[Vtigercrm-commits] vtigercrm-commits, Are You Dedicated? Complete the Nike Survey and Claim a $25 Giftcard

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Thu Aug 8 18:10:51 UTC 2013

Are you making excuses or making it happen?


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rst in a new round of hearings on the 
subject on May 8.In two letters to the State Department, dated April 
16 and April 26, Issa has sought explicit guidance on how attorneys 
representing witnesses with knowledge of the Benghazi attacks, including 
their prelude and aftermath, can receive the security clearances necessary 
to review classified materials.Attorneys representing Department personnel 
in this matter will require clearance to possess and discuss Top Secret 
and Sensitive Compartmented Information, Issa wrote on April 16 to Mary 
McLeod, the principal deputy legal adviser to the State Department.But Ventrell 
insisted Tuesday that no such whistle-blowers have come forward, and no 
requests for security clearances have been made by private attorneys.Victoria 
Toensing, a former Justice Department official and one-time Republican counsel 
to the Senate intelligence committee, disclosed on Monday that she is representing 
a career State Department official who identifies himself as a whistle-blower. 
Toensing said this individual has been threatened by superiors with career-ending 
reprisals if he cooperates with the oversight committee.[The State Department 
has] had two letters from Chairman Issa, one on April 16, the 
other one April 26, that specifically say, We want you to provide 
a process for clearing a lawyer to receive classified information, Toensing 
said during an interview Tuesday on Americas Newsroom with Fox News anchor 
Martha M
our health. Under Obama's 
overhaul, insurers will no longer be able to turn away the sick, 
or charge them more. The health care questions will disappear, but they'll 
be replaced by questions about your income. Consumers who underestimate 
their incomes could be in for an unwelcome surprise later on in 
the form of smaller tax refunds."Consumers will have a simple, easy-to-understand 
way to apply for health coverage later this year," said Medicare chief 
Marilyn Tavenner, also overseeing the rollout of the health care law. She 
said the application is "significantly shorter than industry standards."Among 
the sections eliminated in the new form was one that asked applicants 
if they also wanted to register to vote. Some congressional Republicans 
had criticized that, calling it politically motivated.The Associated Press 
contributed to this report.			      
administration 'simplifies' ObamaCare

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