[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r9637 - in /vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2: Smarty/templates/Settings/TaxConfig.tpl include/js/Inventory.js modules/Settings/TaxConfig.php

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Mon Oct 16 13:38:55 EDT 2006

Author: richie
Date: Mon Oct 16 11:38:47 2006
New Revision: 9637

* Modified to provide the TaxLabel editing


Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/Smarty/templates/Settings/TaxConfig.tpl
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/Smarty/templates/Settings/TaxConfig.tpl (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/Smarty/templates/Settings/TaxConfig.tpl Mon Oct 16 11:38:47 2006
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/menu.js"></script>
 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/general.js"></script>
 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/Inventory.js"></script>
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
 			<td class="small" align=right nowrap>
 			{if $EDIT_MODE eq 'true'}	
-				<input class="crmButton small save" title="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY}"  onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.save_tax.value='true'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings'; return validateTaxes('tax_count')" type="submit" name="button2" value="  {$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL}  ">&nbsp;
+				<input class="crmButton small save" title="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY}"  onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.save_tax.value='true'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings'; return validateTaxes('tax_count');" type="submit" name="button2" value=" {$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL}  ">&nbsp;
 				<input class="crmButton small cancel" title="{$APP.LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_KEY}" onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.module.value='Settings'; this.form.save_tax.value='false'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings';" type="submit" name="button22" value="  {$APP.LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL}  ">
 			{elseif $TAX_COUNT > 0}
 				<input title="{$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_KEY}" onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.edit_tax.value='true'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings';" type="submit" name="button" value="  {$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_LABEL}  " class="crmButton small edit">
@@ -114,8 +115,17 @@
 				   <tr><!-- set color to taxes which are disabled now-->
-				<td width=35% class="cellLabel small">{$tax.taxlabel} </td>
+				<!--assinging tax label name for javascript validation-->
+				{assign var=tax_label value="taxlabel_"|cat:$tax.taxname} 
+				<td width=35% class="cellLabel small" >
+					{if $EDIT_MODE eq 'true'}
+						<input name="{$tax.taxlabel}" id={$tax_label} type="text" value="{$tax.taxlabel}" class="detailedViewTextBox small">
+					{else}
+						{$tax.taxlabel}
+					{/if}
+				</td>
 				<td width=55% class="cellText small">
 					{if $EDIT_MODE eq 'true'}
 						<input name="{$tax.taxname}" id="{$tax.taxname}" type="text" value="{$tax.percentage}" class="detailedViewTextBox small">&nbsp;%
@@ -165,7 +175,7 @@
 			<td class="small" align=right nowrap>
 				{if $SH_EDIT_MODE eq 'true'}
-					<input class="crmButton small save" title="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY}"  onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.sh_save_tax.value='true'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings'; return validateTaxes('sh_tax_count')" type="submit" name="button2" value="  {$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL}  ">
+					<input class="crmButton small save" title="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY}"  onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.sh_save_tax.value='true'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings'; return validateTaxes('sh_tax_count');" type="submit" name="button2" value=" {$APP.LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL}  ">
