[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r9853 - /vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Webmails/webmails.js

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Fri Nov 17 06:43:10 EST 2006

Author: richie
Date: Fri Nov 17 04:43:01 2006
New Revision: 9853

control m characters removed


Modified: vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Webmails/webmails.js
--- vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Webmails/webmails.js (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/5.0.3/modules/Webmails/webmails.js Fri Nov 17 04:43:01 2006
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-  ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
-   * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
-   * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
-   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
-   * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
-   * All Rights Reserved.
-  *
- ********************************************************************************/
-function load_webmail(mid) {
-        var node = $("row_"+mid);
-	if(node.className == "unread_email") {
-		var unread  = parseInt($(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML);
-		if(unread != 0)
-			$(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML = (unread-1);
-                $("unread_img_"+mid).removeChild($("unread_img_"+mid).firstChild);
-                $("unread_img_"+mid).appendChild(Builder.node('a',
-                        {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',"reply")'},
-                        [Builder.node('img',{src: 'modules/Webmails/images/stock_mail-read.png', border: '0', width: '10', height: '11'})]
-                ));
-	}
-        node.className='read_email';
-        $("from_addy").innerHTML = " "+webmail[mid]["from"];
-        $("to_addy").innerHTML = " "+webmail[mid]["to"];
-        $("webmail_subject").innerHTML = " "+webmail[mid]["subject"];
-        $("webmail_date").innerHTML = " "+webmail[mid]["date"];
-        $("body_area").removeChild($("body_area").firstChild);
-        $("body_area").appendChild(Builder.node('iframe',{src: 'index.php?module=Webmails&action=body&mailid='+mid+'&mailbox='+mailbox, width: '100%', height: '210', frameborder: '0'},'You must enable iframes'));
-        tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("previewWindow");
-        for(var i=0;i<tmp.length;i++) {
-                if(tmp[i].style.visibility === "hidden") {
-                        tmp[i].style.visibility="visible";
-                }
-        }
-        $("delete_button").removeChild($("delete_button").firstChild);
-        $("delete_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'Button', value: 'Delete', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'runEmailCommand(\'delete_msg\','+mid+')'}));
-        $("reply_button_all").removeChild($("reply_button_all").firstChild);
-        $("reply_button_all").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'reply', value: ' Reply To All ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'replyall\')'}));
-        $("reply_button").removeChild($("reply_button").firstChild);
-        $("reply_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'reply', value: ' Reply To Sender ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'reply\')'}));
-        $("forward_button").removeChild($("forward_button").firstChild);
-        $("forward_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'forward', value: ' Forward ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'forward\')'}));
-        $("qualify_button").removeChild($("qualify_button").firstChild);
-        $("qualify_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'Qualify2', value: ' Qualify ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'showRelationships('+mid+')'}));
-        $("download_attach_button").removeChild($("download_attach_button").firstChild);
-        $("download_attach_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'download', value: ' Download Attachments ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'displayAttachments('+mid+')'}));
-        $("full_view").removeChild($("full_view").firstChild);
-        $("full_view").appendChild(Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'full_view\')'},'Full Email View'));
-function displayAttachments(mid) {
+  ** The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+   * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+   * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
+   * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+   * All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+function load_webmail(mid) {
+        var node = $("row_"+mid);
+	if(node.className == "unread_email") {
+		var unread  = parseInt($(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML);
+		if(unread != 0)
+			$(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML = (unread-1);
+                $("unread_img_"+mid).removeChild($("unread_img_"+mid).firstChild);
+                $("unread_img_"+mid).appendChild(Builder.node('a',
+                        {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',"reply")'},
+                        [Builder.node('img',{src: 'modules/Webmails/images/stock_mail-read.png', border: '0', width: '10', height: '11'})]
+                ));
+	}
+        node.className='read_email';
+        $("from_addy").innerHTML = "&nbsp;"+webmail[mid]["from"];
+        $("to_addy").innerHTML = "&nbsp;"+webmail[mid]["to"];
+        $("webmail_subject").innerHTML = "&nbsp;"+webmail[mid]["subject"];
+        $("webmail_date").innerHTML = "&nbsp;"+webmail[mid]["date"];
+        $("body_area").removeChild($("body_area").firstChild);
+        $("body_area").appendChild(Builder.node('iframe',{src: 'index.php?module=Webmails&action=body&mailid='+mid+'&mailbox='+mailbox, width: '100%', height: '210', frameborder: '0'},'You must enable iframes'));
+        tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("previewWindow");
+        for(var i=0;i<tmp.length;i++) {
+                if(tmp[i].style.visibility === "hidden") {
+                        tmp[i].style.visibility="visible";
