[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r10060 - /vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/DisplayFields.tpl

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Sat Jan 13 08:33:57 EST 2007

Author: richie
Date: Sat Jan 13 06:33:53 2007
New Revision: 10060

truncating group name in combo box


Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/DisplayFields.tpl
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/DisplayFields.tpl (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/DisplayFields.tpl Sat Jan 13 06:33:53 2007
@@ -1,716 +1,716 @@
-** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ********************************************************************************/
-<!-- Added this file to display the fields in Create Entity page based on ui types  -->
-{foreach key=label item=subdata from=$data}
-	{if $header eq 'Product Details'}
-		<tr>
-	{else}
-		<tr style="height:25px">
-	{/if}
-	{foreach key=mainlabel item=maindata from=$subdata}
-		{assign var="uitype" value="$maindata[0][0]"}
-		{assign var="fldlabel" value="$maindata[1][0]"}
-		{assign var="fldlabel_sel" value="$maindata[1][1]"}
-		{assign var="fldlabel_combo" value="$maindata[1][2]"}
-		{assign var="fldname" value="$maindata[2][0]"}
-		{assign var="fldvalue" value="$maindata[3][0]"}
-		{assign var="secondvalue" value="$maindata[3][1]"}
-		{assign var="thirdvalue" value="$maindata[3][2]"}
-		{assign var="vt_tab" value="$maindata[4][0]"}
-		{if $uitype eq 2}
-			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 11 || $uitype eq 1 || $uitype eq 13 || $uitype eq 7 || $uitype eq 9}
-			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>{$fldlabel}</td>
-			{if $fldname eq 'tickersymbol' && $MODULE eq 'Accounts'}
-				<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-					<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" id ="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn';" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox';{if $fldname eq 'tickersymbol' && $MODULE eq 'Accounts'}sensex_info(){/if}">
-					<span id="vtbusy_info" style="display:none;">
-						<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}vtbusy.gif" border="0"></span>
-				</td>
-			{else}
-				<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo"><input type="text" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="{$fldname}" id ="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"></td>
-			{/if}
-		{elseif $uitype eq 19 || $uitype eq 20}
-			<!-- In Add Comment are we should not display anything -->
-			{if $fldlabel eq $MOD.LBL_ADD_COMMENT}
-				{assign var=fldvalue value=""}
-			{/if}
-			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{if $uitype eq 20}
-					<font color="red">*</font>
-				{/if}
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td colspan=3>
-				<textarea class="detailedViewTextBox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" name="{$fldname}"  onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" cols="90" rows="8">{$fldvalue}</textarea>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 21 || $uitype eq 24}
-			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{if $uitype eq 24}
-					<font color="red">*</font>
-				{/if}
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<textarea value="{$fldvalue}" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" rows=2>{$fldvalue}</textarea>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 15 || $uitype eq 16 || $uitype eq 111} <!-- uitype 111 added for noneditable existing picklist values - ahmed -->
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{if $uitype eq 16}
-					<font color="red">*</font>
-				{/if}
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-			   <select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-				{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-						<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>
-                                                {if $APP.$sel_value neq ''}
-                                                {$APP.$sel_value}
-                                                {else}
-                                                        {$sel_value}
-                                                {/if}
-                                                </option>
-					{/foreach}
-				{/foreach}
-			   </select>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 33}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-			   <select MULTIPLE name="{$fldname}[]" size="4" style="width:160px;" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-				{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-						<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{if $APP.$sel_value}{$APP.$sel_value}{else}{$sel_value}{/if}</option>
-					{/foreach}
-				{/foreach}
-			   </select>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 53}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				{assign var=check value=1}
-				{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-						{if $value ne ''}
-							{assign var=check value=$check*0}
-						{else}
-							{assign var=check value=$check*1}
-						{/if}
-					{/foreach}
-				{/foreach}
-				{if $check eq 0}
-					{assign var=select_user value='checked'}
-					{assign var=style_user value='display:block'}
-					{assign var=style_group value='display:none'}
-				{else}
-					{assign var=select_group value='checked'}
-					{assign var=style_user value='display:none'}
-					{assign var=style_group value='display:block'}
-				{/if}
-				<input type="radio" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="assigntype" {$select_user} value="U" onclick="toggleAssignType(this.value)" >&nbsp;{$APP.LBL_USER}
-				{if $secondvalue neq ''}
-					<input type="radio" name="assigntype" {$select_group} value="T" onclick="toggleAssignType(this.value)">&nbsp;{$APP.LBL_GROUP}
-				{/if}
-				<span id="assign_user" style="{$style_user}">
-					<select name="assigned_user_id" class="small">
-						{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-							{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-								<option value="{$key_one}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
-							{/foreach}
-						{/foreach}
-					</select>
-				</span>
-				{if $secondvalue neq ''}
-					<span id="assign_team" style="{$style_group}">
-						<select name="assigned_group_name" class="small">';
-							{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$secondvalue}
-								{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-									<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
-								{/foreach}
-							{/foreach}
-						</select>
-					</span>
-				{/if}
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 52 || $uitype eq 77}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				{if $uitype eq 52}
-					<select name="assigned_user_id" class="small">
-				{elseif $uitype eq 77}
-					<select name="assigned_user_id1" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-				{else}
-					<select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-				{/if}
-				{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-						<option value="{$key_one}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
-					{/foreach}
-				{/foreach}
-				</select>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 51}
-			{if $MODULE eq 'Accounts'}
-				{assign var='popuptype' value = 'specific_account_address'}
-			{else}
-				{assign var='popuptype' value = 'specific_contact_account_address'}
