[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r11051 - in /vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3: include/js/en_us.lang.js modules/CustomView/CustomView.js

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Sat May 26 03:41:35 EDT 2007

Author: jerrydgeorge
Date: Sat May 26 01:41:23 2007
New Revision: 11051

Issue in Customview criteria set to equal when none is selected has been fixed


Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/include/js/en_us.lang.js
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/include/js/en_us.lang.js (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/include/js/en_us.lang.js Sat May 26 01:41:23 2007
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
-** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ********************************************************************************/
-	var alert_arr = {       DELETE:'Are you sure you want to delete the selected ',
-                                RECORDS:' records?',
-                                SELECT:'Please select at least one entity',
-                                DELETE_ACCOUNT:'Deleting this account(s) will remove its related Potentials & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete the selected ',
-                                DELETE_VENDOR:'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected ',
-                                SELECT_MAILID:'Please Select a mailid',
-                                OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ACCOUNT1:'Overwrite the existing address with this selected account(',
-                                OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ACCOUNT2:') address details?',
-                                MISSING_FIELDS:'Missing required fields:',
-                                NOT_ALLOWED_TO_EDIT:'you are not allowed to edit this field',
-                                COLUMNS_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Selected Columns cannot be empty',
-                                CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:' cannot be empty',
-                                CANNOT_BE_NONE:' cannot be none',
-                                ENTER_VALID:'Please enter a valid ',
-                                SHOULDBE_LESS:' should be less than ',
-                                SHOULDBE_LESS_EQUAL:' should be less than or equal to ',
-                                SHOULDBE_EQUAL:' should be equal to ',
-                                SHOULDBE_GREATER:' should be greater than ',
-                                SHOULDBE_GREATER_EQUAL:' should be greater than or equal to ',
-                                INVALID:'Invalid ',
-                                EXCEEDS_MAX:' exceeds the maximum limit ',
-                                OUT_OF_RANGE:' is out of range',
-                                SHOULDNOTBE_EQUAL:' should not be equal to ',
-                                PORTAL_PROVIDE_EMAILID:'Portal user should provide email Id for portal login',
-                                ADD_CONFIRMATION:'Are you sure you want to add the selected ',
-                                ACCOUNTNAME_CANNOT_EMPTY:'AccountName Cannot be Empty',
-                                CANT_SELECT_CONTACTS:"You can\'t select related contacts from Lead",
-                                LBL_THIS:'This ',
-                                DOESNOT_HAVE_MAILIDS:" doesn\'t have any mail ids",
-                                ARE_YOU_SURE:'Are you sure?',
-                                DOESNOT_HAVE_AN_MAILID:'" '+"doesn\'t have an Email Id",
-                                MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS:'Missing required fields: ',
-                                READONLY:"it\'s readonly",
-				SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_USER:'Please select at least one user',
-                                DISABLE_SHARING_CONFIRMATION:'Are you sure you want to disable sharing for selected ',
-                                USERS:' user(s) ?',
-                                ENDTIME_GREATER_THAN_STARTTIME:'End Time should be greater than Start Time ',
-                                FOLLOWUPTIME_GREATER_THAN_STARTTIME:'Followup Time should be greater than End Time ',
-                                MISSING_EVENT_NAME:'Missing Event Name',
-                                EVENT_TYPE_NOT_SELECTED:'Event Type is not selected',
-                                OPPORTUNITYNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Opportunity Name field cannot be empty',
-                                CLOSEDATE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Close Date field cannot be empty',
-                                SITEURL_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Site Url cannot be empty',
-                                SITENAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Site Name cannot be empty',
-                                LISTPRICE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'List Price cannot be empty',
-                                INVALID_LIST_PRICE:'Invalid List Price',
-                                PROBLEM_ACCESSSING_URL:'Problem accessing url: ',
-                                CODE:' Code: ',
