[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r6138 - /vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Accounts/Account.php
vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Wed May 17 17:37:41 EDT 2006
Author: allanbush
Date: Wed May 17 15:37:38 2006
New Revision: 6138
Refs #795. Cleaned up the rest of the queries in the file.
Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Accounts/Account.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Accounts/Account.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Accounts/Account.php Wed May 17 15:37:38 2006
@@ -176,13 +176,13 @@
INNER JOIN crmentity
ON crmentity.crmid = contactdetails.contactid
LEFT JOIN contactgrouprelation
- ON contactdetails.contactid=contactgrouprelation.contactid
- LEFT JOIN groups
- ON groups.groupname=contactgrouprelation.groupname
- LEFT JOIN left join users
- ON crmentity.smownerid=users.id
- WHERE crmentity.deleted=0
- AND contactdetails.accountid = '.$id;
+ ON contactdetails.contactid = contactgrouprelation.contactid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = contactgrouprelation.groupname
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id
+ WHERE crmentity.deleted = 0
+ AND contactdetails.accountid = '.$id;
$log->debug("Exiting get_contacts method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','Contacts',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -207,7 +207,23 @@
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = 'select potential.potentialid, potential.accountid, potential.potentialname, potential.sales_stage, potential.potentialtype, potential.amount, potential.closingdate, potential.potentialtype, users.user_name, crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid from potential inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid= potential.potentialid left join users on crmentity.smownerid = users.id left join potentialgrouprelation on potential.potentialid=potentialgrouprelation.potentialid left join groups on groups.groupname=potentialgrouprelation.groupname where crmentity.deleted=0 and potential.accountid= '.$id ;
+ $query = "SELECT potential.potentialid, potential.accountid,
+ potential.potentialname, potential.sales_stage,
+ potential.potentialtype, potential.amount,
+ potential.closingdate, potential.potentialtype,
+ users.user_name,
+ crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid
+ FROM potential
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = potential.potentialid
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id
+ LEFT JOIN potentialgrouprelation
+ ON potential.potentialid = potentialgrouprelation.potentialid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = potentialgrouprelation.groupname
+ WHERE crmentity.deleted = 0
+ AND potential.accountid = ".$id;
$log->debug("Exiting get_opportunities method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','Potentials',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -234,7 +250,42 @@
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = "SELECT activity.*,seactivityrel.*, contactdetails.contactid,contactdetails.lastname, contactdetails.firstname, crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime, users.user_name,recurringevents.recurringtype from activity inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.activityid=activity.activityid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=activity.activityid left join cntactivityrel on cntactivityrel.activityid= activity.activityid left join contactdetails on contactdetails.contactid= cntactivityrel.contactid left join users on users.id=crmentity.smownerid left outer join recurringevents on recurringevents.activityid=activity.activityid left join activitygrouprelation on activitygrouprelation.activityid=crmentity.crmid left join groups on groups.groupname=activitygrouprelation.groupname where seactivityrel.crmid=".$id." and (activitytype='Task' or activitytype='Call' or activitytype='Meeting') and crmentity.deleted=0 and ((activity.status is not NULL && activity.status != 'Completed') and (activity.status is not NULL && activity.status != 'Deferred') or (activity.eventstatus !='' && activity.eventstatus = 'Planned'))";
+ $query = "SELECT activity.*,
+ seactivityrel.*,
+ contactdetails.contactid, contactdetails.lastname,
+ contactdetails.firstname,
+ crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid,
+ crmentity.modifiedtime,
+ users.user_name,
+ recurringevents.recurringtype
+ FROM activity
+ INNER JOIN seactivityrel
+ ON seactivityrel.activityid = activity.activityid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = activity.activityid
+ LEFT JOIN cntactivityrel
+ ON cntactivityrel.activityid = activity.activityid
+ LEFT JOIN contactdetails
+ ON contactdetails.contactid = cntactivityrel.contactid
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON users.id = crmentity.smownerid
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN recurringevents
+ ON recurringevents.activityid = activity.activityid
+ LEFT JOIN activitygrouprelation
+ ON activitygrouprelation.activityid = crmentity.crmid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = activitygrouprelation.groupname
+ WHERE seactivityrel.crmid = ".$id."