 					<input class="crmButton small cancel" title="{$APP.LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_KEY}" onclick="this.form.action.value='TaxConfig'; this.form.module.value='Settings'; this.form.sh_save_tax.value='false'; this.form.parenttab.value='Settings';" type="submit" name="button22" value="  {$APP.LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL}  ">
 				{elseif $SH_TAX_COUNT > 0}
@@ -190,7 +200,15 @@
 			   <tr><!-- set color to taxes which are disabled now-->
-			<td width=35% class="cellLabel small">{$tax.taxlabel} </td>
+			{assign var=tax_label value="taxlabel_"|cat:$tax.taxname} 
+			<td width=35% class="cellLabel small">
+			 	{if $SH_EDIT_MODE eq 'true'}
+					<input name="{$tax.taxlabel}" id="{$tax_label}" type="text" value="{$tax.taxlabel}" class="detailedViewTextBox small">
+			 	{else} 
+					{$tax.taxlabel}
+				{/if}
+			</td>
 			<td width=55% class="cellText small">
 				{if $SH_EDIT_MODE eq 'true'}
 					<input name="{$tax.taxname}" id="{$tax.taxname}" type="text" value="{$tax.percentage}" class="detailedViewTextBox small">

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/include/js/Inventory.js
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/include/js/Inventory.js (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/include/js/Inventory.js Mon Oct 16 11:38:47 2006
@@ -414,13 +414,29 @@
 	taxcount = eval(document.getElementById(countname).value)+1;
 	if(countname == 'tax_count')
+	{
 		taxprefix = 'tax';
+		taxLabelPrefix = 'taxlabel_tax';
+	}
+	{
 		taxprefix = 'shtax';
+		taxLabelPrefix = 'taxlabel_shtax';
+	}
 	for(var i=1;i<=taxcount;i++)
 		taxval = document.getElementById(taxprefix+i).value;
+		taxLabelVal = document.getElementById(taxLabelPrefix+i).value;
+		document.getElementById(taxLabelPrefix+i).value = taxLabelVal.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,'').replace(/\s+/g,'');
+		if(document.getElementById(taxLabelPrefix+i).value.length == 0)
+		{
+			alert("The tax label name should not be empty");
+			return false
+		} 
+		//Tax value - numeric validation	
 		var temp = /^(0|[1-9]{1}\d{0,})(\.(\d{1}\d{0,}))?$/.test(taxval);
@@ -430,6 +446,7 @@
 	return true;
 //Function used to add a new product row in PO, SO, Quotes and Invoice

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/modules/Settings/TaxConfig.php
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/modules/Settings/TaxConfig.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.2/modules/Settings/TaxConfig.php Mon Oct 16 11:38:47 2006
@@ -1,214 +1,244 @@
-** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
- * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
- * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- ********************************************************************************/
-global $mod_strings;
-global $app_strings;
-global $adb;
-global $log;
-$smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty;
-global $theme;
-$tax_details = getAllTaxes();
-$sh_tax_details = getAllTaxes('all','sh');
-//To save the edited value
-if($_REQUEST['save_tax'] == 'true')
-	for($i=0;$i<count($tax_details);$i++)
-	{
-		$new_percentages[$tax_details[$i]['taxid']] = $_REQUEST[$tax_details[$i]['taxname']];
-	}
-	updateTaxPercentages($new_percentages);
-	$getlist = true;
-elseif($_REQUEST['sh_save_tax'] == 'true')
-	for($i=0;$i<count($sh_tax_details);$i++)
-	{
-		$new_percentages[$sh_tax_details[$i]['taxid']] = $_REQUEST[$sh_tax_details[$i]['taxname']];
-	}
-	updateTaxPercentages($new_percentages,'sh');
-	$getlist = true;
-//To edit
-if($_REQUEST['edit_tax'] == 'true')
-	$smarty->assign("EDIT_MODE", 'true');
-elseif($_REQUEST['sh_edit_tax'] == 'true')
-	$smarty->assign("SH_EDIT_MODE", 'true');
-//To add tax
-if($_REQUEST['add_tax_type'] == 'true')
-	//Add the given tax name and value as a new tax type
-	echo addTaxType($_REQUEST['addTaxLabel'],$_REQUEST['addTaxValue']);
-	$getlist = true;
-elseif($_REQUEST['sh_add_tax_type'] == 'true')
-	echo addTaxType($_REQUEST['sh_addTaxLabel'],$_REQUEST['sh_addTaxValue'],'sh');
-	$getlist = true;
-//To Disable ie., delete or enable
-if(($_REQUEST['disable'] == 'true' || $_REQUEST['enable'] == 'true') && $_REQUEST['taxname'] != '')
-	if($_REQUEST['disable'] == 'true')
-		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['taxname'],1);
-	else
-		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['taxname'],0);
-	$getlist = true;
-elseif(($_REQUEST['sh_disable'] == 'true' || $_REQUEST['sh_enable'] == 'true') && $_REQUEST['sh_taxname'] != '')