-			{/if}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input readonly name="account_name" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" type="text" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&action=Popup&popuptype={$popuptype}&form=TasksEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.account_id.value=''; this.form.account_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 50}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input readonly name="account_name" type="text" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&action=Popup&popuptype=specific&form=TasksEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 73}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input readonly name="account_name" id = "single_accountid" type="text" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&action=Popup&popuptype=specific_account_address&form=TasksEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 75 || $uitype eq 81}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{if $uitype eq 81}
-					<font color="red">*</font>
-					{assign var="pop_type" value="specific_vendor_address"}
-					{else}{assign var="pop_type" value="specific"}
-				{/if}
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="vendor_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Vendors&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&popuptype={$pop_type}&form=EditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-				{if $uitype eq 75}
-					&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.vendor_id.value='';this.form.vendor_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-				{/if}
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 57}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="contact_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectContact("false","general",document.EditView)' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.contact_id.value=''; this.form.contact_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 58}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="campaignname" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Campaigns&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&popuptype=specific_campaign&form=EditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.campaignid.value=''; this.form.campaignname.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 80}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="salesorder_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectSalesOrder();' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.salesorder_id.value=''; this.form.salesorder_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 78}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="quote_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectQuote()' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.quote_id.value=''; this.form.quote_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 76}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="potential_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectPotential()' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.potential_id.value=''; this.form.potential_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 17}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				&nbsp;&nbsp;http://
-			<input style="width:74%;" class = 'detailedViewTextBoxOn' type="text" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="{$fldname}" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="27" onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'"onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="{$fldvalue}">
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 85}
-                        <td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-                                {$fldlabel}
-                        </td>
-                        <td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-                                <img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}skype.gif" alt="Skype" title="Skype" LANGUAGE=javascript align="absmiddle"></img><input type="text" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="{$fldname}" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="27" onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'"onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" value="{$fldvalue}">
-                        </td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 71 || $uitype eq 72}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{if $uitype eq 72}
-					<font color="red">*</font>
-				{/if}
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="text" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="{$fldvalue}">
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 56}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			{if $fldname eq 'notime' && $ACTIVITY_MODE eq 'Events'}
-				{if $fldvalue eq 1}
-					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-						<input name="{$fldname}" type="checkbox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" onclick="toggleTime()" checked>
-					</td>
-				{else}
-					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-						<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox" onclick="toggleTime()" >
-					</td>
-				{/if}
-			{else}
-				{if $fldvalue eq 1}
-					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-						<input name="{$fldname}" type="checkbox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" checked>
-					</td>
-				{else}
-					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-						<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox">
-					</td>
-				{/if}
-			{/if}
-		{elseif $uitype eq 23 || $uitype eq 5 || $uitype eq 6}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				{foreach key=date_value item=time_value from=$fldvalue}
-					{assign var=date_val value="$date_value"}
-					{assign var=time_val value="$time_value"}
-				{/foreach}
-				<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" id="jscal_field_{$fldname}" type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="11" maxlength="10" value="{$date_val}">
-				<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}calendar.gif" id="jscal_trigger_{$fldname}">
-				{if $uitype eq 6}
-					<input name="time_start" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="5" maxlength="5" type="text" value="{$time_val}">
-				{/if}
-				{foreach key=date_format item=date_str from=$secondvalue}
-					{assign var=dateFormat value="$date_format"}
-					{assign var=dateStr value="$date_str"}
-				{/foreach}
-				{if $uitype eq 5 || $uitype eq 23}
-					<br><font size=1><em old="(yyyy-mm-dd)">({$dateStr})</em></font>
-				{else}
-					<br><font size=1><em old="(yyyy-mm-dd)">({$dateStr})</em></font>
-				{/if}
-				<script type="text/javascript">
-					Calendar.setup ({ldelim}
-						inputField : "jscal_field_{$fldname}", ifFormat : "{$dateFormat}", showsTime : false, button : "jscal_trigger_{$fldname}", singleClick : true, step : 1
-					{rdelim})
-				</script>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 63}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="{$fldname}" type="text" size="2" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" >&nbsp;
-				<select name="duration_minutes" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-					{foreach key=labelval item=selectval from=$secondvalue}
-						<option value="{$labelval}" {$selectval}>{$labelval}</option>
-					{/foreach}
-				</select>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 68 || $uitype eq 66 || $uitype eq 62}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				<select class="small" name="parent_type" onChange='document.EditView.parent_name.value=""; document.EditView.parent_id.value=""'>