+ AND (activitytype='Task'
+ OR activitytype='Call'
+ OR activitytype='Meeting')
+ AND crmentity.deleted = 0
+ AND ((activity.status IS NOT NULL
+ AND activity.status != 'Completed')
+ AND (activity.status IS NOT NULL
+ AND activity.status != 'Deferred')
+ OR (activity.eventstatus !=''
+ AND activity.eventstatus = 'Planned'))";
$log->debug("Exiting get_activities method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','Activities',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -244,21 +295,37 @@
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering get_history(".$id.") method ...");
- $query = "SELECT activity.activityid, activity.subject, activity.status, activity.eventstatus,
- activity.activitytype, contactdetails.contactid, contactdetails.firstname,
- contactdetails.lastname, crmentity.modifiedtime, crmentity.createdtime,
- crmentity.description, users.user_name
- from activity
- inner join seactivityrel on seactivityrel.activityid=activity.activityid
- inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=activity.activityid
- left join cntactivityrel on cntactivityrel.activityid= activity.activityid
- left join contactdetails on contactdetails.contactid= cntactivityrel.contactid
- left join activitygrouprelation on activitygrouprelation.activityid=activity.activityid
- left join groups on groups.groupname=activitygrouprelation.groupname
- inner join users on crmentity.smcreatorid=users.id
- where (activity.activitytype = 'Meeting' or activity.activitytype='Call' or activity.activitytype='Task')
- and (activity.status='Completed' or activity.status = 'Deferred' or (activity.eventstatus != 'Planned' and activity.eventstatus !=''))
- and seactivityrel.crmid=".$id;
+ $query = "SELECT activity.activityid, activity.subject,
+ activity.status, activity.eventstatus,
+ activity.activitytype,
+ contactdetails.contactid, contactdetails.firstname,
+ contactdetails.lastname,
+ crmentity.modifiedtime, crmentity.createdtime,
+ crmentity.description,
+ users.user_name
+ FROM activity
+ INNER JOIN seactivityrel
+ ON seactivityrel.activityid = activity.activityid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = activity.activityid
+ LEFT JOIN cntactivityrel
+ ON cntactivityrel.activityid = activity.activityid
+ LEFT JOIN contactdetails
+ ON contactdetails.contactid = cntactivityrel.contactid
+ LEFT JOIN activitygrouprelation
+ ON activitygrouprelation.activityid = activity.activityid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = activitygrouprelation.groupname
+ INNER JOIN users
+ ON crmentity.smcreatorid = users.id
+ WHERE (activity.activitytype = 'Meeting'
+ OR activity.activitytype = 'Call'
+ OR activity.activitytype = 'Task')
+ AND (activity.status = 'Completed'
+ OR activity.status = 'Deferred'
+ OR (activity.eventstatus != 'Planned'
+ AND activity.eventstatus != ''))
+ AND seactivityrel.crmid = ".$id;
//Don't add order by, because, for security, one more condition will be added with this query in include/RelatedListView.php
$log->debug("Exiting get_history method ...");
return getHistory('Accounts',$query,$id);
@@ -271,33 +338,48 @@
// Armando Lüscher 18.10.2005 -> §visibleDescription
// Desc: Inserted crm2.createdtime, notes.notecontent description, users.user_name
// Inserted inner join users on crm2.smcreatorid= users.id