-                                WISH_TO_QUALIFY_MAIL_AS_CONTACT:'Are you sure you wish to Qualify this Mail as Contact?',
-                                SELECT_ATLEAST_ONEMSG_TO_DEL:'Please select at least one message to delete',
-                                ERROR:'Error',
-                                FIELD_TYPE_NOT_SELECTED:'Field Type is not selected',
-                                SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_NOT_ALLOWED:'Special characters are not allowed in Label field',
-                                PICKLIST_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Picklist value cannot be empty',
-                                DUPLICATE_VALUES_FOUND:'Duplicate Values found',
-                                DUPLICATE_MAPPING_ACCOUNTS:'Duplicate mapping for accounts!!',
-                                DUPLICATE_MAPPING_CONTACTS:'Duplicate mapping for Contacts!!',
-                                DUPLICATE_MAPPING_POTENTIAL:'Duplicate mapping for Potential!!',
-                                ERROR_WHILE_EDITING:'Error while Editing',
-                                CURRENCY_CHANGE_INFO:'Currency Changes has been made Successfully',
-                                CURRENCY_CONVERSION_INFO:'Are you using Dollar $ as Currency? \n Click OK to remain as $, Cancel to change the currency conversion rate.',
-                                THE_EMAILID: "The email id \'",
-                                EMAIL_FIELD_INVALID:"\' in the email field is invalid",
-                                MISSING_REPORT_NAME:'Missing Report Name',
-                                REPORT_NAME_EXISTS:'Report name already exists, try again...',
-                                WANT_TO_CHANGE_CONTACT_ADDR:'Do you want to change the addresses of the Contacts related to this Account?',
-                                SURE_TO_DELETE:'Are you sure you want to delete ?',
-				NO_PRODUCT_SELECTED:'No product is selected. Select at least one Product',
-                                VALID_FINAL_PERCENT:'Enter valid Final Discount Percentage',
-                                VALID_FINAL_AMOUNT:'Enter valid Final Discount Amount',
-                                VALID_SHIPPING_CHARGE:'Enter a valid Shipping & Handling charge',
-                                VALID_ADJUSTMENT:'Enter a valid Adjustment',
-                                WANT_TO_CONTINUE:'Do you want to Continue?',
-                                ENTER_VALID_TAX:'Please enter Valid TAX value',
-                                VALID_TAX_NAME:'Enter valid Tax Name',
-                                CORRECT_TAX_VALUE:'Enter Correct Tax Value',
-                                ENTER_POSITIVE_VALUE:'Please enter positive value',
-                                LABEL_SHOULDNOT_EMPTY:'The tax label name should not be empty',
-                                NOT_VALID_ENTRY:'is not a valid entry. Please enter correct value',
-                                VALID_DISCOUNT_PERCENT:'Enter a valid Discount percentage',
-                                VALID_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT:'Enter a valid Discount Amount',
-                                SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_MERGE:'Please select a template to merge',
-				SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE:'You have selected the following product(s) more than once.',
-				YES:'yes',
-                                NO:'no',
-                                MAIL:'mail',
-				EQUALS:'equals',
-				NOT_EQUALS_TO:'not equal to',
-				STARTS_WITH:'starts with',
-				CONTAINS:'contains',	
-				DOES_NOT_CONTAINS:'does not contains',
-				LESS_THAN:'less than',
-				GREATER_THAN:'greater than',
-				LESS_OR_EQUALS:'less or equal',
-				GREATER_OR_EQUALS:'greater or equal',
-				NO_SPECIAL_CHARS:'Special Characters are not allowed in Invoice String',
-				SHARED_EVENT_DEL_MSG:'The User does not have permission to Delete this record.',
-				PLS_SELECT_VALID_FILE:'Please select a file with the following extension:\n',
-                                NO_SPECIAL:'Special Characters are not allowed',
-				IN_PROFILENAME:' in Profile Name',
-				IN_GROUPNAME:' in Group Name',
-				IN_ROLENAME:' in Role Name',
-                                VALID_TAX_PERCENT:'Enter a valid Tax percentage',
-                                VALID_SH_TAX:'Enter valid Taxes for shipping and handling ',
-				ROLE_DRAG_ERR_MSG:'You cannot move a Parent Node under a Child Node',
-				LBL_DEL:'del',
-				VALID_DATA :' Enter Valid Data ,Please try again... ',
-                                STDFILTER : 'Standard Filters',
-                                STARTDATE : 'Start Date',
-                                ENDDATE : 'End Date',
-                                START_DATE_TIME : 'Start Date & Time',
-                                START_TIME : 'Start Time',
-                                DATE_SHOULDNOT_PAST :'Current date & time for Activities with status as Planned',
-                                TIME_SHOULDNOT_PAST :'Current Time for Activities with status as Planned',
-				LBL_AND : 'And',
-				LBL_ENTER_VALID_PORT: 'Please enter valid port number',
-				IN_USERNAME :' in Username ',
-				LBL_ENTER_VALID_NO: 'Please enter valid number',
-				LBL_PROVIDE_YES_NO: ' Invalid value.\n Please Provide Yes or No'