+                }
+        }
+        $("delete_button").removeChild($("delete_button").firstChild);
+        $("delete_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'Button', value: 'Delete', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'runEmailCommand(\'delete_msg\','+mid+')'}));
+        $("reply_button_all").removeChild($("reply_button_all").firstChild);
+        $("reply_button_all").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'reply', value: ' Reply To All ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'replyall\')'}));
+        $("reply_button").removeChild($("reply_button").firstChild);
+        $("reply_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'reply', value: ' Reply To Sender ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'reply\')'}));
+        $("forward_button").removeChild($("forward_button").firstChild);
+        $("forward_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'forward', value: ' Forward ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'forward\')'}));
+        $("qualify_button").removeChild($("qualify_button").firstChild);
+        $("qualify_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'Qualify2', value: ' Qualify ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'showRelationships('+mid+')'}));
+        $("download_attach_button").removeChild($("download_attach_button").firstChild);
+        $("download_attach_button").appendChild(Builder.node('input',{type: 'button', name: 'download', value: ' Download Attachments ', className: 'classWebBtn', onclick: 'displayAttachments('+mid+')'}));
+        $("full_view").removeChild($("full_view").firstChild);
+        $("full_view").appendChild(Builder.node('a',{href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mid+',\'full_view\')'},'Full Email View'));
+function displayAttachments(mid) {
         var url = "index.php?module=Webmails&action=dlAttachments&mailid="+mid+"&mailbox="+mailbox;
         window.open(url,"Download Attachments",'menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,resizable=no,width=450,height=450');
-function showRelationships(mid) {
-	// TODO: present the user with a simple DHTML div to
-	// choose what type of relationship they would like to create
-	// before creating it.
-	alert('Are you sure you wish to Qualify this Mail as Contact?');
-        add_to_vtiger(mid);
-function add_to_vtiger(mid) {
-	// TODO: update this function to allow you to set what entity type
-	// you would like to associate to
-        $("status").style.display="block";
-        new Ajax.Request(
-                'index.php',
-                {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
-                        method: 'post',
-                        postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=Save&mailid='+mid+'&ajax=true',
-                        onComplete: function(t) {
+function showRelationships(mid) {
+	// TODO: present the user with a simple DHTML div to
+	// choose what type of relationship they would like to create
+	// before creating it.
+	alert('Are you sure you wish to Qualify this Mail as Contact?');
+        add_to_vtiger(mid);
+function add_to_vtiger(mid) {
+	// TODO: update this function to allow you to set what entity type
+	// you would like to associate to
+        $("status").style.display="block";
+        new Ajax.Request(
+                'index.php',
+                {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
+                        method: 'post',
+                        postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=Save&mailid='+mid+'&ajax=true',
+                        onComplete: function(t) {
-                        }
-                }
-        );
+                        }
+                }
+        );
 function select_all() {
         var els = document.getElementsByClassName("msg_check");
 	var id='';
@@ -101,214 +101,214 @@
-function check_in_all_boxes(mymbox) {
-	// TODO: There is possibly still a bug in the mailbox counting code
-	// check for NaN
-        new Ajax.Request(
-                'index.php',
-                {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
-                        method: 'post',
+function check_in_all_boxes(mymbox) {
+	// TODO: There is possibly still a bug in the mailbox counting code
+	// check for NaN
+        new Ajax.Request(
+                'index.php',
+                {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
+                        method: 'post',
                         postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=WebmailsAjax&command=check_mbox_all&mailbox='+mymbox+'&ajax=true&file=ListView',
-                        onComplete: function(t) {
+                        onComplete: function(t) {
-				if(t.responseText != "") {
-                                	var data = eval('(' + t.responseText + ')');
-                                	for (var i=0;i<data.msgs.length;i++) {
-                                        	var mbox = data.msgs[i].msg.box;
-						if(mbox != mailbox) {
-                                        		var numnew = parseInt(data.msgs[i].msg.newmsgs);
-							var read  = parseInt($(mbox+"_read").innerHTML);
-							$(mbox+"_read").innerHTML = (read+numnew);
-							var unread  = parseInt($(mbox+"_unread").innerHTML);
-							$(mbox+"_unread").innerHTML = (unread+numnew);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-        			$("status").style.display="none";
-			}
-		}
-	);
-function check_for_new_mail(mbox) {
-	if(degraded_service == 'true') {
-		window.location=window.location;
-		return;
+				if(t.responseText != "") {
+                                	var data = eval('(' + t.responseText + ')');
+                                	for (var i=0;i<data.msgs.length;i++) {
+                                        	var mbox = data.msgs[i].msg.box;
+						if(mbox != mailbox) {
+                                        		var numnew = parseInt(data.msgs[i].msg.newmsgs);
+							var read  = parseInt($(mbox+"_read").innerHTML);
+							$(mbox+"_read").innerHTML = (read+numnew);
+							var unread  = parseInt($(mbox+"_unread").innerHTML);