- $query = "select notes.title,'Notes ' ActivityType, notes.filename, attachments.type FileType,
- crm2.modifiedtime lastmodified, seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid, notes.notesid crmid,
- crm2.createdtime, notes.notecontent description, users.user_name
- from notes
- inner join senotesrel on senotesrel.notesid= notes.notesid
- inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid= senotesrel.crmid
- inner join crmentity crm2 on crm2.crmid=notes.notesid and crm2.deleted=0
- left join seattachmentsrel on seattachmentsrel.crmid =notes.notesid
- left join attachments on seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = attachments.attachmentsid
- inner join users on crm2.smcreatorid= users.id
- where crmentity.crmid=".$id;
- $query .= ' union all ';
- // Armando Lüscher 18.10.2005 -> §visibleDescription
- // Desc: Inserted crm2.createdtime, attachments.description, users.user_name
- // Inserted inner join users on crm2.smcreatorid= users.id
- // Inserted order by createdtime desc
- $query .= "select attachments.description title ,'Attachments' ActivityType,
- attachments.name filename, attachments.type FileType, crm2.modifiedtime lastmodified,
- attachments.attachmentsid, seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid crmid,
- crm2.createdtime, attachments.description, users.user_name
- from attachments
- inner join seattachmentsrel on seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid= attachments.attachmentsid
- inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid= seattachmentsrel.crmid
- inner join crmentity crm2 on crm2.crmid=attachments.attachmentsid
- inner join users on crm2.smcreatorid= users.id
- where crmentity.crmid=".$id."
- order by createdtime desc";
+ $query = "SELECT notes.title, notes.notecontent AS description,
+ notes.filename, notes.notesid AS crmid,
+ 'Notes ' AS ActivityType,
+ attachments.type AS FileType,
+ crm2.modifiedtime AS lastmodified, crm2.createdtime,
+ seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid,
+ users.user_name
+ FROM notes
+ INNER JOIN senotesrel
+ ON senotesrel.notesid = notes.notesid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = senotesrel.crmid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity crm2
+ ON crm2.crmid = notes.notesid
+ AND crm2.deleted = 0
+ LEFT JOIN seattachmentsrel
+ ON seattachmentsrel.crmid = notes.notesid
+ LEFT JOIN attachments
+ ON seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = attachments.attachmentsid
+ INNER JOIN users
+ ON crm2.smcreatorid = users.id
+ WHERE crmentity.crmid = ".$id."
+ SELECT attachments.description AS title, attachments.description,
+ attachments.name AS filename,
+ seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid AS crmid,
+ 'Attachments' AS ActivityType,
+ attachments.type AS FileType,
+ crm2.modifiedtime AS lastmodified, crm2.createdtime,
+ attachments.attachmentsid,
+ users.user_name
+ FROM attachments
+ INNER JOIN seattachmentsrel
+ ON seattachmentsrel.attachmentsid = attachments.attachmentsid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = seattachmentsrel.crmid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity crm2
+ ON crm2.crmid = attachments.attachmentsid
+ INNER JOIN users
+ ON crm2.smcreatorid = users.id
+ WHERE crmentity.crmid = ".$id."