-					{section name=combo loop=$fldlabel}
-						<option value="{$fldlabel_combo[combo]}" {$fldlabel_sel[combo]}>{$fldlabel[combo]}</option>
-					{/section}
-				</select>
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">
-				<input name="parent_name" readonly id = "parentid" type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}">
-				&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module="+ document.EditView.parent_type.value +"&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&form=HelpDeskEditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,top=150,left=200");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.parent_id.value=''; this.form.parent_name.value=''; return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 357}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>To:&nbsp;</td>
-			<td width="90%" colspan="3">
-				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">
-				<textarea readonly name="parent_name" cols="70" rows="2">{$fldvalue}</textarea>&nbsp;
-				<select name="parent_type" class="small">
-					{foreach key=labelval item=selectval from=$fldlabel}
-						<option value="{$labelval}" {$selectval}>{$labelval}</option>
-					{/foreach}
-				</select>
-				&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module="+ document.EditView.parent_type.value +"&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&form=HelpDeskEditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,top=150,left=200");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.parent_id.value=''; this.form.parent_name.value=''; return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		   <tr style="height:25px">
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>CC:&nbsp;</td>	
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="ccmail" type="text" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="">
-			</td>
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>BCC:&nbsp;</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="bccmail" type="text" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="">
-			</td>
-		   </tr>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 59}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">
-				<input name="product_name" readonly type="text" value="{$fldvalue}">&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Products&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&form=HelpDeskEditView&popuptype=specific","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,top=150,left=200");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.product_id.value=''; this.form.product_name.value=''; return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 55} 
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>{$fldlabel}</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<select name="salutationtype" class="small">
-					{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-						{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-							<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
-						{/foreach}
-					{/foreach}
-				</select>
-			<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" style="width:58%;" value= "{$secondvalue}" >
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 22}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<textarea name="{$fldname}" cols="30" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" rows="2">{$fldvalue}</textarea>
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 69}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td colspan="3" width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				{if $MODULE eq 'Products'}
-					<input name="del_file_list" type="hidden" value="">
-					<div id="files_list" style="border: 1px solid grey; width: 500px; padding: 5px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; font-size: x-small">Files Maximum 6
-						<input id="my_file_element" type="file" name="file_1" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" >
-						{assign var=image_count value=0}
-						{if $maindata[3].0.name neq ''}
-						   {foreach name=image_loop key=num item=image_details from=$maindata[3]}
-							<div align="center">
-								<img src="{$image_details.path}{$image_details.name}" height="50">&nbsp;&nbsp;[{$image_details.name}]<input id="file_{$num}" value="Delete" type="button" class="crmbutton small delete" onclick='this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode);delRowEmt("{$image_details.name}")'>
-							</div>
-					   	   {assign var=image_count value=$smarty.foreach.image_loop.iteration}
-					   	   {/foreach}
-						{/if}
-					</div>
-					<script>
-						{*<!-- Create an instance of the multiSelector class, pass it the output target and the max number of files -->*}
-						var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( document.getElementById( 'files_list' ), 6 );
-						multi_selector.count = {$image_count}
-						{*<!-- Pass in the file element -->*}
-						multi_selector.addElement( document.getElementById( 'my_file_element' ) );
-					</script>
-				{else}
-					<input name="{$fldname}"  type="file" value="{$maindata[3].0.name}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" />
-					<input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/>
-					{ if $maindata[3].0.name != "" }
-				<div id="replaceimage">[{$maindata[3].0.name}] <a href="javascript:;" onClick="delimage({$ID})">Del</a></div>
-					{/if}
-				{/if}
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 61}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td colspan="3" width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input name="{$fldname}"  type="file" value="{$secondvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" />
-				<input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/>{$fldvalue}
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 156}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-				{if $fldvalue eq 'on'}
-					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-						{if ($secondvalue eq 1 && $CURRENT_USERID != $smarty.request.record) || ($MODE == 'create')}
-							<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox" checked>
-						{else}
-							<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="on">
-							<input name="{$fldname}" disabled tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox" checked>
-						{/if}	
-					</td>
-				{else}
-					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-						{if ($secondvalue eq 1 && $CURRENT_USERID != $smarty.request.record) || ($MODE == 'create')}
-							<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox">
-						{else}
-							<input name="{$fldname}" disabled tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox">
-						{/if}	
-					</td>
-				{/if}
-		{elseif $uitype eq 98}<!-- Role Selection Popup -->		
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-			<font color="red">*</font>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-			{if $thirdvalue eq 1}
-				<input name="role_name" id="role_name" readonly class="txtBox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="{$secondvalue}" type="text">&nbsp;
-				<a href="javascript:openPopup();"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>
-			{else}	
-				<input name="role_name" id="role_name" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="txtBox" readonly value="{$secondvalue}" type="text">&nbsp;
-			{/if}	
-			<input name="user_role" id="user_role" value="{$fldvalue}" type="hidden">
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 104}<!-- Mandatory Email Fields -->			