+							$(mbox+"_unread").innerHTML = (unread+numnew);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+        			$("status").style.display="none";
+			}
+		}
+	);
+function check_for_new_mail(mbox) {
+	if(degraded_service == 'true') {
+		window.location=window.location;
+		return;
-        $("status").style.display="block";
-        new Ajax.Request(
-                'index.php',
-                {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
-                        method: 'post',
-                        postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=WebmailsAjax&mailbox='+mbox+'&command=check_mbox&ajax=true&file=ListView',
-                        onComplete: function(t) {
-			//alert(t.responseText);
-                            try {
-				// TODO: replace this at some point with prototype JSON
-				// tools
-                                var data = eval('(' + t.responseText + ')');
-				var read  = parseInt($(mailbox+"_read").innerHTML);
-				$(mailbox+"_read").innerHTML = (read+data.mails.length);
-				var unread  = parseInt($(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML);
-				$(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML = (unread+data.mails.length);
-                                for (var i=0;i<data.mails.length;i++) {
-                                        var mailid = data.mails[i].mail.mailid;
-                                        var date = data.mails[i].mail.date;
-                                        var subject=data.mails[i].mail.subject;
-                                        var attachments=data.mails[i].mail.attachments;
-                                        var from=data.mails[i].mail.from;
-                                        webmail[mailid] = new Array();
-                                        webmail[mailid]["from"] = from;
-                                        webmail[mailid]["to"] = data.mails[i].mail.to;
-                                        webmail[mailid]["subject"] = subject;
-                                        webmail[mailid]["date"] = date;
-                                        // main row
-                                        var tr = Builder.node(
-                                                'tr',
-                                                {id:'row_'+mailid, className: 'unread_email'}
-                                        );
-                                        // checkbox
-                                        var check = Builder.node(
-                                                'td',
-                                                [ Builder.node(
-                                                        'input',
-                                                        {type: 'checkbox', name: 'checkbox_'+mailid, className: 'msg_check'}
-                                                )]
-                                        );
-                                        tr.appendChild(check);
-                                        // images
-                                        // Attachment
-                                        imgtd = Builder.node('td');
-                                        if(attachments === "1")  {
-                                            var attach = Builder.node('a',
-                                                {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'displayAttachments('+mailid+')'},
-                                                [ Builder.node('img',
-                                                        {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/stock_attach.png', border: '0', width: '14px', height: '14px'}
-                                                )]
-                                            );
-                                        } else {
-                                            var attach = Builder.node('a',
-                                                {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/blank.png', border: '0', width: '14px', height: '14px'}
-                                            );
-                                        }
-                                        imgtd.appendChild(attach);
-                                        imgtd.innerHTML += "&nbsp;";
-                                        var unread = Builder.node('span',
-                                                {id: 'unread_img_'+mailid},
-                                                [ Builder.node('a',
-                                                        {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mailid+',\'reply\')'},
-                                                        [ Builder.node('img',
-                                                                {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/stock_mail-unread.png', border: '0', width: '10', height: '14'}
-                                                        )]
-                                                )]
-                                        );
-                                        imgtd.appendChild(unread);
-                                        imgtd.innerHTML += "&nbsp;";
-                                        var flag = Builder.node('span',
-                                                {id: 'set_td_'+mailid},
-                                                [ Builder.node('a',
-                                                        {href: 'javascript:void(0);', onclick: 'runEmailCommand(\'set_flag\','+mailid+')'},
-                                                        [ Builder.node('img',
-                                                                {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/plus.gif', border: '0', width: '11px', height: '11px', id: 'set_flag_img_'+mailid}
-                                                        )]
-                                                )]
-                                        );
-                                        imgtd.appendChild(flag);
-                                        tr.appendChild(imgtd);
-                                        // MSG details
-                                        tr.appendChild( Builder.node('td',
-                                                [ Builder.node('a',
