[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r9901 - in /vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3: Smarty/templates/ modules/Settings/ modules/Settings/language/ modules/Users/

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Thu Nov 23 10:23:31 EST 2006

Author: richie
Date: Thu Nov 23 08:23:17 2006
New Revision: 9901

Role files moved from Users module to Settings module


Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/ListRoles.tpl
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/ListRoles.tpl (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/ListRoles.tpl Thu Nov 23 08:23:17 2006
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
-  ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-   * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-   * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-   * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-   * All Rights Reserved.
-  *
- ********************************************************************************/
-<script language="JAVASCRIPT" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/smoothscroll.js"></script>
-<style type="text/css">
-a.x {ldelim}
-		color:black;
-		text-align:center;
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-		font-weight:bold;
-a.x:hover {ldelim}
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-		font-weight:bold;
-ul {ldelim}color:black;{rdelim}	 
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-	color:#FFFFFF;
-	border:1px solid #CCCCCC;
-	font-weight:bold;
-	display:none;
- if(!e)
-  window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
-//  window.onmousemove= displayCoords;
-//  window.onclick = fnRevert;
-   function displayCoords(event) 
-	 {ldelim}
-				var move_Element = document.getElementById('Drag_content').style;
-				if(!event){ldelim}
-						move_Element.left = e.pageX +'px' ;
-						move_Element.top = e.pageY+10 + 'px';	
-				{rdelim}
-				else{ldelim}
-						move_Element.left = event.clientX +'px' ;
-					    move_Element.top = event.clientY+10 + 'px';	
-				{rdelim}
-	{rdelim}
-	  function fnRevert(e)
-	  {ldelim}
-		  	if(e.button == 2){ldelim}
-				document.getElementById('Drag_content').style.display = 'none';
-				hideAll = false;
-				parentId = "Head";
-	    		parentName = "DEPARTMENTS";
-			    childId ="NULL";
-	    		childName = "NULL";
-			{rdelim}
-	{rdelim}
-<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%">
-        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopLeft.gif"></td>
-        <td class="showPanelBg" style="padding: 10px;" valign="top" width="100%">
-	<div align=center>
-				{include file="SetMenu.tpl"}
-				<!-- DISPLAY -->
-				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="settingsSelUITopLine">
-				<tr>
-					<td width=50 rowspan=2 valign=top><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}ico-roles.gif" alt="Roles" width="48" height="48" border=0 title="Roles"></td>
-					<td class=heading2 valign=bottom><b><a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=index&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_SETTINGS}</a> > {$MOD.LBL_ROLES}</b></td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign=top class="small">{$MOD.LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION}</td>
-				</tr>
-				</table>
-				<br>
-				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width=100% >
-				<tr>
-				<td>
-					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="tableHeading">
-					<tr>
-						<td class="big"><strong>{$MOD.LBL_ROLE_HIERARCHY_TREE}</strong></td>
-						<td class="small" align=right>&nbsp;</td>
-					</tr>
-					</table>
-					<div id='RoleTreeFull'  onMouseMove="displayCoords(event)"> 
-                			        {include file='RoleTree.tpl'}
-		                	</div>
-{*					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20 width=100% >
-					<tr>
-						<td>
-							<!-- Home node -->
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeHome.gif"></td><td class="small">&nbsp;<strong>Organization</strong></td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Administrator</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">CEO</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Manager - Sales</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Asst Manager - Sales</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Manager - Products</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Asst Manager - Products</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Manager - Office</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeGap.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Asst Manager - Office</td><tr></table>
-							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">CFO</td><tr></table>
-						</td>
-					</tr>
-					</table> *}
-					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% >
-					<tr><td class="small" nowrap align=right><a href="#top">{$MOD.LBL_SCROLL}</a></td></tr>