-                       };
+** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+ * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+ * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************/
+	var alert_arr = {       DELETE:'Are you sure you want to delete the selected ',
+                                RECORDS:' records?',
+                                SELECT:'Please select at least one entity',
+                                DELETE_ACCOUNT:'Deleting this account(s) will remove its related Potentials & Quotes. Are you sure you want to delete the selected ',
+                                DELETE_VENDOR:'Deleting this vendor(s) will remove its related Purchase Orders. Are you sure you want to delete the selected ',
+                                SELECT_MAILID:'Please Select a mailid',
+                                OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ACCOUNT1:'Overwrite the existing address with this selected account(',
+                                OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ACCOUNT2:') address details?',
+                                MISSING_FIELDS:'Missing required fields:',
+                                NOT_ALLOWED_TO_EDIT:'you are not allowed to edit this field',
+                                COLUMNS_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Selected Columns cannot be empty',
+                                CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:' cannot be empty',
+                                CANNOT_BE_NONE:' cannot be none',
+                                ENTER_VALID:'Please enter a valid ',
+                                SHOULDBE_LESS:' should be less than ',
+                                SHOULDBE_LESS_EQUAL:' should be less than or equal to ',
+                                SHOULDBE_EQUAL:' should be equal to ',
+                                SHOULDBE_GREATER:' should be greater than ',
+                                SHOULDBE_GREATER_EQUAL:' should be greater than or equal to ',
+                                INVALID:'Invalid ',
+                                EXCEEDS_MAX:' exceeds the maximum limit ',
+                                OUT_OF_RANGE:' is out of range',
+                                SHOULDNOTBE_EQUAL:' should not be equal to ',
+                                PORTAL_PROVIDE_EMAILID:'Portal user should provide email Id for portal login',
+                                ADD_CONFIRMATION:'Are you sure you want to add the selected ',
+                                ACCOUNTNAME_CANNOT_EMPTY:'AccountName Cannot be Empty',
+                                CANT_SELECT_CONTACTS:"You can\'t select related contacts from Lead",
+                                LBL_THIS:'This ',
+                                DOESNOT_HAVE_MAILIDS:" doesn\'t have any mail ids",
+                                ARE_YOU_SURE:'Are you sure?',
+                                DOESNOT_HAVE_AN_MAILID:'" '+"doesn\'t have an Email Id",
+                                MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS:'Missing required fields: ',
+                                READONLY:"it\'s readonly",
+				SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_USER:'Please select at least one user',
+                                DISABLE_SHARING_CONFIRMATION:'Are you sure you want to disable sharing for selected ',
+                                USERS:' user(s) ?',
+                                ENDTIME_GREATER_THAN_STARTTIME:'End Time should be greater than Start Time ',
+                                FOLLOWUPTIME_GREATER_THAN_STARTTIME:'Followup Time should be greater than End Time ',
+                                MISSING_EVENT_NAME:'Missing Event Name',
+                                EVENT_TYPE_NOT_SELECTED:'Event Type is not selected',
+                                OPPORTUNITYNAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Opportunity Name field cannot be empty',
+                                CLOSEDATE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Close Date field cannot be empty',
+                                SITEURL_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Site Url cannot be empty',
+                                SITENAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Site Name cannot be empty',
+                                LISTPRICE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'List Price cannot be empty',
+                                INVALID_LIST_PRICE:'Invalid List Price',
+                                PROBLEM_ACCESSSING_URL:'Problem accessing url: ',
+                                CODE:' Code: ',
+                                WISH_TO_QUALIFY_MAIL_AS_CONTACT:'Are you sure you wish to Qualify this Mail as Contact?',
+                                SELECT_ATLEAST_ONEMSG_TO_DEL:'Please select at least one message to delete',
+                                ERROR:'Error',
+                                FIELD_TYPE_NOT_SELECTED:'Field Type is not selected',
+                                SPECIAL_CHARACTERS_NOT_ALLOWED:'Special characters are not allowed in Label field',
+                                PICKLIST_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY:'Picklist value cannot be empty',