+ ORDER BY createdtime DESC";
$log->debug("Exiting get_attachments method ...");
return getAttachmentsAndNotes('Accounts',$query,$id);
@@ -318,7 +400,27 @@
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = "select users.user_name,groups.groupname, crmentity.*, quotes.*,potential.potentialname,account.accountname from quotes inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=quotes.quoteid left outer join account on account.accountid=quotes.accountid left outer join potential on potential.potentialid=quotes.potentialid left join quotegrouprelation on quotes.quoteid=quotegrouprelation.quoteid left join groups on groups.groupname=quotegrouprelation.groupname left join users on crmentity.smownerid=users.id where crmentity.deleted=0 and account.accountid=".$id;
+ $query = "SELECT users.user_name,
+ groups.groupname,
+ crmentity.*,
+ quotes.*,
+ potential.potentialname,
+ account.accountname
+ FROM quotes
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = quotes.quoteid
+ ON account.accountid = quotes.accountid
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN potential
+ ON potential.potentialid = quotes.potentialid
+ LEFT JOIN quotegrouprelation
+ ON quotes.quoteid = quotegrouprelation.quoteid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = quotegrouprelation.groupname
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id
+ WHERE crmentity.deleted = 0
+ AND account.accountid = ".$id;
$log->debug("Exiting get_quotes method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','Quotes',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -338,7 +440,27 @@
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = "select users.user_name,groups.groupname,crmentity.*, invoice.*, account.accountname, salesorder.subject as salessubject from invoice inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=invoice.invoiceid left outer join account on account.accountid=invoice.accountid left outer join salesorder on salesorder.salesorderid=invoice.salesorderid left join invoicegrouprelation on invoice.invoiceid=invoicegrouprelation.invoiceid left join groups on groups.groupname=invoicegrouprelation.groupname left join users on crmentity.smownerid=users.id where crmentity.deleted=0 and account.accountid=".$id;
+ $query = "SELECT users.user_name,
+ groups.groupname,
+ crmentity.*,
+ invoice.*,
+ account.accountname,
+ salesorder.subject AS salessubject
+ FROM invoice
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = invoice.invoiceid
+ ON account.accountid = invoice.accountid
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN salesorder
+ ON salesorder.salesorderid = invoice.salesorderid
+ LEFT JOIN invoicegrouprelation
+ ON invoice.invoiceid = invoicegrouprelation.invoiceid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = invoicegrouprelation.groupname
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id
+ WHERE crmentity.deleted = 0
+ AND account.accountid = ".$id;
$log->debug("Exiting get_invoices method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','Invoice',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -359,7 +481,27 @@
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = "select crmentity.*, salesorder.*, quotes.subject as quotename, account.accountname ,users.user_name,groups.groupname from salesorder inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=salesorder.salesorderid left outer join quotes on quotes.quoteid=salesorder.quoteid left outer join account on account.accountid=salesorder.accountid left join sogrouprelation on salesorder.salesorderid=sogrouprelation.salesorderid left join groups on groups.groupname=sogrouprelation.groupname left join users on crmentity.smownerid=users.id where crmentity.deleted=0 and salesorder.accountid = ".$id;
+ $query = "SELECT crmentity.*,
+ salesorder.*,
+ quotes.subject AS quotename,
+ account.accountname,
+ users.user_name,
+ groups.groupname
+ FROM salesorder
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = salesorder.salesorderid
+ ON quotes.quoteid = salesorder.quoteid
+ ON account.accountid = salesorder.accountid
+ LEFT JOIN sogrouprelation
+ ON salesorder.salesorderid = sogrouprelation.salesorderid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = sogrouprelation.groupname
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id
+ WHERE crmentity.deleted = 0
+ AND salesorder.accountid = ".$id;
$log->debug("Exiting get_salesorder method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','SalesOrder',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -375,7 +517,23 @@
$button .= '<td valign="bottom" align="right"><input title="New TICKET" accessyKey="F" class="button" onclick="this.form.action.value=\'EditView\';this.form.module.value=\'HelpDesk\'" type="submit" name="button" value="'.$app_strings['LBL_NEW_TICKET'].'"> </td>';
