not delve deeply into the benefits of all 
these regulations, though suggested the administration has exaggerated those 
numbers. The analysis said the "particulate matter" pollutant EPA often 
cites is already subject to EPA regulations, calling the claimed benefits 
of additional reductions "speculative."
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas suggested at a forum last month that 
President Obama was helped in his historic 2008 bid by getting the 
approval of the "elites and the media" for saying "the prescribed things."Thomas 
made the comments during a CSPAN interview a month ago.Asked if he 
thought he'd see a black president in his lifetime, Thomas -- who 
is black, and a conservative -- said he did.But he said the 
first black president would have to meet certain tests."The thing that I 
always knew is that it would have to be a black president 
who was approved by the elites and the media because anybody they 
didn't agree with, they would take apart," he said. "And that will 
happen with virtually -- you pick your person, any black person who 
says something that is not the prescribed things that they expect from 
a black person will be picked apart. ... So, I always assumed 
it would be somebody the media had to agree with."Thomas also revealed 
that he's never had an in-depth conversation with Obama, and has only 
interacted with him "in passing."

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