-					</table>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</table>
-			</td>
-			</tr>
-			</table>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	</table>
-	</div>
-        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopRight.gif"></td>
-   </tr>
-	<div id="Drag_content">&nbsp;</div>
-<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
-	var hideAll = false;
-	var parentId = "";
-	var parentName = "";
-	var childId ="NULL";
-	var childName = "NULL";
-	 function get_parent_ID(obj,currObj)
-	 {ldelim}
-			var leftSide = findPosX(obj);
-    			var topSide = findPosY(obj);
-			var move_Element = document.getElementById('Drag_content');
-		 	childName  = document.getElementById(currObj).innerHTML;
-			childId = currObj;
-			move_Element.innerHTML = childName;
-			move_Element.style.left = leftSide + 15 + 'px';
-			move_Element.style.top = topSide + 15+ 'px';
-			move_Element.style.display = 'block';
-			hideAll = true;	
-	{rdelim}
-	function put_child_ID(currObj)
-	{ldelim}
-			var move_Element = $('Drag_content');
-	 		parentName  = $(currObj).innerHTML;
-			parentId = currObj;
-			move_Element.style.display = 'none';
-			hideAll = false;	
-			if(childId == "NULL")
-			{ldelim}
-//				alert("Please Select the Node");
-				parentId = parentId.replace(/user_/gi,'');
-				window.location.href="index.php?module=Users&action=RoleDetailView&parenttab=Settings&roleid="+parentId;
-			{rdelim}
-			else
-			{ldelim}
-				childId = childId.replace(/user_/gi,'');
-				parentId = parentId.replace(/user_/gi,'');
-				new Ajax.Request(
-  					'index.php',
-				        {ldelim}queue: {ldelim}position: 'end', scope: 'command'{rdelim},
-					        method: 'post',
-					        postBody: 'module=Users&action=UsersAjax&file=RoleDragDrop&ajax=true&parentId='+parentId+'&childId='+childId,
-						onComplete: function(response) {ldelim}
-							if(response.responseText != 'You cannot move a Parent Node under a Child Node')
-							{ldelim}
-						                $('RoleTreeFull').innerHTML=response.responseText;
-						                hideAll = false;
-							        parentId = "";
-						                parentName = "";
-						                childId ="NULL";
-								childName = "NULL";
-						        {rdelim}
-						        else
-						                alert(response.responseText);
-			                        {rdelim}
-				        {rdelim}
-				);
-			{rdelim}
-	{rdelim}
-	function fnVisible(Obj)
-	{ldelim}
-			if(!hideAll)
-				document.getElementById(Obj).style.visibility = 'visible';
-	{rdelim}
-	function fnInVisible(Obj)
-	{ldelim}
-		document.getElementById(Obj).style.visibility = 'hidden';
-	{rdelim}
-function showhide(argg,imgId)
-	var harray=argg.split(",");
-	var harrlen = harray.length;	
-	var i;
-	for(i=0; i<harrlen; i++)
-	{ldelim}
-		var x=document.getElementById(harray[i]).style;
-        	if (x.display=="none")
-        	{ldelim}
-           		x.display="block";
-			document.getElementById(imgId).src="{$IMAGE_PATH}minus.gif";
-         	{rdelim}
-        	else
-		{ldelim}
-			x.display="none";
-			document.getElementById(imgId).src="{$IMAGE_PATH}plus.gif";
-		{rdelim}
-	{rdelim}
+  ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+   * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+   * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+   * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+   * All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+<script language="JAVASCRIPT" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/smoothscroll.js"></script>
+<style type="text/css">
+a.x {ldelim}
+		color:black;
+		text-align:center;
+		text-decoration:none;
+		padding:5px;
+		font-weight:bold;
+a.x:hover {ldelim}
+		color:#333333;
+		text-decoration:underline;
+		font-weight:bold;
+ul {ldelim}color:black;{rdelim}	 
+	position:relative;
+	left:0px;
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+	padding-right:5px;
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+	visibility:hidden;
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+	left:0px;
+	top:0px;
+	padding-left:5px;
+	padding-right:5px;
+	background-color:#000066;
+	color:#FFFFFF;
+	border:1px solid #CCCCCC;
+	font-weight:bold;
+	display:none;
+ if(!e)
+  window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
+//  window.onmousemove= displayCoords;
+//  window.onclick = fnRevert;
+   function displayCoords(event) 
+	 {ldelim}
+				var move_Element = document.getElementById('Drag_content').style;
+				if(!event){ldelim}
+						move_Element.left = e.pageX +'px' ;
+						move_Element.top = e.pageY+10 + 'px';	
+				{rdelim}
+				else{ldelim}
+						move_Element.left = event.clientX +'px' ;
+					    move_Element.top = event.clientY+10 + 'px';	
+				{rdelim}
+	{rdelim}
+	  function fnRevert(e)
+	  {ldelim}
+		  	if(e.button == 2){ldelim}
+				document.getElementById('Drag_content').style.display = 'none';
+				hideAll = false;
+				parentId = "Head";
+	    		parentName = "DEPARTMENTS";