-                                                        {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'load_webmail(\''+mailid+'\')', id: 'ndeleted_subject_'+mailid},
-                                                        ''+subject+''
-                                                )]
-                                        ));
-                                        tr.appendChild( Builder.node('td',
-                                                {id: 'ndeleted_date_'+mailid},
-                                                ''+date+''
-                                        ));
-                                        tr.appendChild( Builder.node('td',
-                                                {id: 'ndeleted_from_'+mailid},
-                                                ''+from+''
-                                        ));
-                                       var del = Builder.node('td',
-                                                {align: 'center', id:'ndeleted_td_'+mailid},
-                                                [ Builder.node('span',
-                                                        {id: 'del_link_'+mailid},
-                                                        [ Builder.node('a',
-                                                                {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'runEmailCommand(\'delete_msg\','+mailid+')'},
-                                                                [ Builder.node('img',
-                                                                        {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/gnome-fs-trash-empty.png', border: '0', width: '14', height: '14', alt: 'del'}
-                                                                )]
-                                                        )]
-                                                )]
-                                        );
-                                        tr.appendChild(del);
-					// TODO: this is ugly, replace using prototype child walker tools
-                                        tr.style.display='none';
-                                        var tels = $("message_table").childNodes[1].childNodes;
-                                        for(var j=0;j<tels.length;j++) {
-					    try {
-                                                if(tels[j].id.match(/row_/)) {
-                                                	$("message_table").childNodes[1].insertBefore(tr,tels[j]);
-                                                        break;
-                                        	}
-					    }catch(f){}
-                                        }
-                                        new Effect.Appear("row_"+mailid);
-                                }
-                            }catch(e) {}
-			    check_in_all_boxes(mailbox);
-        		    //$("status").style.display="none";
-                        }
-                }
-        );
-function periodic_event() {
-	// NOTE: any functions you put in here may race.  This could probably
-	// be avoided by executing functions in a 0'ed timeout, or a prototype
-	// enumerator
+        $("status").style.display="block";
+        new Ajax.Request(
+                'index.php',
+                {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
+                        method: 'post',
+                        postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=WebmailsAjax&mailbox='+mbox+'&command=check_mbox&ajax=true&file=ListView',
+                        onComplete: function(t) {
+			//alert(t.responseText);
+                            try {
+				// TODO: replace this at some point with prototype JSON
+				// tools
+                                var data = eval('(' + t.responseText + ')');
+				var read  = parseInt($(mailbox+"_read").innerHTML);
+				$(mailbox+"_read").innerHTML = (read+data.mails.length);
+				var unread  = parseInt($(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML);
+				$(mailbox+"_unread").innerHTML = (unread+data.mails.length);
+                                for (var i=0;i<data.mails.length;i++) {
+                                        var mailid = data.mails[i].mail.mailid;
+                                        var date = data.mails[i].mail.date;
+                                        var subject=data.mails[i].mail.subject;
+                                        var attachments=data.mails[i].mail.attachments;
+                                        var from=data.mails[i].mail.from;
+                                        webmail[mailid] = new Array();
+                                        webmail[mailid]["from"] = from;
+                                        webmail[mailid]["to"] = data.mails[i].mail.to;
+                                        webmail[mailid]["subject"] = subject;
+                                        webmail[mailid]["date"] = date;
+                                        // main row
+                                        var tr = Builder.node(
+                                                'tr',
+                                                {id:'row_'+mailid, className: 'unread_email'}
+                                        );
+                                        // checkbox
+                                        var check = Builder.node(
+                                                'td',
+                                                [ Builder.node(
+                                                        'input',
+                                                        {type: 'checkbox', name: 'checkbox_'+mailid, className: 'msg_check'}
+                                                )]
+                                        );
+                                        tr.appendChild(check);
+                                        // images
+                                        // Attachment
+                                        imgtd = Builder.node('td');
+                                        if(attachments === "1")  {
+                                            var attach = Builder.node('a',
