[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r6779 - /vtigercrm/trunk/modules/HelpDesk/HelpDesk.php
vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Tue May 30 14:26:35 EDT 2006
Author: saraj
Date: Tue May 30 12:26:32 2006
New Revision: 6779
* Modified to add the Ticket History in related list
Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/HelpDesk/HelpDesk.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/HelpDesk/HelpDesk.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/HelpDesk/HelpDesk.php Tue May 30 12:26:32 2006
@@ -106,20 +106,36 @@
$query = "SELECT activity.*, crmentity.crmid, contactdetails.contactid, contactdetails.lastname, contactdetails.firstname, recurringevents.recurringtype, crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime, users.user_name from activity inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.activityid=activity.activityid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=activity.activityid left outer join recurringevents on recurringevents.activityid=activity.activityid left join cntactivityrel on cntactivityrel.activityid= activity.activityid left join contactdetails on contactdetails.contactid= cntactivityrel.contactid left join users on users.id=crmentity.smownerid left join activitygrouprelation on activitygrouprelation.activityid=crmentity.crmid left join groups on groups.groupname=activitygrouprelation.groupname where seactivityrel.crmid=".$id." and (activitytype='Task' or activitytype='Call' or activitytype='Meeting')";
$log->debug("Exiting get_activities method ...");
return GetRelatedList('HelpDesk','Activities',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
- /** Function to display the History of the Ticket which just includes a file which contains the TicketHistory informations
+ /** Function to get the Ticket History information as in array format
+ * @param int $ticketid - ticket id
+ * return array with title and the ticket history informations in the following format
+ array(
+ header=>array('0'=>'title'),
+ entries=>array('0'=>'info1','1'=>'info2',etc.,)
+ )
- function Get_Ticket_History()
- {
- global $log;
- $log->debug("Entering Get_Ticket_History() method ...");
- global $mod_strings;
- echo '<br><br>';
- echo get_form_header($mod_strings['LBL_TICKET_HISTORY'],"", false);
- include("modules/HelpDesk/TicketHistory.php");
- $log->debug("Exiting Get_Ticket_History method ...");
+ function get_ticket_history($ticketid)
+ {
+ global $log, $adb;
+ $log->debug("Entering into get_ticket_history($ticketid) method ...");
+ $query="select title,update_log from troubletickets where ticketid=".$ticketid;
+ $result=$adb->query($query);
+ $update_log = $adb->query_result($result,0,"update_log");
+ $splitval = split('--//--',trim($update_log,'--//--'));
+ $header[] = $adb->query_result($result,0,"title");
+ $return_value = Array('header'=>$header,'entries'=>$splitval);
+ $log->debug("Exiting from get_ticket_history($ticketid) method ...");
+ return $return_value;
/** Function to form the query to get the list of attachments and notes
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