+			    childId ="NULL";
+	    		childName = "NULL";
+			{rdelim}
+	{rdelim}
+<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%">
+        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopLeft.gif"></td>
+        <td class="showPanelBg" style="padding: 10px;" valign="top" width="100%">
+	<div align=center>
+				{include file="SetMenu.tpl"}
+				<!-- DISPLAY -->
+				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="settingsSelUITopLine">
+				<tr>
+					<td width=50 rowspan=2 valign=top><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}ico-roles.gif" alt="Roles" width="48" height="48" border=0 title="Roles"></td>
+					<td class=heading2 valign=bottom><b><a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=index&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_SETTINGS}</a> > {$MOD.LBL_ROLES}</b></td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td valign=top class="small">{$MOD.LBL_ROLE_DESCRIPTION}</td>
+				</tr>
+				</table>
+				<br>
+				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width=100% >
+				<tr>
+				<td>
+					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="tableHeading">
+					<tr>
+						<td class="big"><strong>{$MOD.LBL_ROLE_HIERARCHY_TREE}</strong></td>
+						<td class="small" align=right>&nbsp;</td>
+					</tr>
+					</table>
+					<div id='RoleTreeFull'  onMouseMove="displayCoords(event)"> 
+                			        {include file='RoleTree.tpl'}
+		                	</div>
+{*					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20 width=100% >
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<!-- Home node -->
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeHome.gif"></td><td class="small">&nbsp;<strong>Organization</strong></td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Administrator</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">CEO</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Manager - Sales</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Asst Manager - Sales</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeExSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Manager - Products</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Asst Manager - Products</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Manager - Office</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeNorthSouth.gif"><img src="images/treeGap.gif"><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">Asst Manager - Office</td><tr></table>
+							<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="treeTable1"><tr><td><img src="images/treeSubNode.gif"><img src="images/treePaper.gif"></td><td class="small">CFO</td><tr></table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					</table> *}
+					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% >
+					<tr><td class="small" nowrap align=right><a href="#top">{$MOD.LBL_SCROLL}</a></td></tr>
+					</table>
+				</td>
+				</tr>
+				</table>
+			</td>
+			</tr>
+			</table>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	</table>
+	</div>
+        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopRight.gif"></td>
+   </tr>
+	<div id="Drag_content">&nbsp;</div>
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
+	var hideAll = false;
+	var parentId = "";
+	var parentName = "";
+	var childId ="NULL";
+	var childName = "NULL";
+	 function get_parent_ID(obj,currObj)
+	 {ldelim}
+			var leftSide = findPosX(obj);
+    			var topSide = findPosY(obj);
+			var move_Element = document.getElementById('Drag_content');
+		 	childName  = document.getElementById(currObj).innerHTML;
+			childId = currObj;
+			move_Element.innerHTML = childName;
+			move_Element.style.left = leftSide + 15 + 'px';
+			move_Element.style.top = topSide + 15+ 'px';
+			move_Element.style.display = 'block';
+			hideAll = true;	
+	{rdelim}
+	function put_child_ID(currObj)
+	{ldelim}
+			var move_Element = $('Drag_content');
+	 		parentName  = $(currObj).innerHTML;
+			parentId = currObj;
+			move_Element.style.display = 'none';
+			hideAll = false;	
+			if(childId == "NULL")
+			{ldelim}
+//				alert("Please Select the Node");
+				parentId = parentId.replace(/user_/gi,'');
+				window.location.href="index.php?module=Settings&action=RoleDetailView&parenttab=Settings&roleid="+parentId;
+			{rdelim}
+			else
+			{ldelim}
+				childId = childId.replace(/user_/gi,'');
+				parentId = parentId.replace(/user_/gi,'');
+				new Ajax.Request(
+  					'index.php',
+				        {ldelim}queue: {ldelim}position: 'end', scope: 'command'{rdelim},
+					        method: 'post',
+					        postBody: 'module=Users&action=UsersAjax&file=RoleDragDrop&ajax=true&parentId='+parentId+'&childId='+childId,
+						onComplete: function(response) {ldelim}
+							if(response.responseText != 'You cannot move a Parent Node under a Child Node')
+							{ldelim}
+						                $('RoleTreeFull').innerHTML=response.responseText;
+						                hideAll = false;
+							        parentId = "";
