[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #4225: Duplicate contacts in Outlook
vtiger development
vtiger-tickets at trac.vtiger.com
Fri May 15 10:22:38 EDT 2009
#4225: Duplicate contacts in Outlook
Reporter: bharath | Owner: puneeth
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 5.1.0
Component: outlookplugin | Version: 5.0.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Comment (by puneeth):
This does not exist with Outlook Plugin 5.0.4. The above case occurs with
5.0.4 only on uninstalling the plugin & re-installing it. This happens
because the XML file containing the data is deleted while uninstalling the
plugin hence there is no check made during the sync operation on re-
installing the plugin.
Tested by Dj.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/4225#comment:3>
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