+                                DUPLICATE_VALUES_FOUND:'Duplicate Values found',
+                                DUPLICATE_MAPPING_ACCOUNTS:'Duplicate mapping for accounts!!',
+                                DUPLICATE_MAPPING_CONTACTS:'Duplicate mapping for Contacts!!',
+                                DUPLICATE_MAPPING_POTENTIAL:'Duplicate mapping for Potential!!',
+                                ERROR_WHILE_EDITING:'Error while Editing',
+                                CURRENCY_CHANGE_INFO:'Currency Changes has been made Successfully',
+                                CURRENCY_CONVERSION_INFO:'Are you using Dollar $ as Currency? \n Click OK to remain as $, Cancel to change the currency conversion rate.',
+                                THE_EMAILID: "The email id \'",
+                                EMAIL_FIELD_INVALID:"\' in the email field is invalid",
+                                MISSING_REPORT_NAME:'Missing Report Name',
+                                REPORT_NAME_EXISTS:'Report name already exists, try again...',
+                                WANT_TO_CHANGE_CONTACT_ADDR:'Do you want to change the addresses of the Contacts related to this Account?',
+                                SURE_TO_DELETE:'Are you sure you want to delete ?',
+				NO_PRODUCT_SELECTED:'No product is selected. Select at least one Product',
+                                VALID_FINAL_PERCENT:'Enter valid Final Discount Percentage',
+                                VALID_FINAL_AMOUNT:'Enter valid Final Discount Amount',
+                                VALID_SHIPPING_CHARGE:'Enter a valid Shipping & Handling charge',
+                                VALID_ADJUSTMENT:'Enter a valid Adjustment',
+                                WANT_TO_CONTINUE:'Do you want to Continue?',
+                                ENTER_VALID_TAX:'Please enter Valid TAX value',
+                                VALID_TAX_NAME:'Enter valid Tax Name',
+                                CORRECT_TAX_VALUE:'Enter Correct Tax Value',
+                                ENTER_POSITIVE_VALUE:'Please enter positive value',
+                                LABEL_SHOULDNOT_EMPTY:'The tax label name should not be empty',
+                                NOT_VALID_ENTRY:'is not a valid entry. Please enter correct value',
+                                VALID_DISCOUNT_PERCENT:'Enter a valid Discount percentage',
+                                VALID_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT:'Enter a valid Discount Amount',
+                                SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_MERGE:'Please select a template to merge',
+				SELECTED_MORE_THAN_ONCE:'You have selected the following product(s) more than once.',
+				YES:'yes',
+                                NO:'no',
+                                MAIL:'mail',
+				EQUALS:'equals',
+				NOT_EQUALS_TO:'not equal to',
+				STARTS_WITH:'starts with',
+				CONTAINS:'contains',	
+				DOES_NOT_CONTAINS:'does not contains',
+				LESS_THAN:'less than',
+				GREATER_THAN:'greater than',
+				LESS_OR_EQUALS:'less or equal',
+				GREATER_OR_EQUALS:'greater or equal',
+				NO_SPECIAL_CHARS:'Special Characters are not allowed in Invoice String',
+				SHARED_EVENT_DEL_MSG:'The User does not have permission to Delete this record.',
+				PLS_SELECT_VALID_FILE:'Please select a file with the following extension:\n',
+                                NO_SPECIAL:'Special Characters are not allowed',
+				IN_PROFILENAME:' in Profile Name',
+				IN_GROUPNAME:' in Group Name',
+				IN_ROLENAME:' in Role Name',
+                                VALID_TAX_PERCENT:'Enter a valid Tax percentage',
+                                VALID_SH_TAX:'Enter valid Taxes for shipping and handling ',
+				ROLE_DRAG_ERR_MSG:'You cannot move a Parent Node under a Child Node',
+				LBL_DEL:'del',
+				VALID_DATA :' Enter Valid Data ,Please try again... ',
+                                STDFILTER : 'Standard Filters',
+                                STARTDATE : 'Start Date',
+                                ENDDATE : 'End Date',
+                                START_DATE_TIME : 'Start Date & Time',
+                                START_TIME : 'Start Time',
+                                DATE_SHOULDNOT_PAST :'Current date & time for Activities with status as Planned',
+                                TIME_SHOULDNOT_PAST :'Current Time for Activities with status as Planned',
+				LBL_AND : 'And',
+				LBL_ENTER_VALID_PORT: 'Please enter valid port number',
+				IN_USERNAME :' in Username ',
+				LBL_ENTER_VALID_NO: 'Please enter valid number',
+				LBL_PROVIDE_YES_NO: ' Invalid value.\n Please Provide Yes or No',
+				LBL_SELECT_CRITERIA: ' Invalid criteria.\n Please select criteria'
+                       };

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/CustomView/CustomView.js
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/CustomView/CustomView.js (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/CustomView/CustomView.js Sat May 26 01:41:23 2007
@@ -137,7 +137,10 @@
 		if(option !="" && value !="")
 			if(getObj("fop"+i).selectedIndex == 0)
-				getObj("fop"+i).selectedIndex=1;
+			{
+				alert(alert_arr.LBL_SELECT_CRITERIA);
+				return false;
+			}
 			if(arr[4] == "N" || arr[4] == "I" || arr[4] == "NN")

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