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = "select users.user_name, users.id, troubletickets.title, troubletickets.ticketid as crmid, troubletickets.status, troubletickets.priority, troubletickets.parent_id, crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime from troubletickets inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = troubletickets.ticketid left join account on account.accountid=troubletickets.parent_id left join users on users.id=crmentity.smownerid left join ticketgrouprelation on troubletickets.ticketid=ticketgrouprelation.ticketid left join groups on groups.groupname=ticketgrouprelation.groupname where account.accountid =".$id ;
+ $query = "SELECT users.user_name, users.id,
+ troubletickets.title, troubletickets.ticketid AS crmid,
+ troubletickets.status, troubletickets.priority,
+ troubletickets.parent_id,
+ crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime
+ FROM troubletickets
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = troubletickets.ticketid
+ LEFT JOIN account
+ ON account.accountid = troubletickets.parent_id
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON users.id=crmentity.smownerid
+ LEFT JOIN ticketgrouprelation
+ ON troubletickets.ticketid = ticketgrouprelation.ticketid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = ticketgrouprelation.groupname
+ WHERE account.accountid = ".$id ;
//Appending the security parameter
global $current_user;
@@ -387,8 +545,26 @@
$query .= ' '.$sec_parameter;
- $query .= " union all ";
- $query .= "select users.user_name, users.id, troubletickets.title, troubletickets.ticketid as crmid, troubletickets.status, troubletickets.priority, troubletickets.parent_id, crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime from troubletickets inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = troubletickets.ticketid left join contactdetails on contactdetails.contactid = troubletickets.parent_id left join account on account.accountid=contactdetails.accountid left join users on users.id=crmentity.smownerid left join ticketgrouprelation on troubletickets.ticketid=ticketgrouprelation.ticketid left join groups on groups.groupname=ticketgrouprelation.groupname where account.accountid =".$id;
+ $query .= " UNION ALL
+ SELECT users.user_name, users.id,
+ troubletickets.title, troubletickets.ticketid AS crmid,
+ troubletickets.status, troubletickets.priority,
+ troubletickets.parent_id,
+ crmentity.smownerid, crmentity.modifiedtime
+ FROM troubletickets
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = troubletickets.ticketid
+ LEFT JOIN contactdetails
+ ON contactdetails.contactid = troubletickets.parent_id
+ LEFT JOIN account
+ ON account.accountid = contactdetails.accountid
+ LEFT JOIN users
+ ON users.id = crmentity.smownerid
+ LEFT JOIN ticketgrouprelation
+ ON troubletickets.ticketid = ticketgrouprelation.ticketid
+ LEFT JOIN groups
+ ON groups.groupname = ticketgrouprelation.groupname
+ WHERE account.accountid = ".$id;
$log->debug("Exiting get_tickets method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','HelpDesk',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -412,7 +588,19 @@
$returnset = '&return_module=Accounts&return_action=DetailView&return_id='.$id;
- $query = 'select products.productid, products.productname, products.productcode, products.commissionrate, products.qty_per_unit, products.unit_price, crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid from products inner join seproductsrel on products.productid = seproductsrel.productid inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = products.productid inner join account on account.accountid = seproductsrel.crmid where account.accountid = '.$id.' and crmentity.deleted = 0';
+ $query = "SELECT products.productid, products.productname,
+ products.productcode, products.commissionrate,
+ products.qty_per_unit, products.unit_price,
+ crmentity.crmid, crmentity.smownerid
+ FROM products
+ INNER JOIN seproductsrel
+ ON products.productid = seproductsrel.productid
+ INNER JOIN crmentity
+ ON crmentity.crmid = products.productid
+ INNER JOIN account
+ ON account.accountid = seproductsrel.crmid
+ WHERE account.accountid = ".$id."
+ AND crmentity.deleted = 0";
$log->debug("Exiting get_products method ...");
return GetRelatedList('Accounts','Products',$focus,$query,$button,$returnset);
@@ -425,45 +613,68 @@
- $query = $this->constructCustomQueryAddendum('accountscf','Accounts') . "
- account.*, ".$this->entity_table.".*, accountbillads.city billing_city, accountbillads.country billing_country, accountbillads.code billing_code, accountbillads.state billing_state, accountbillads.street billing_street, accountshipads.city shipping_city, accountshipads.country shipping_country, accountshipads.code shipping_code, accountshipads.state shipping_state, accountshipads.street shipping_street,
- users.user_name, users.status user_status
- FROM ".$this->entity_table."