-	if($_REQUEST['sh_disable'] == 'true')
-		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['sh_taxname'],1,'sh');
-	else
-		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['sh_taxname'],0,'sh');
-	$getlist = true;
-//after done save or enable/disable or added new tax the list will be retrieved again from db
-	$tax_details = getAllTaxes();
-	$sh_tax_details = getAllTaxes('all','sh');
-$smarty->assign("TAX_COUNT", count($tax_details));
-$smarty->assign("SH_TAX_COUNT", count($sh_tax_details));
-if(count($tax_details) == 0)
-	$smarty->assign("TAX_COUNT", 0);
-if(count($sh_tax_details) == 0)
-	$smarty->assign("SH_TAX_COUNT", 0);
-$smarty->assign("TAX_VALUES", $tax_details);
-$smarty->assign("SH_TAX_VALUES", $sh_tax_details);
-$smarty->assign("MOD", return_module_language($current_language,'Settings'));
-$smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings);
-$smarty->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
-/**	Function to update the list of Tax percentages for the passed tax types
- *	@param array $new_percentages - array of tax types and the values like [taxid]=new value ie., [1]=3.56, [2]=11.45
- *      @param string $sh - sh or empty, if sh passed then update will be done in shipping and handling related table
- *      @return void
- */
-function updateTaxPercentages($new_percentages, $sh='')
-	global $adb, $log;
-	$log->debug("Entering into the function updateTaxPercentages");
-	$tax_percentage = Array();
-	foreach($new_percentages as $taxid => $new_val)
-	{
-		if($new_val != '')
-		{
-			if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
-				$query = "update vtiger_shippingtaxinfo set percentage = \"$new_val\" where taxid=\"$taxid\"";
-			else
-				$query = "update vtiger_inventorytaxinfo set percentage = \"$new_val\" where taxid=\"$taxid\"";
-			$adb->query($query);
-		}
-	}
-	$log->debug("Exiting from the function updateTaxPercentages");
-/**	Function used to add the tax type which will do database alterations
- *	@param string $taxlabel - tax label name to be added
- *	@param string $taxvalue - tax value to be added
- *      @param string $sh - sh or empty , if sh passed then the tax will be added in shipping and handling related table
- *      @return void
- */
-function addTaxType($taxlabel, $taxvalue, $sh='')
-	global $adb, $log;
-	$log->debug("Entering into function addTaxType($taxlabel, $taxvalue, $sh)");
-	//First we will check whether the tax is already available or not
-	if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
-		$check_query = "select taxlabel from vtiger_shippingtaxinfo where taxlabel='".addslashes($taxlabel)."'";
-	else
-		$check_query = "select taxlabel from vtiger_inventorytaxinfo where taxlabel='".addslashes($taxlabel)."'";
-	$check_res = $adb->query($check_query);
-	if($adb->num_rows($check_res) > 0)
-		return "<font color='red'>This tax is already available</font>";
-	//if the tax is not available then add this tax.
-	//Add this tax as a column in related table	
-	if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
-	{
-		$taxid = $adb->getUniqueID("vtiger_shippingtaxinfo");
-		$taxname = "shtax".$taxid;
-		$query = "alter table vtiger_inventoryshippingrel add column $taxname decimal(7,3) default NULL";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		$taxid = $adb->getUniqueID("vtiger_inventorytaxinfo");
-		$taxname = "tax".$taxid;
-		$query = "alter table vtiger_inventoryproductrel add column $taxname decimal(7,3) default NULL";
-	}
-	$res = $adb->query($query);
-	//if the tax is added as a column then we should add this tax in the list of taxes
-	if($res)
-	{
-		if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
-			$query1 = "insert into vtiger_shippingtaxinfo values($taxid,'".$taxname."','".$taxlabel."','".$taxvalue."',0)";
-		else
-			$query1 = "insert into vtiger_inventorytaxinfo values($taxid,'".$taxname."','".$taxlabel."','".$taxvalue."',0)";
-		$res1 = $adb->query($query1);
-	}
-	$log->debug("Exit from function addTaxType($taxlabel, $taxvalue)");
-	if($res1)
-		return '';
-	else
-		return "There may be some problem in adding the Tax type. Please try again";
-/**	Function used to Enable or Disable the tax type 
- *	@param string $taxname - taxname to enable or disble
- *	@param int $deleted - 0 or 1 where 0 to enable and 1 to disable