+                                                {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'displayAttachments('+mailid+')'},
+                                                [ Builder.node('img',
+                                                        {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/stock_attach.png', border: '0', width: '14px', height: '14px'}
+                                                )]
+                                            );
+                                        } else {
+                                            var attach = Builder.node('a',
+                                                {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/blank.png', border: '0', width: '14px', height: '14px'}
+                                            );
+                                        }
+                                        imgtd.appendChild(attach);
+                                        imgtd.innerHTML += "&nbsp;";
+                                        var unread = Builder.node('span',
+                                                {id: 'unread_img_'+mailid},
+                                                [ Builder.node('a',
+                                                        {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'OpenCompose('+mailid+',\'reply\')'},
+                                                        [ Builder.node('img',
+                                                                {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/stock_mail-unread.png', border: '0', width: '10', height: '14'}
+                                                        )]
+                                                )]
+                                        );
+                                        imgtd.appendChild(unread);
+                                        imgtd.innerHTML += "&nbsp;";
+                                        var flag = Builder.node('span',
+                                                {id: 'set_td_'+mailid},
+                                                [ Builder.node('a',
+                                                        {href: 'javascript:void(0);', onclick: 'runEmailCommand(\'set_flag\','+mailid+')'},
+                                                        [ Builder.node('img',
+                                                                {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/plus.gif', border: '0', width: '11px', height: '11px', id: 'set_flag_img_'+mailid}
+                                                        )]
+                                                )]
+                                        );
+                                        imgtd.appendChild(flag);
+                                        tr.appendChild(imgtd);
+                                        // MSG details
+                                        tr.appendChild( Builder.node('td',
+                                                [ Builder.node('a',
+                                                        {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'load_webmail(\''+mailid+'\')', id: 'ndeleted_subject_'+mailid},
+                                                        ''+subject+''
+                                                )]
+                                        ));
+                                        tr.appendChild( Builder.node('td',
+                                                {id: 'ndeleted_date_'+mailid},
+                                                ''+date+''
+                                        ));
+                                        tr.appendChild( Builder.node('td',
+                                                {id: 'ndeleted_from_'+mailid},
+                                                ''+from+''
+                                        ));
+                                       var del = Builder.node('td',
+                                                {align: 'center', id:'ndeleted_td_'+mailid},
+                                                [ Builder.node('span',
+                                                        {id: 'del_link_'+mailid},
+                                                        [ Builder.node('a',
+                                                                {href: 'javascript:;', onclick: 'runEmailCommand(\'delete_msg\','+mailid+')'},
+                                                                [ Builder.node('img',
+                                                                        {src: 'modules/Webmails/images/gnome-fs-trash-empty.png', border: '0', width: '14', height: '14', alt: 'del'}
+                                                                )]
+                                                        )]
+                                                )]
+                                        );
+                                        tr.appendChild(del);
+					// TODO: this is ugly, replace using prototype child walker tools
+                                        tr.style.display='none';
+                                        var tels = $("message_table").childNodes[1].childNodes;
+                                        for(var j=0;j<tels.length;j++) {
+					    try {
+                                                if(tels[j].id.match(/row_/)) {
+                                                	$("message_table").childNodes[1].insertBefore(tr,tels[j]);
+                                                        break;
+                                        	}
+					    }catch(f){}
+                                        }
+                                        new Effect.Appear("row_"+mailid);
+                                }
+                            }catch(e) {}
+			    check_in_all_boxes(mailbox);
+        		    //$("status").style.display="none";
+                        }
+                }
+        );
+function periodic_event() {
+	// NOTE: any functions you put in here may race.  This could probably
+	// be avoided by executing functions in a 0'ed timeout, or a prototype
+	// enumerator
-function show_hidden() {
-	// prototype uses enumerable lists to queue events for execution.