-			 <td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-			 <font color="red">*</font>
-			 {$fldlabel}
-			 </td>
-    	     <td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo"><input type="text" name="{$fldname}" id ="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"></td>
-			{elseif $uitype eq 115}<!-- for Status field Disabled for nonadmin -->
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-			   {if $secondvalue eq 1}
-			   	<select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-			   {else}
-			   	<select disabled name="{$fldname}" class="small">
-			   {/if} 
-				{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
-					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-						<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
-						<!-- code added to pass Status field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
-						{if $value eq 'selected' && $secondvalue neq 1}
-							{assign var="user_stat" value="$sel_value"}
-						{/if}
-						<!--code ends -->
-					{/foreach}
-				{/foreach}
-			   </select>
-			<!-- code added to pass Status field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
-			{if $user_stat neq ''}
-				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$user_stat}">
-			{/if}
-			<!--code ends -->
-			</td>
-			{elseif $uitype eq 105}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-					<input name="{$fldname}"  type="file" value="{$maindata[3].0.name}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" />
-					<input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/>
-					{$maindata[3].0.name}
-			</td>
-			{elseif $uitype eq 103}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" colspan="3" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
-			</td>	
-			{elseif $uitype eq 101}<!-- for reportsto field USERS POPUP -->
-				<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-			       {$fldlabel}
-	            </td>
-				<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				<input readonly name='reports_to_name' class="small" type="text" value='{$fldvalue}' tabindex="{$vt_tab}" ><input name='reports_to_id' type="hidden" value='{$secondvalue}'>&nbsp;<input title="Change [Alt+C]" accessKey="C" type="button" class="small" value='{$UMOD.LBL_CHANGE}' name=btn1 LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Users&action=Popup&form=UsersEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=522,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");'>
-	            </td>
-			{elseif $uitype eq 116}<!-- for currency in users details-->	
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-			   {if $secondvalue eq 1}
-			   	<select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-			   {else}
-			   	<select disabled name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
-			   {/if} 
-				{foreach item=arr key=uivalueid from=$fldvalue}
-					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
-						<option value="{$uivalueid}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
-						<!-- code added to pass Currency field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
-						{if $value eq 'selected' && $secondvalue neq 1}
-							{assign var="curr_stat" value="$uivalueid"}
-						{/if}
-						<!--code ends -->
-					{/foreach}
-				{/foreach}
-			   </select>
-			<!-- code added to pass Currency field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
-			{if $curr_stat neq ''}
-				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$curr_stat}">
-			{/if}
-			<!--code ends -->
-			</td>
-			{elseif $uitype eq 106}
-			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				{if $MODE eq 'edit'}
-				<input type="text" readonly name="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
-				{else}
-				<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
-				{/if}
-			</td>
-			{elseif $uitype eq 99}
-				{if $MODE eq 'create'}
-				<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-					<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
-				</td>
-				<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-					<input type="password" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="{$fldvalue}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
-				</td>
-				{/if}
-		{elseif $uitype eq 30}
-			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
-				{$fldlabel}
-			</td>
-			<td colspan="3" width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
-				{assign var=check value=$secondvalue[0]}
-				{assign var=yes_val value=$secondvalue[1]}
-				{assign var=no_val value=$secondvalue[2]}
-				<input type="radio" name="set_reminder" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="Yes" {$check}>&nbsp;{$yes_val}&nbsp;
-				<input type="radio" name="set_reminder" value="No">&nbsp;{$no_val}&nbsp;
-				{foreach item=val_arr from=$fldvalue}
-					{assign var=start value="$val_arr[0]"}
-					{assign var=end value="$val_arr[1]"}
-					{assign var=sendname value="$val_arr[2]"}
-					{assign var=disp_text value="$val_arr[3]"}
-					{assign var=sel_val value="$val_arr[4]"}
-					<select name="{$sendname}" class="small">
-						{section name=reminder start=$start max=$end loop=$end step=1 }
-							{if $smarty.section.reminder.index eq $sel_val}
-								{assign var=sel_value value="SELECTED"}
-							{else}
-								{assign var=sel_value value=""}
-							{/if}
-							<OPTION VALUE="{$smarty.section.reminder.index}" "{$sel_value}">{$smarty.section.reminder.index}</OPTION>
-						{/section}
-					</select>
-					&nbsp;{$disp_text}
-				{/foreach}
-			</td>
-		{elseif $uitype eq 83} <!-- Handle the Tax in Inventory -->
-			{foreach item=tax key=count from=$TAX_DETAILS}
-				{if $tax.check_value eq 1}
-					{assign var=check_value value="checked"}
-					{assign var=show_value value="visible"}
-				{else}
-					{assign var=check_value value=""}
-					{assign var=show_value value="hidden"}
-				{/if}
-				<td align="right" class="dvtCellLabel" style="border:0px solid red;">
-					{$tax.taxlabel} {$APP.COVERED_PERCENTAGE}
-					<input type="checkbox" name="{$tax.check_name}" id="{$tax.check_name}" class="small" onclick="fnshowHide(this,'{$tax.taxname}')" {$check_value}>
-				</td>
-				<td class="dvtCellInfo" align="left" style="border:0px solid red;">
-					<input type="text" class="detailedViewTextBox" name="{$tax.taxname}" id="{$tax.taxname}" value="{$tax.percentage}" style="visibility:{$show_value};" onBlur="fntaxValidation('{$tax.taxname}')">
-				</td>
-			   </tr>
-			{/foreach}
-			<td colspan="2" class="dvtCellInfo">&nbsp;</td>
-		{/if}
-	{/foreach}
-   </tr>
-<script language="javascript">
-	function fnshowHide(currObj,txtObj)
-	{ldelim}
-			if(currObj.checked == true)
-				document.getElementById(txtObj).style.visibility = 'visible';
-			else
-				document.getElementById(txtObj).style.visibility = 'hidden';
-	{rdelim}
-	function fntaxValidation(txtObj)
-	{ldelim}
-			temp= /^\d+\.\d+$/.test(document.getElementById(txtObj).value);
-			if(temp == false)
-				alert("Please enter Valid TAX value");
-	{rdelim}	
-function delimage(id)
-	new Ajax.Request(
-		'index.php',
-		{ldelim}queue: {ldelim}position: 'end', scope: 'command'{rdelim},
-			method: 'post',
-			postBody: 'module=Contacts&action=ContactsAjax&file=DelImage&recordid='+id,
-			onComplete: function(response)
-				    {ldelim}
-					if(response.responseText.indexOf("SUCESS")>-1)
-						$("replaceimage").innerHTML='{$APP.LBL_IMAGE_DELETED}';
-					else
-						alert("Error while Deleting")
-				    {rdelim}
-		{rdelim}
-	);
+** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+ * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+ * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************/