- *	@param string $sh - sh or empty, if sh passed then the enable/disable will be done in shipping and handling tax table ie.,vtiger_shippingtaxinfo  else this enable/disable will be done in Product tax table ie., in vtiger_inventorytaxinfo
- *	@return void
- */
-function changeDeleted($taxname, $deleted, $sh='')
-	global $log, $adb;
-	$log->debug("Entering into function changeDeleted($taxname, $deleted, $sh)");
-	if($sh == 'sh')
-		$adb->query("update vtiger_shippingtaxinfo set deleted=$deleted where taxname=\"$taxname\"");
-	else
-		$adb->query("update vtiger_inventorytaxinfo set deleted=$deleted where taxname=\"$taxname\"");
-	$log->debug("Exit from function changeDeleted($taxname, $deleted, $sh)");
+** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+ * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+ * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************************/
+global $mod_strings;
+global $app_strings;
+global $adb;
+global $log;
+$smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty;
+global $theme;
+$tax_details = getAllTaxes();
+$sh_tax_details = getAllTaxes('all','sh');
+//To save the edited value
+if($_REQUEST['save_tax'] == 'true')
+	for($i=0;$i<count($tax_details);$i++)
+	{
+     		$new_labels[$tax_details[$i]['taxid']] = $_REQUEST[$tax_details[$i]['taxlabel']];
+		$new_percentages[$tax_details[$i]['taxid']] = $_REQUEST[$tax_details[$i]['taxname']];
+	}
+	updateTaxPercentages($new_percentages);
+	updateTaxLabels($new_labels);
+	$getlist = true;
+elseif($_REQUEST['sh_save_tax'] == 'true')
+	for($i=0;$i<count($sh_tax_details);$i++)
+	{
+	  $new_labels[$sh_tax_details[$i]['taxid']] = $_REQUEST[$sh_tax_details[$i]['taxlabel']];
+		$new_percentages[$sh_tax_details[$i]['taxid']] = $_REQUEST[$sh_tax_details[$i]['taxname']];
+	}
+	updateTaxPercentages($new_percentages,'sh');
+	updateTaxLabels($new_labels,'sh');
+	$getlist = true;
+//To edit
+if($_REQUEST['edit_tax'] == 'true')
+	$smarty->assign("EDIT_MODE", 'true');
+elseif($_REQUEST['sh_edit_tax'] == 'true')
+	$smarty->assign("SH_EDIT_MODE", 'true');
+//To add tax
+if($_REQUEST['add_tax_type'] == 'true')
+	//Add the given tax name and value as a new tax type
+	echo addTaxType($_REQUEST['addTaxLabel'],$_REQUEST['addTaxValue']);
+	$getlist = true;
+elseif($_REQUEST['sh_add_tax_type'] == 'true')
+	echo addTaxType($_REQUEST['sh_addTaxLabel'],$_REQUEST['sh_addTaxValue'],'sh');
+	$getlist = true;
+//To Disable ie., delete or enable
+if(($_REQUEST['disable'] == 'true' || $_REQUEST['enable'] == 'true') && $_REQUEST['taxname'] != '')
+	if($_REQUEST['disable'] == 'true')
+		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['taxname'],1);
+	else
+		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['taxname'],0);
+	$getlist = true;
+elseif(($_REQUEST['sh_disable'] == 'true' || $_REQUEST['sh_enable'] == 'true') && $_REQUEST['sh_taxname'] != '')
+	if($_REQUEST['sh_disable'] == 'true')
+		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['sh_taxname'],1,'sh');
+	else
+		changeDeleted($_REQUEST['sh_taxname'],0,'sh');
+	$getlist = true;
+//after done save or enable/disable or added new tax the list will be retrieved again from db
+	$tax_details = getAllTaxes();
+	$sh_tax_details = getAllTaxes('all','sh');
+$smarty->assign("TAX_COUNT", count($tax_details));
+$smarty->assign("SH_TAX_COUNT", count($sh_tax_details));
+if(count($tax_details) == 0)
+	$smarty->assign("TAX_COUNT", 0);
+if(count($sh_tax_details) == 0)
+	$smarty->assign("SH_TAX_COUNT", 0);
+$smarty->assign("TAX_VALUES", $tax_details);
+$smarty->assign("SH_TAX_VALUES", $sh_tax_details);
+$smarty->assign("MOD", return_module_language($current_language,'Settings'));
+$smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings);
+$smarty->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
+/**	Function to update the list of Tax percentages for the passed tax types
+ *	@param array $new_percentages - array of tax types and the values like [taxid]=new value ie., [1]=3.56, [2]=11.45
+ *      @param string $sh - sh or empty, if sh passed then update will be done in shipping and handling related table
+ *      @return void
+ */
+function updateTaxPercentages($new_percentages, $sh='')
+	global $adb, $log;
+	$log->debug("Entering into the function updateTaxPercentages");
+	foreach($new_percentages as $taxid => $new_val)
+	{
+		if($new_val != '')
+		{