+						                parentName = "";
+						                childId ="NULL";
+								childName = "NULL";
+						        {rdelim}
+						        else
+						                alert(response.responseText);
+			                        {rdelim}
+				        {rdelim}
+				);
+			{rdelim}
+	{rdelim}
+	function fnVisible(Obj)
+	{ldelim}
+			if(!hideAll)
+				document.getElementById(Obj).style.visibility = 'visible';
+	{rdelim}
+	function fnInVisible(Obj)
+	{ldelim}
+		document.getElementById(Obj).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+	{rdelim}
+function showhide(argg,imgId)
+	var harray=argg.split(",");
+	var harrlen = harray.length;	
+	var i;
+	for(i=0; i<harrlen; i++)
+	{ldelim}
+		var x=document.getElementById(harray[i]).style;
+        	if (x.display=="none")
+        	{ldelim}
+           		x.display="block";
+			document.getElementById(imgId).src="{$IMAGE_PATH}minus.gif";
+         	{rdelim}
+        	else
+		{ldelim}
+			x.display="none";
+			document.getElementById(imgId).src="{$IMAGE_PATH}plus.gif";
+		{rdelim}
+	{rdelim}

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/RoleDetailView.tpl
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/RoleDetailView.tpl (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/RoleDetailView.tpl Thu Nov 23 08:23:17 2006
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
-  ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-   * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-   * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-   * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-   * All Rights Reserved.
-  *
- ********************************************************************************/
-<script language="JAVASCRIPT" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/smoothscroll.js"></script>
-<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%">
-        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopLeft.gif"></td>
-        <td class="showPanelBg" style="padding: 10px;" valign="top" width="100%">
-        <br>
-	<div align=center>
-			{include file='SetMenu.tpl'}
-				<!-- DISPLAY -->
-				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="settingsSelUITopLine">
-				<form id="form" name="roleView" action="index.php" method="post">
-				<input type="hidden" name="module" value="Users">
-				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="createrole">
-				<input type="hidden" name="parenttab" value="Settings">
-				<input type="hidden" name="returnaction" value="RoleDetailView">
-				<input type="hidden" name="roleid" value="{$ROLEID}">
-				<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
-				<tr>
-					<td width=50 rowspan=2 valign=top><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}ico-roles.gif" width="48" height="48" border=0 ></td>
-					<td class=heading2 valign=bottom><b><a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=index&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_SETTINGS}</a> > <a href="index.php?module=Users&action=listroles&parenttab=Settings">{$CMOD.LBL_ROLES}</a> &gt; {$CMOD.LBL_VIEWING} &quot;{$ROLE_NAME}&quot; </b></td>
-				</tr>
-				<tr>
-					<td valign=top class="small">{$CMOD.LBL_VIEWING} {$CMOD.LBL_PROPERTIES} &quot;{$ROLE_NAME}&quot; {$MOD.LBL_LIST_CONTACT_ROLE} </td>
-				</tr>
-				</table>
-				<br>
-				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width=100% >
-				<tr>
-				<td valign=top>
-					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="tableHeading">
-					<tr>
-						<td class="big"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_PROPERTIES} &quot;{$ROLE_NAME}&quot; </strong></td>
-						<td><div align="right">
-					 	    <input value="   {$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_LABEL}   " title="{$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_KEY}" class="crmButton small edit" type="submit" name="Edit" >
-						</div></td>
-					  </tr>
-					</table>
-					<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
-                      <tr class="small">
-                        <td width="15%" class="small cellLabel"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_ROLE_NAME}</strong></td>
-                        <td width="85%" class="cellText" >{$ROLE_NAME}</td>
-                      </tr>
-                      <tr class="small">
-                        <td class="small cellLabel"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_REPORTS_TO}</strong></td>
-                        <td class="cellText">{$PARENTNAME}</td>
-                      </tr>
-                      <tr class="small">
-                        <td valign=top class="cellLabel"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_MEMBER}</strong></td>
-                        <td class="cellText">
-						<table width="70%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
-                          <tr class="small">
-                            		<td colspan="2" class="cellBottomDotLine">