- INNER JOIN account
- ON crmentity.crmid=account.accountid
- LEFT JOIN accountbillads
- ON account.accountid=accountbillads.accountaddressid
- LEFT JOIN accountshipads
- ON account.accountid=accountshipads.accountaddressid
- LEFT JOIN accountscf
- ON accountscf.accountid=account.accountid
- LEFT JOIN users
+ $query = $this->constructCustomQueryAddendum('accountscf','Accounts') . "
+ account.*,
+ ".$this->entity_table.".*,
+ accountbillads.city AS billing_city,
+ accountbillads.country AS billing_country,
+ accountbillads.code AS billing_code,
+ accountbillads.state AS billing_state,
+ accountbillads.street AS billing_street,
+ accountshipads.city AS shipping_city,
+ accountshipads.country AS shipping_country,
+ accountshipads.code AS shipping_code,
+ accountshipads.state AS shipping_state,
+ accountshipads.street AS shipping_street,
+ users.user_name,
+ users.status AS user_status
+ FROM ".$this->entity_table."
+ INNER JOIN account
+ ON crmentity.crmid = account.accountid
+ LEFT JOIN accountbillads
+ ON account.accountid = accountbillads.accountaddressid
+ LEFT JOIN accountshipads
+ ON account.accountid = accountshipads.accountaddressid
+ LEFT JOIN accountscf
+ ON accountscf.accountid = account.accountid
+ LEFT JOIN users
ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id ";
- $query = "SELECT
- account.*, ".$this->entity_table.".*, accountbillads.city billing_city, accountbillads.country billing_country, accountbillads.code billing_code, accountbillads.state billing_state, accountbillads.street billing_street, accountshipads.city shipping_city, accountshipads.country shipping_country, accountshipads.code shipping_code, accountshipads.state shipping_state, accountshipads.street shipping_street,
- users.user_name, users.status user_status
- FROM ".$this->entity_table."
- INNER JOIN account
- ON crmentity.crmid=account.accountid
- LEFT JOIN accountbillads
- ON account.accountid=accountbillads.accountaddressid
- LEFT JOIN accountshipads
- ON account.accountid=accountshipads.accountaddressid
- LEFT JOIN users
+ $query = "SELECT account.*,
+ ".$this->entity_table.".*,
+ accountbillads.city AS billing_city,
+ accountbillads.country AS billing_country,
+ accountbillads.code AS billing_code,
+ accountbillads.state AS billing_state,
+ accountbillads.street AS billing_street,
+ accountshipads.city AS shipping_city,
+ accountshipads.country AS shipping_country,
+ accountshipads.code AS shipping_code,
+ accountshipads.state AS shipping_state,
+ accountshipads.street AS shipping_street,
+ users.user_name,
+ users.status AS user_status
+ FROM ".$this->entity_table."
+ INNER JOIN account
+ ON crmentity.crmid = account.accountid
+ LEFT JOIN accountbillads
+ ON account.accountid = accountbillads.accountaddressid
+ LEFT JOIN accountshipads
+ ON account.accountid = accountshipads.accountaddressid
+ LEFT JOIN users
ON crmentity.smownerid = users.id ";
- $where_auto = " users.status='Active'
- AND crmentity.deleted=0 ";
+ $where_auto = " users.status = 'Active'
+ AND crmentity.deleted = 0 ";
if($where != "")
- $query .= "where ($where) AND ".$where_auto;
+ $query .= "WHERE ($where) AND ".$where_auto;
- $query .= "where ".$where_auto;
+ $query .= "WHERE ".$where_auto;
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
@@ -477,7 +688,7 @@
global $log;
$log->debug("Entering getColumnNames_Acnt() method ...");
- $sql1 = "select fieldlabel from field where tabid=6";
+ $sql1 = "SELECT fieldlabel FROM field WHERE tabid = 6";
$result = $this->db->query($sql1);
$numRows = $this->db->num_rows($result);
for($i=0; $i < $numRows;$i++)
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