+<!-- Added this file to display the fields in Create Entity page based on ui types  -->
+{foreach key=label item=subdata from=$data}
+	{if $header eq 'Product Details'}
+		<tr>
+	{else}
+		<tr style="height:25px">
+	{/if}
+	{foreach key=mainlabel item=maindata from=$subdata}
+		{assign var="uitype" value="$maindata[0][0]"}
+		{assign var="fldlabel" value="$maindata[1][0]"}
+		{assign var="fldlabel_sel" value="$maindata[1][1]"}
+		{assign var="fldlabel_combo" value="$maindata[1][2]"}
+		{assign var="fldname" value="$maindata[2][0]"}
+		{assign var="fldvalue" value="$maindata[3][0]"}
+		{assign var="secondvalue" value="$maindata[3][1]"}
+		{assign var="thirdvalue" value="$maindata[3][2]"}
+		{assign var="vt_tab" value="$maindata[4][0]"}
+		{if $uitype eq 2}
+			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 11 || $uitype eq 1 || $uitype eq 13 || $uitype eq 7 || $uitype eq 9}
+			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>{$fldlabel}</td>
+			{if $fldname eq 'tickersymbol' && $MODULE eq 'Accounts'}
+				<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+					<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" id ="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn';" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox';{if $fldname eq 'tickersymbol' && $MODULE eq 'Accounts'}sensex_info(){/if}">
+					<span id="vtbusy_info" style="display:none;">
+						<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}vtbusy.gif" border="0"></span>
+				</td>
+			{else}
+				<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo"><input type="text" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="{$fldname}" id ="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"></td>
+			{/if}
+		{elseif $uitype eq 19 || $uitype eq 20}
+			<!-- In Add Comment are we should not display anything -->
+			{if $fldlabel eq $MOD.LBL_ADD_COMMENT}
+				{assign var=fldvalue value=""}
+			{/if}
+			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{if $uitype eq 20}
+					<font color="red">*</font>
+				{/if}
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td colspan=3>
+				<textarea class="detailedViewTextBox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" name="{$fldname}"  onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" cols="90" rows="8">{$fldvalue}</textarea>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 21 || $uitype eq 24}
+			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{if $uitype eq 24}
+					<font color="red">*</font>
+				{/if}
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<textarea value="{$fldvalue}" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" rows=2>{$fldvalue}</textarea>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 15 || $uitype eq 16 || $uitype eq 111} <!-- uitype 111 added for noneditable existing picklist values - ahmed -->
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{if $uitype eq 16}
+					<font color="red">*</font>
+				{/if}
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+			   <select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+				{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+						<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>
+                                                {if $APP.$sel_value neq ''}
+                                                {$APP.$sel_value}
+                                                {else}
+                                                        {$sel_value}
+                                                {/if}
+                                                </option>
+					{/foreach}
+				{/foreach}
+			   </select>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 33}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+			   <select MULTIPLE name="{$fldname}[]" size="4" style="width:160px;" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+				{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+						<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{if $APP.$sel_value}{$APP.$sel_value}{else}{$sel_value}{/if}</option>
+					{/foreach}
+				{/foreach}
+			   </select>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 53}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				{assign var=check value=1}
+				{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+						{if $value ne ''}
+							{assign var=check value=$check*0}
+						{else}
+							{assign var=check value=$check*1}
+						{/if}
+					{/foreach}
+				{/foreach}
+				{if $check eq 0}
+					{assign var=select_user value='checked'}
+					{assign var=style_user value='display:block'}
+					{assign var=style_group value='display:none'}
+				{else}
+					{assign var=select_group value='checked'}
+					{assign var=style_user value='display:none'}
+					{assign var=style_group value='display:block'}
+				{/if}
+				<input type="radio" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="assigntype" {$select_user} value="U" onclick="toggleAssignType(this.value)" >&nbsp;{$APP.LBL_USER}
+				{if $secondvalue neq ''}
+					<input type="radio" name="assigntype" {$select_group} value="T" onclick="toggleAssignType(this.value)">&nbsp;{$APP.LBL_GROUP}
+				{/if}
+				<span id="assign_user" style="{$style_user}">
+					<select name="assigned_user_id" class="small">
+						{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+							{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+								<option value="{$key_one}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
+							{/foreach}
+						{/foreach}
+					</select>
+				</span>
+				{if $secondvalue neq ''}
+					<span id="assign_team" style="{$style_group}">
+						<select name="assigned_group_name" class="small">';
+							{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$secondvalue}
+								{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+									<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{$sel_value|truncate:20:'...'}</option>
+								{/foreach}
+							{/foreach}
+						</select>
+					</span>
+				{/if}
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 52 || $uitype eq 77}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				{if $uitype eq 52}
+					<select name="assigned_user_id" class="small">
+				{elseif $uitype eq 77}
+					<select name="assigned_user_id1" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+				{else}
+					<select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+				{/if}
+				{foreach key=key_one item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+						<option value="{$key_one}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
+					{/foreach}
+				{/foreach}
+				</select>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 51}
+			{if $MODULE eq 'Accounts'}
+				{assign var='popuptype' value = 'specific_account_address'}
+			{else}
+				{assign var='popuptype' value = 'specific_contact_account_address'}
+			{/if}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input readonly name="account_name" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" type="text" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&action=Popup&popuptype={$popuptype}&form=TasksEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.account_id.value=''; this.form.account_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 50}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input readonly name="account_name" type="text" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&action=Popup&popuptype=specific&form=TasksEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 73}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input readonly name="account_name" id = "single_accountid" type="text" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Accounts&action=Popup&popuptype=specific_account_address&form=TasksEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 75 || $uitype eq 81}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{if $uitype eq 81}
