[Vtigercrm-commits] Compare Health Insurance Plans of America

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Wed Aug 7 01:54:14 UTC 2013

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Venzuela's second city, Maracaibo, he mentioned one of the most 
striking examples: A second bridge over the lake that bears the city's 
name. Chavez laid the bridge's first stone in 2006. A year later, 
he returned to lay the first stone a second time. Nothing more 
has happened."They don't do planning," Celia Herrera, a civil engineering 
professor at Central Venezuela University who advises Capriles, said of 
the government.Another suspected reason for uncompleted projects: corruption."They've 
said a ton of times that they are filling potholes, but it 
turns out that they aren't filling anything," Herrera said of the government's 
"Fiesta of Asphalt" program.Maduro has generally avoided references to public 
works on the campaign trail, although on a stop this week in 
Apure state, he did apologize for a delayed highway extension, maternity 
hospital and bridge, promising to finish them.Beneath one section of the 
unfinished elevated railway in Maracay, a handful of men sat idly on 
a bulldozer and two dump trucks under a punishing sun on a 
recent day. Then they pushed some dirt around and moved debris beneath 
the rails' shadow.But there was evidence of something else that has created 
discontent and has made nearby resident Santiago Alvarez, a father of five, 
lose patience with the government.He warned a visitor about the danger from 
drug dealers and crooked cops, pointing to a spot beneath the railway 
about a block away."They killed a guy there 
. And what is she going to do, get a real job? 
Its hard to go from being on TV to being a manager 
at Best Buy.Getting down and dirty for the cameras isnt Abrahams only 
attempt to stay relevant since her MTV series wrapped in August of 
last year. Immediately after the shows conclusion, she released a song and 
a music video featuring her young daughter, Sophia, wrote a book entitled 
My Teenage Dream Ended, marketed her own pasta sauce, and completed some 
sexy bikini modeling shoots.But it seems Abraham isnt quite ready to admit 
she made her video for the cash and attention. Instead she is 
claiming that she is a great woman, mother and entrepreneur and that 
she simply wanted her own personal video made and photos taken for 
her own personal viewing pleasure when she is older, so that she 
will have her best year to look back on.Society has taught this 
young woman and many others that shock and awe gets attention and 
that being a sex on our object is highly valued by our 
culture. We reward immature and trashy behavior and glaze over and ignore 
those who are making a positive difference in our world, concluded media 
activist and director of the Cover Girl Culture documentary, Nicole Clark. 
It is a sad reflection that many girls have learned from our 
society, over which Hollywood has a huge influence, that they need to 
be remembered as sex objects in order to feel worthy and successful."Teen 
Mom" star Farrah Abraham shows off her beach body w
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