-						<div align="left"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_ASSOCIATED_PROFILES}</strong></div>
-					</td>
-                            </tr>
-			{foreach item=elements from=$ROLEINFO.profileinfo}
-                          <tr class="small">
-                            <td width="16"><div align="center"></div></td>
-                            <td>
-										<a href="index.php?module=Users&action=profilePrivileges&parenttab=Settings&profileid={$elements.0}&mode=view">{$elements.1}</a><br>
-			    </td>  	 
-                          </tr>
-			{/foreach}
-   <tr class="small">
-                            		<td colspan="2" class="cellBottomDotLine">
-						<div align="left"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_ASSOCIATED_USERS}</strong></div>
-					</td>
-                            </tr>
-				{if $ROLEINFO.userinfo.0 neq ''}
-			{foreach item=elements from=$ROLEINFO.userinfo}
-                          <tr class="small">
-                            <td width="16"><div align="center"></div></td>
-                            <td>
-				<a href="index.php?module=Users&action=DetailView&parenttab=Settings&record={$elements.0}">{$elements.1}</a><br>
-			    </td>  	 
-                          </tr>
-			{/foreach}	
-			{/if}
-                        </table></td>
-                      </tr>
-                    </table>
-					<br>
-					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% >
-					<tr><td class="small" nowrap align=right><a href="#top">{$MOD.LBL_SCROLL}</a></td></tr>
-					</table>
-				</td>
-				</tr>
-				</table>
-			</td>
-			</tr>
-			</table>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	</form>
-	</table>
-	</div>
-        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopRight.gif"></td>
-   </tr>
+  ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+   * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+   * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+   * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+   * All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+<script language="JAVASCRIPT" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/smoothscroll.js"></script>
+<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%">
+        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopLeft.gif"></td>
+        <td class="showPanelBg" style="padding: 10px;" valign="top" width="100%">
+        <br>
+	<div align=center>
+			{include file='SetMenu.tpl'}
+				<!-- DISPLAY -->
+				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="settingsSelUITopLine">
+				<form id="form" name="roleView" action="index.php" method="post">
+				<input type="hidden" name="module" value="Settings">
+				<input type="hidden" name="action" value="createrole">
+				<input type="hidden" name="parenttab" value="Settings">
+				<input type="hidden" name="returnaction" value="RoleDetailView">
+				<input type="hidden" name="roleid" value="{$ROLEID}">
+				<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit">
+				<tr>
+					<td width=50 rowspan=2 valign=top><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}ico-roles.gif" width="48" height="48" border=0 ></td>
+					<td class=heading2 valign=bottom><b><a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=index&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_SETTINGS}</a> > <a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=listroles&parenttab=Settings">{$CMOD.LBL_ROLES}</a> &gt; {$CMOD.LBL_VIEWING} &quot;{$ROLE_NAME}&quot; </b></td>
+				</tr>
+				<tr>
+					<td valign=top class="small">{$CMOD.LBL_VIEWING} {$CMOD.LBL_PROPERTIES} &quot;{$ROLE_NAME}&quot; {$MOD.LBL_LIST_CONTACT_ROLE} </td>
+				</tr>
+				</table>
+				<br>
+				<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 width=100% >
+				<tr>
+				<td valign=top>
+					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class="tableHeading">
+					<tr>
+						<td class="big"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_PROPERTIES} &quot;{$ROLE_NAME}&quot; </strong></td>
+						<td><div align="right">
+					 	    <input value="   {$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_LABEL}   " title="{$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_TITLE}" accessKey="{$APP.LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_KEY}" class="crmButton small edit" type="submit" name="Edit" >
+						</div></td>
+					  </tr>
+					</table>
+					<table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+                      <tr class="small">
+                        <td width="15%" class="small cellLabel"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_ROLE_NAME}</strong></td>
+                        <td width="85%" class="cellText" >{$ROLE_NAME}</td>
+                      </tr>
+                      <tr class="small">
+                        <td class="small cellLabel"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_REPORTS_TO}</strong></td>