+					<font color="red">*</font>
+					{assign var="pop_type" value="specific_vendor_address"}
+					{else}{assign var="pop_type" value="specific"}
+				{/if}
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="vendor_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Vendors&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&popuptype={$pop_type}&form=EditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+				{if $uitype eq 75}
+					&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.vendor_id.value='';this.form.vendor_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+				{/if}
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 57}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="contact_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectContact("false","general",document.EditView)' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.contact_id.value=''; this.form.contact_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 58}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="campaignname" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Campaigns&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&popuptype=specific_campaign&form=EditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.campaignid.value=''; this.form.campaignname.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 80}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="salesorder_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectSalesOrder();' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.salesorder_id.value=''; this.form.salesorder_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 78}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="quote_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectQuote()' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.quote_id.value=''; this.form.quote_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 76}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="potential_name" readonly type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}"><input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='selectPotential()' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.potential_id.value=''; this.form.potential_name.value='';return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 17}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				&nbsp;&nbsp;http://
+			<input style="width:74%;" class = 'detailedViewTextBoxOn' type="text" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="{$fldname}" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="27" onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'"onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="{$fldvalue}">
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 85}
+                        <td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+                                {$fldlabel}
+                        </td>
+                        <td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+                                <img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}skype.gif" alt="Skype" title="Skype" LANGUAGE=javascript align="absmiddle"></img><input type="text" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" name="{$fldname}" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="27" onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'"onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" value="{$fldvalue}">
+                        </td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 71 || $uitype eq 72}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{if $uitype eq 72}
+					<font color="red">*</font>
+				{/if}
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="text" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="{$fldvalue}">
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 56}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			{if $fldname eq 'notime' && $ACTIVITY_MODE eq 'Events'}
+				{if $fldvalue eq 1}
+					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+						<input name="{$fldname}" type="checkbox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" onclick="toggleTime()" checked>
+					</td>
+				{else}
+					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+						<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox" onclick="toggleTime()" >
+					</td>
+				{/if}
+			{else}
+				{if $fldvalue eq 1}
+					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+						<input name="{$fldname}" type="checkbox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" checked>
+					</td>
+				{else}
+					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+						<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox">
+					</td>
+				{/if}
+			{/if}
+		{elseif $uitype eq 23 || $uitype eq 5 || $uitype eq 6}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				{foreach key=date_value item=time_value from=$fldvalue}
+					{assign var=date_val value="$date_value"}
+					{assign var=time_val value="$time_value"}
+				{/foreach}
+				<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" id="jscal_field_{$fldname}" type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="11" maxlength="10" value="{$date_val}">
+				<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}calendar.gif" id="jscal_trigger_{$fldname}">
+				{if $uitype eq 6}
+					<input name="time_start" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" size="5" maxlength="5" type="text" value="{$time_val}">
+				{/if}
+				{foreach key=date_format item=date_str from=$secondvalue}
+					{assign var=dateFormat value="$date_format"}
+					{assign var=dateStr value="$date_str"}
+				{/foreach}
+				{if $uitype eq 5 || $uitype eq 23}
+					<br><font size=1><em old="(yyyy-mm-dd)">({$dateStr})</em></font>
+				{else}
+					<br><font size=1><em old="(yyyy-mm-dd)">({$dateStr})</em></font>
+				{/if}
+				<script type="text/javascript">
+					Calendar.setup ({ldelim}
+						inputField : "jscal_field_{$fldname}", ifFormat : "{$dateFormat}", showsTime : false, button : "jscal_trigger_{$fldname}", singleClick : true, step : 1
+					{rdelim})
+				</script>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 63}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="{$fldname}" type="text" size="2" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" >&nbsp;
+				<select name="duration_minutes" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+					{foreach key=labelval item=selectval from=$secondvalue}
+						<option value="{$labelval}" {$selectval}>{$labelval}</option>
+					{/foreach}
+				</select>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 68 || $uitype eq 66 || $uitype eq 62}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				<select class="small" name="parent_type" onChange='document.EditView.parent_name.value=""; document.EditView.parent_id.value=""'>
+					{section name=combo loop=$fldlabel}
+						<option value="{$fldlabel_combo[combo]}" {$fldlabel_sel[combo]}>{$fldlabel[combo]}</option>
+					{/section}
+				</select>
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">
+				<input name="parent_name" readonly id = "parentid" type="text" style="border:1px solid #bababa;" value="{$fldvalue}">