-	// because of this, this function executes and returns imediately and
-	// the status spinner is never seen.  The status spinner below is a hack
-	// and doesn't even attempt to pretend like it knows the event is finished.
-	// this cannot be fixed with the scriptaculous beforeStart and afterFinish
-	// event hooks for some reason, maybe because the event duration is too quick?
-	window.setTimeout(function() {
-        	$("status").style.display="block";
-		window.setTimeout(function() {
-       			$("status").style.display="none";
-		},2000);
-	},0);
-        var els = document.getElementsByClassName("deletedRow");
-        for(var i=0;i<els.length;i++) {
-                if(els[i].style.display == "none")
-                        new Effect.Appear(els[i],{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'show'}, duration: 0.2});
-                else
-                        new Effect.Fade(els[i],{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'show'}, duration: 0.2});
-        }
-function mass_delete() {
-	var ok = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete these messages?");
-	if(ok) {
-		// TODO: CHANGE THIS ASAP.  This spikes the client proc @ 100% and
-		// depending on the mbox size may seem completely unresponsive for
-		// extended periods.  Could be changed with getElementsByClassName()
-		// to shorten the loop.  The majority of the slowdown probably comes from
-		// executing an AJAX delete_msg for each mailid :).
+function show_hidden() {
+	// prototype uses enumerable lists to queue events for execution.
+	// because of this, this function executes and returns imediately and
+	// the status spinner is never seen.  The status spinner below is a hack
+	// and doesn't even attempt to pretend like it knows the event is finished.
+	// this cannot be fixed with the scriptaculous beforeStart and afterFinish
+	// event hooks for some reason, maybe because the event duration is too quick?
+	window.setTimeout(function() {
+        	$("status").style.display="block";
+		window.setTimeout(function() {
+       			$("status").style.display="none";
+		},2000);
+	},0);
+        var els = document.getElementsByClassName("deletedRow");
+        for(var i=0;i<els.length;i++) {
+                if(els[i].style.display == "none")
+                        new Effect.Appear(els[i],{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'show'}, duration: 0.2});
+                else
+                        new Effect.Fade(els[i],{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'show'}, duration: 0.2});
+        }
+function mass_delete() {
+	var ok = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete these messages?");
+	if(ok) {
+		// TODO: CHANGE THIS ASAP.  This spikes the client proc @ 100% and
+		// depending on the mbox size may seem completely unresponsive for
+		// extended periods.  Could be changed with getElementsByClassName()
+		// to shorten the loop.  The majority of the slowdown probably comes from
+		// executing an AJAX delete_msg for each mailid :).
         	var els = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
         	var cnt = (els.length-1);
@@ -329,37 +329,37 @@
-function move_messages() {
-        $("status").style.display="block";
-        var els = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
-        var cnt = (els.length-1);
-        for(var i=cnt;i>0;i--) {
-                if(els[i].type === "checkbox" && els[i].name.indexOf("_")) {
-                        if(els[i].checked) {
-                                var nid = els[i].name.substr((els[i].name.indexOf("_")+1),els[i].name.length);
-                                var mvmbox = $("mailbox_select").value;
-                                new Ajax.Request(
-                                        'index.php',
-                                        {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
-                                                method: 'post',
-                                                postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=ListView&mailbox=INBOX&command=move_msg&ajax=true&mailid='+nid+'&mvbox='+mvmbox,
-                                                onComplete: function(t) {
-                                                        //alert(t.responseText);
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                );
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        runEmailCommand('expunge','');
-        $("status").style.display="none";
-function search_emails() {
-	// TODO: find a way to search in degraded functionality mode.