+                        <td class="cellText">{$PARENTNAME}</td>
+                      </tr>
+                      <tr class="small">
+                        <td valign=top class="cellLabel"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_MEMBER}</strong></td>
+                        <td class="cellText">
+						<table width="70%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
+                          <tr class="small">
+                            		<td colspan="2" class="cellBottomDotLine">
+						<div align="left"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_ASSOCIATED_PROFILES}</strong></div>
+					</td>
+                            </tr>
+			{foreach item=elements from=$ROLEINFO.profileinfo}
+                          <tr class="small">
+                            <td width="16"><div align="center"></div></td>
+                            <td>
+										<a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=profilePrivileges&parenttab=Settings&profileid={$elements.0}&mode=view">{$elements.1}</a><br>
+			    </td>  	 
+                          </tr>
+			{/foreach}
+   <tr class="small">
+                            		<td colspan="2" class="cellBottomDotLine">
+						<div align="left"><strong>{$CMOD.LBL_ASSOCIATED_USERS}</strong></div>
+					</td>
+                            </tr>
+				{if $ROLEINFO.userinfo.0 neq ''}
+			{foreach item=elements from=$ROLEINFO.userinfo}
+                          <tr class="small">
+                            <td width="16"><div align="center"></div></td>
+                            <td>
+				<a href="index.php?module=Users&action=DetailView&parenttab=Settings&record={$elements.0}">{$elements.1}</a><br>
+			    </td>  	 
+                          </tr>
+			{/foreach}	
+			{/if}
+                        </table></td>
+                      </tr>
+                    </table>
+					<br>
+					<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% >
+					<tr><td class="small" nowrap align=right><a href="#top">{$MOD.LBL_SCROLL}</a></td></tr>
+					</table>
+				</td>
+				</tr>
+				</table>
+			</td>
+			</tr>
+			</table>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	</form>
+	</table>
+	</div>
+        <td valign="top"><img src="{$IMAGE_PATH}showPanelTopRight.gif"></td>
+   </tr>

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/SetMenu.tpl
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/SetMenu.tpl (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/Smarty/templates/SetMenu.tpl Thu Nov 23 08:23:17 2006
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
 		{if $smarty.request.action eq 'listroles' ||  $smarty.request.action eq 'RoleDetailView' ||  $smarty.request.action eq 'saverole' ||  $smarty.request.action eq 'createrole' || $smarty.request.action eq 'RoleDeleteStep1'} 		
-		<tr><td class="settingsTabSelected" nowrap><a href="index.php?module=Users&action=listroles&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_ROLES}</a></td></tr>
+		<tr><td class="settingsTabSelected" nowrap><a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=listroles&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_ROLES}</a></td></tr>
-		<tr><td class="settingsTabList" nowrap><a href="index.php?module=Users&action=listroles&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_ROLES}</a></td></tr>
+		<tr><td class="settingsTabList" nowrap><a href="index.php?module=Settings&action=listroles&parenttab=Settings">{$MOD.LBL_ROLES}</a></td></tr>
 		{if $smarty.request.action eq 'ListProfiles' || $smarty.request.action eq 'profilePrivileges' ||  $smarty.request.action eq 'CreateProfile' ||  $smarty.request.action eq 'SaveProfile' || $smarty.request.action eq 'UpdateProfileChanges' }

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Settings/language/en_us.lang.php
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Settings/language/en_us.lang.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Settings/language/en_us.lang.php Thu Nov 23 08:23:17 2006
@@ -725,6 +725,20 @@
 'LBL_FAQ_FIELD_ACCESS'=>'Faq Field Access',
+//Added while moving role file from User to Setting Module
+'LBL_CREATE_NEW_ROLE'=>'Create New Role',
+'LBL_PROPERTIES'=>'Properties of',
+'LBL_NEW_ROLE'=>'New Role',
+'LBL_ROLE_NAME'=>'Role Name',
+'LBL_REPORTS_TO'=>'Reports to',
+'LBL_PROFILES_AVLBL'=>'Profiles Available',
+'LBL_ASSIGN_PROFILES'=>'Assigned Profiles',
+'LBL_DELETE_ROLE'=>'Delete Role',
+'LBL_ROLE_TO_BE_DELETED'=>'Role to be Deleted',
+'LBL_TRANSFER_USER_ROLE'=>'Transfer Users to Role',

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Users/DeleteRole.php
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Users/DeleteRole.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Users/DeleteRole.php Thu Nov 23 08:23:17 2006
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
-header("Location: index.php?action=listroles&module=Users");
+header("Location: index.php?action=listroles&module=Settings");

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