+				&nbsp;<img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module="+ document.EditView.parent_type.value +"&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&form=HelpDeskEditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,top=150,left=200");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.parent_id.value=''; this.form.parent_name.value=''; return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 357}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>To:&nbsp;</td>
+			<td width="90%" colspan="3">
+				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">
+				<textarea readonly name="parent_name" cols="70" rows="2">{$fldvalue}</textarea>&nbsp;
+				<select name="parent_type" class="small">
+					{foreach key=labelval item=selectval from=$fldlabel}
+						<option value="{$labelval}" {$selectval}>{$labelval}</option>
+					{/foreach}
+				</select>
+				&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module="+ document.EditView.parent_type.value +"&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&form=HelpDeskEditView","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,top=150,left=200");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.parent_id.value=''; this.form.parent_name.value=''; return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		   <tr style="height:25px">
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>CC:&nbsp;</td>	
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="ccmail" type="text" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="">
+			</td>
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>BCC:&nbsp;</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="bccmail" type="text" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"  value="">
+			</td>
+		   </tr>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 59}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$secondvalue}">
+				<input name="product_name" readonly type="text" value="{$fldvalue}">&nbsp;<img tabindex="{$vt_tab}" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" alt="Select" title="Select" LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Products&action=Popup&html=Popup_picker&form=HelpDeskEditView&popuptype=specific","test","width=640,height=602,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,top=150,left=200");' align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>&nbsp;<input type="image" src="{$IMAGE_PATH}clear_field.gif" alt="Clear" title="Clear" LANGUAGE=javascript onClick="this.form.product_id.value=''; this.form.product_name.value=''; return false;" align="absmiddle" style='cursor:hand;cursor:pointer'>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 55} 
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>{$fldlabel}</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<select name="salutationtype" class="small">
+					{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+						{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+							<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
+						{/foreach}
+					{/foreach}
+				</select>
+			<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'" style="width:58%;" value= "{$secondvalue}" >
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 22}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<textarea name="{$fldname}" cols="30" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" rows="2">{$fldvalue}</textarea>
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 69}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td colspan="3" width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				{if $MODULE eq 'Products'}
+					<input name="del_file_list" type="hidden" value="">
+					<div id="files_list" style="border: 1px solid grey; width: 500px; padding: 5px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; font-size: x-small">Files Maximum 6
+						<input id="my_file_element" type="file" name="file_1" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" >
+						{assign var=image_count value=0}
+						{if $maindata[3].0.name neq ''}
+						   {foreach name=image_loop key=num item=image_details from=$maindata[3]}
+							<div align="center">
+								<img src="{$image_details.path}{$image_details.name}" height="50">&nbsp;&nbsp;[{$image_details.name}]<input id="file_{$num}" value="Delete" type="button" class="crmbutton small delete" onclick='this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode);delRowEmt("{$image_details.name}")'>
+							</div>
+					   	   {assign var=image_count value=$smarty.foreach.image_loop.iteration}
+					   	   {/foreach}
+						{/if}
+					</div>
+					<script>
+						{*<!-- Create an instance of the multiSelector class, pass it the output target and the max number of files -->*}
+						var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( document.getElementById( 'files_list' ), 6 );
+						multi_selector.count = {$image_count}
+						{*<!-- Pass in the file element -->*}
+						multi_selector.addElement( document.getElementById( 'my_file_element' ) );
+					</script>
+				{else}
+					<input name="{$fldname}"  type="file" value="{$maindata[3].0.name}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" />
+					<input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/>
+					{ if $maindata[3].0.name != "" }
+				<div id="replaceimage">[{$maindata[3].0.name}] <a href="javascript:;" onClick="delimage({$ID})">Del</a></div>
+					{/if}
+				{/if}
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 61}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td colspan="3" width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input name="{$fldname}"  type="file" value="{$secondvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" />
+				<input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/>{$fldvalue}
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 156}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+				{if $fldvalue eq 'on'}
+					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+						{if ($secondvalue eq 1 && $CURRENT_USERID != $smarty.request.record) || ($MODE == 'create')}
+							<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox" checked>
+						{else}
+							<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="on">
+							<input name="{$fldname}" disabled tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox" checked>
+						{/if}	
+					</td>
+				{else}
+					<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+						{if ($secondvalue eq 1 && $CURRENT_USERID != $smarty.request.record) || ($MODE == 'create')}
+							<input name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox">
+						{else}
+							<input name="{$fldname}" disabled tabindex="{$vt_tab}" type="checkbox">
+						{/if}	
+					</td>
+				{/if}
+		{elseif $uitype eq 98}<!-- Role Selection Popup -->		
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+			<font color="red">*</font>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+			{if $thirdvalue eq 1}
+				<input name="role_name" id="role_name" readonly class="txtBox" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="{$secondvalue}" type="text">&nbsp;
+				<a href="javascript:openPopup();"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}select.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0"></a>
+			{else}	
+				<input name="role_name" id="role_name" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="txtBox" readonly value="{$secondvalue}" type="text">&nbsp;
+			{/if}	
+			<input name="user_role" id="user_role" value="{$fldvalue}" type="hidden">
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 104}<!-- Mandatory Email Fields -->			