+			if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
+				$query = "update vtiger_shippingtaxinfo set percentage=\"$new_val\" where taxid=\"$taxid\"";
+			else
+				$query = "update vtiger_inventorytaxinfo set percentage = \"$new_val\" where taxid=\"$taxid\"";
+			$adb->query($query);
+		}
+	}
+	$log->debug("Exiting from the function updateTaxPercentages");
+/**	Function to update the list of Tax Labels for the taxes
+ *	@param array $new_labels - array of tax types and the values like [taxid]=new label ie., [1]=aa, [2]=bb
+ *      @param string $sh - sh or empty, if sh passed then update will be done in shipping and handling related table
+ *      @return void
+ */
+function updateTaxLabels($new_labels, $sh='')
+	global $adb, $log;
+	$log->debug("Entering into the function updateTaxPercentages");
+	foreach($new_labels as $taxid => $new_val)
+	{
+		if($new_val != '')
+		{
+			if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
+				$query = "update vtiger_shippingtaxinfo set taxlabel= \"$new_val\" where taxid=\"$taxid\"";
+			else
+				$query = "update vtiger_inventorytaxinfo set taxlabel = \"$new_val\" where taxid=\"$taxid\"";
+			$adb->query($query);
+		}
+	}
+	$log->debug("Exiting from the function updateTaxPercentages");
+/**	Function used to add the tax type which will do database alterations
+ *	@param string $taxlabel - tax label name to be added
+ *	@param string $taxvalue - tax value to be added
+ *      @param string $sh - sh or empty , if sh passed then the tax will be added in shipping and handling related table
+ *      @return void
+ */
+function addTaxType($taxlabel, $taxvalue, $sh='')
+	global $adb, $log;
+	$log->debug("Entering into function addTaxType($taxlabel, $taxvalue, $sh)");
+	//First we will check whether the tax is already available or not
+	if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
+		$check_query = "select taxlabel from vtiger_shippingtaxinfo where taxlabel='".addslashes($taxlabel)."'";
+	else
+		$check_query = "select taxlabel from vtiger_inventorytaxinfo where taxlabel='".addslashes($taxlabel)."'";
+	$check_res = $adb->query($check_query);
+	if($adb->num_rows($check_res) > 0)
+		return "<font color='red'>This tax is already available</font>";
+	//if the tax is not available then add this tax.
+	//Add this tax as a column in related table	
+	if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
+	{
+		$taxid = $adb->getUniqueID("vtiger_shippingtaxinfo");
+		$taxname = "shtax".$taxid;
+		$query = "alter table vtiger_inventoryshippingrel add column $taxname decimal(7,3) default NULL";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$taxid = $adb->getUniqueID("vtiger_inventorytaxinfo");
+		$taxname = "tax".$taxid;
+		$query = "alter table vtiger_inventoryproductrel add column $taxname decimal(7,3) default NULL";
+	}
+	$res = $adb->query($query);
+	//if the tax is added as a column then we should add this tax in the list of taxes
+	if($res)
+	{
+		if($sh != '' && $sh == 'sh')
+			$query1 = "insert into vtiger_shippingtaxinfo values($taxid,'".$taxname."','".$taxlabel."','".$taxvalue."',0)";
+		else
+			$query1 = "insert into vtiger_inventorytaxinfo values($taxid,'".$taxname."','".$taxlabel."','".$taxvalue."',0)";
+		$res1 = $adb->query($query1);
+	}
+	$log->debug("Exit from function addTaxType($taxlabel, $taxvalue)");
+	if($res1)
+		return '';
+	else
+		return "There may be some problem in adding the Tax type. Please try again";
+/**	Function used to Enable or Disable the tax type 
+ *	@param string $taxname - taxname to enable or disble
+ *	@param int $deleted - 0 or 1 where 0 to enable and 1 to disable
+ *	@param string $sh - sh or empty, if sh passed then the enable/disable will be done in shipping and handling tax table ie.,vtiger_shippingtaxinfo  else this enable/disable will be done in Product tax table ie., in vtiger_inventorytaxinfo
+ *	@return void
+ */
+function changeDeleted($taxname, $deleted, $sh='')
+	global $log, $adb;
+	$log->debug("Entering into function changeDeleted($taxname, $deleted, $sh)");
+	if($sh == 'sh')
+		$adb->query("update vtiger_shippingtaxinfo set deleted=$deleted where taxname=\"$taxname\"");
+	else
+		$adb->query("update vtiger_inventorytaxinfo set deleted=$deleted where taxname=\"$taxname\"");
+	$log->debug("Exit from function changeDeleted($taxname, $deleted, $sh)");

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