-        var search_query = $("search_input").value;
-        var search_type = $("search_type").value;
-        window.location = "index.php?module=Webmails&action=index&search=true&search_type="+search_type+"&search_input="+search_query;
+function move_messages() {
+        $("status").style.display="block";
+        var els = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
+        var cnt = (els.length-1);
+        for(var i=cnt;i>0;i--) {
+                if(els[i].type === "checkbox" && els[i].name.indexOf("_")) {
+                        if(els[i].checked) {
+                                var nid = els[i].name.substr((els[i].name.indexOf("_")+1),els[i].name.length);
+                                var mvmbox = $("mailbox_select").value;
+                                new Ajax.Request(
+                                        'index.php',
+                                        {queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'command'},
+                                                method: 'post',
+                                                postBody: 'module=Webmails&action=ListView&mailbox=INBOX&command=move_msg&ajax=true&mailid='+nid+'&mvbox='+mvmbox,
+                                                onComplete: function(t) {
+                                                        //alert(t.responseText);
+                                                }
+                                        }
+                                );
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        runEmailCommand('expunge','');
+        $("status").style.display="none";
+function search_emails() {
+	// TODO: find a way to search in degraded functionality mode.
+        var search_query = $("search_input").value;
+        var search_type = $("search_type").value;
+        window.location = "index.php?module=Webmails&action=index&search=true&search_type="+search_type+"&search_input="+search_query;
 function runEmailCommand(com,id) {
@@ -404,9 +404,9 @@
 					try {
-                                        	$("del_link_"+id).innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="runEmailCommand(\'undelete_msg\','+id+');"><img src="modules/Webmails/images/gnome-fs-trash-full.png" border="0" width="14" height="14" alt="del"></a>';
-                                        	new Effect.Fade(row,{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'effect'},duration: '0.5'});
+                                        	$("del_link_"+id).innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="runEmailCommand(\'undelete_msg\','+id+');"><img src="modules/Webmails/images/gnome-fs-trash-full.png" border="0" width="14" height="14" alt="del"></a>';
+                                        	new Effect.Fade(row,{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'effect'},duration: '0.5'});
                                         	tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("previewWindow");
@@ -477,35 +477,35 @@
-function remove(s, t) {
-  /*
-  **  Remove all occurrences of a token in a string
-  **    s  string to be processed
-  **    t  token to be removed
-  **  returns new string
-  */
-  i = s.indexOf(t);
-  r = "";
-  if (i == -1) return s;
-  r += s.substring(0,i) + remove(s.substring(i + t.length), t);
-  return r;
-function changeMbox(box) {
-        location.href = "index.php?module=Webmails&action=index&mailbox="+box;
-// TODO: these two functions should be tied into a mailbox management panel of some kind.
-// could be a DHTML div with AJAX calls to execute the commands on the mailbox.  
-function show_addfolder() {
-        var fldr = $("folderOpts");
-        if(fldr.style.display == 'none')
-                $("folderOpts").style.display="";
-        else
-                $("folderOpts").style.display="none";
-function show_remfolder(mb) {
-        var fldr = $("remove_"+mb);
-        if(fldr.style.display == 'none')
-                fldr.style.display="";
-        else
-                fldr.style.display="none";
+function remove(s, t) {
+  /*
+  **  Remove all occurrences of a token in a string
+  **    s  string to be processed
+  **    t  token to be removed
+  **  returns new string
+  */
+  i = s.indexOf(t);
+  r = "";
+  if (i == -1) return s;
+  r += s.substring(0,i) + remove(s.substring(i + t.length), t);
+  return r;
+function changeMbox(box) {
+        location.href = "index.php?module=Webmails&action=index&mailbox="+box;
+// TODO: these two functions should be tied into a mailbox management panel of some kind.
+// could be a DHTML div with AJAX calls to execute the commands on the mailbox.  
+function show_addfolder() {
+        var fldr = $("folderOpts");
+        if(fldr.style.display == 'none')
+                $("folderOpts").style.display="";
+        else
+                $("folderOpts").style.display="none";
+function show_remfolder(mb) {
+        var fldr = $("remove_"+mb);
+        if(fldr.style.display == 'none')
+                fldr.style.display="";
+        else
+                fldr.style.display="none";

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