+			 <td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+			 <font color="red">*</font>
+			 {$fldlabel}
+			 </td>
+    	     <td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo"><input type="text" name="{$fldname}" id ="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'"></td>
+			{elseif $uitype eq 115}<!-- for Status field Disabled for nonadmin -->
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+			   {if $secondvalue eq 1}
+			   	<select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+			   {else}
+			   	<select disabled name="{$fldname}" class="small">
+			   {/if} 
+				{foreach item=arr from=$fldvalue}
+					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+						<option value="{$sel_value}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
+						<!-- code added to pass Status field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
+						{if $value eq 'selected' && $secondvalue neq 1}
+							{assign var="user_stat" value="$sel_value"}
+						{/if}
+						<!--code ends -->
+					{/foreach}
+				{/foreach}
+			   </select>
+			<!-- code added to pass Status field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
+			{if $user_stat neq ''}
+				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$user_stat}">
+			{/if}
+			<!--code ends -->
+			</td>
+			{elseif $uitype eq 105}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+					<input name="{$fldname}"  type="file" value="{$maindata[3].0.name}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" />
+					<input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/>
+					{$maindata[3].0.name}
+			</td>
+			{elseif $uitype eq 103}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" colspan="3" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
+			</td>	
+			{elseif $uitype eq 101}<!-- for reportsto field USERS POPUP -->
+				<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+			       {$fldlabel}
+	            </td>
+				<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				<input readonly name='reports_to_name' class="small" type="text" value='{$fldvalue}' tabindex="{$vt_tab}" ><input name='reports_to_id' type="hidden" value='{$secondvalue}'>&nbsp;<input title="Change [Alt+C]" accessKey="C" type="button" class="small" value='{$UMOD.LBL_CHANGE}' name=btn1 LANGUAGE=javascript onclick='return window.open("index.php?module=Users&action=Popup&form=UsersEditView&form_submit=false","test","width=640,height=522,resizable=0,scrollbars=0");'>
+	            </td>
+			{elseif $uitype eq 116}<!-- for currency in users details-->	
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+			   {if $secondvalue eq 1}
+			   	<select name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+			   {else}
+			   	<select disabled name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class="small">
+			   {/if} 
+				{foreach item=arr key=uivalueid from=$fldvalue}
+					{foreach key=sel_value item=value from=$arr}
+						<option value="{$uivalueid}" {$value}>{$sel_value}</option>
+						<!-- code added to pass Currency field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
+						{if $value eq 'selected' && $secondvalue neq 1}
+							{assign var="curr_stat" value="$uivalueid"}
+						{/if}
+						<!--code ends -->
+					{/foreach}
+				{/foreach}
+			   </select>
+			<!-- code added to pass Currency field value, if Disabled for nonadmin -->
+			{if $curr_stat neq ''}
+				<input name="{$fldname}" type="hidden" value="{$curr_stat}">
+			{/if}
+			<!--code ends -->
+			</td>
+			{elseif $uitype eq 106}
+			<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				{if $MODE eq 'edit'}
+				<input type="text" readonly name="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
+				{else}
+				<input type="text" name="{$fldname}" value="{$fldvalue}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
+				{/if}
+			</td>
+			{elseif $uitype eq 99}
+				{if $MODE eq 'create'}
+				<td width=20% class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+					<font color="red">*</font>{$fldlabel}
+				</td>
+				<td width=30% align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+					<input type="password" name="{$fldname}" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="{$fldvalue}" class=detailedViewTextBox onFocus="this.className='detailedViewTextBoxOn'" onBlur="this.className='detailedViewTextBox'">
+				</td>
+				{/if}
+		{elseif $uitype eq 30}
+			<td width="20%" class="dvtCellLabel" align=right>
+				{$fldlabel}
+			</td>
+			<td colspan="3" width="30%" align=left class="dvtCellInfo">
+				{assign var=check value=$secondvalue[0]}
+				{assign var=yes_val value=$secondvalue[1]}
+				{assign var=no_val value=$secondvalue[2]}
+				<input type="radio" name="set_reminder" tabindex="{$vt_tab}" value="Yes" {$check}>&nbsp;{$yes_val}&nbsp;
+				<input type="radio" name="set_reminder" value="No">&nbsp;{$no_val}&nbsp;
+				{foreach item=val_arr from=$fldvalue}
+					{assign var=start value="$val_arr[0]"}
+					{assign var=end value="$val_arr[1]"}
+					{assign var=sendname value="$val_arr[2]"}
+					{assign var=disp_text value="$val_arr[3]"}
+					{assign var=sel_val value="$val_arr[4]"}
+					<select name="{$sendname}" class="small">
+						{section name=reminder start=$start max=$end loop=$end step=1 }
+							{if $smarty.section.reminder.index eq $sel_val}
+								{assign var=sel_value value="SELECTED"}
+							{else}
+								{assign var=sel_value value=""}
+							{/if}
+							<OPTION VALUE="{$smarty.section.reminder.index}" "{$sel_value}">{$smarty.section.reminder.index}</OPTION>
+						{/section}
+					</select>
+					&nbsp;{$disp_text}
+				{/foreach}
+			</td>
+		{elseif $uitype eq 83} <!-- Handle the Tax in Inventory -->
+			{foreach item=tax key=count from=$TAX_DETAILS}
+				{if $tax.check_value eq 1}
+					{assign var=check_value value="checked"}
+					{assign var=show_value value="visible"}
+				{else}
+					{assign var=check_value value=""}
+					{assign var=show_value value="hidden"}
+				{/if}
+				<td align="right" class="dvtCellLabel" style="border:0px solid red;">
+					{$tax.taxlabel} {$APP.COVERED_PERCENTAGE}
+					<input type="checkbox" name="{$tax.check_name}" id="{$tax.check_name}" class="small" onclick="fnshowHide(this,'{$tax.taxname}')" {$check_value}>
+				</td>
+				<td class="dvtCellInfo" align="left" style="border:0px solid red;">
+					<input type="text" class="detailedViewTextBox" name="{$tax.taxname}" id="{$tax.taxname}" value="{$tax.percentage}" style="visibility:{$show_value};" onBlur="fntaxValidation('{$tax.taxname}')">
+				</td>
+			   </tr>
+			{/foreach}
+			<td colspan="2" class="dvtCellInfo">&nbsp;</td>
+		{/if}
+	{/foreach}
+   </tr>
+<script language="javascript">
+	function fnshowHide(currObj,txtObj)
+	{ldelim}
+			if(currObj.checked == true)
+				document.getElementById(txtObj).style.visibility = 'visible';
+			else
+				document.getElementById(txtObj).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+	{rdelim}
+	function fntaxValidation(txtObj)
+	{ldelim}
+			temp= /^\d+\.\d+$/.test(document.getElementById(txtObj).value);
+			if(temp == false)
+				alert("Please enter Valid TAX value");
+	{rdelim}	
+function delimage(id)
+	new Ajax.Request(
+		'index.php',
+		{ldelim}queue: {ldelim}position: 'end', scope: 'command'{rdelim},
+			method: 'post',
+			postBody: 'module=Contacts&action=ContactsAjax&file=DelImage&recordid='+id,
+			onComplete: function(response)
+				    {ldelim}
+					if(response.responseText.indexOf("SUCESS")>-1)
+						$("replaceimage").innerHTML='{$APP.LBL_IMAGE_DELETED}';
+					else
+						alert("Error while Deleting")
+				    {rdelim}
+		{rdelim}
+	);

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