[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r4780 - in /vtigercrm/trunk/modules: Invoice/Save.php Quotes/Save.php SalesOrder/Save.php

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Thu Mar 30 08:12:21 EST 2006

Author: saraj
Date: Thu Mar 30 06:12:11 2006
New Revision: 4780

* Removed the functions updateStk, sendMail about stock, getPrdQtyInStck, getPrdReOrderLevel and getPrdHandler because all these are common for SalesOrder, Quotes and Invoice and these function moved to InventoryUtils.php file


Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Invoice/Save.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Invoice/Save.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Invoice/Save.php Thu Mar 30 06:12:11 2006
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
                 $query ="insert into invoiceproductrel values(".$focus->id.",".$prod_id.",".$qty.",".$listprice.")";
 		//Updating the Quantity in Stock in the Product Table
-		updateStk($prod_id,$qty,$focus->mode,$ext_prod_arr);
+		updateStk($prod_id,$qty,$focus->mode,$ext_prod_arr,'Invoice');
 $return_id = $focus->id;
@@ -92,114 +92,6 @@
 $local_log->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id);
-function updateStk($product_id,$qty,$mode,$ext_prod_arr)
-	global $adb,$current_user;
-	$prod_name = getProductName($product_id);
-	$qtyinstk= getPrdQtyInStck($product_id);
-	if($mode == 'edit')
-	{
-		if(array_key_exists($product_id,$ext_prod_arr))
-		{
-			$old_qty = $ext_prod_arr[$product_id];
-			if($old_qty > $qty)
-			{
-				$diff_qty = $old_qty - $qty;
-				$upd_qty = $qtyinstk+$diff_qty;
-				//Updating the Product Quantity
-				 updateProductQty($product_id, $upd_qty);
-	   			 sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name);
-			}
-			elseif($old_qty < $qty)
-			{
-				$diff_qty = $qty - $old_qty;
-				$upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$diff_qty;
-				updateProductQty($product_id, $upd_qty);
-				sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name);
-			}		
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$qty;
-			updateProductQty($product_id, $upd_qty);
-			sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name);	
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-			$upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$qty;
-			updateProductQty($product_id, $upd_qty);
-			sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name);
-	}	
-	//Check for reorder level and send mail
-function sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name)
-	global $current_user,$adb;
-	$reorderlevel = getPrdReOrderLevel($product_id);
-	if($upd_qty < $reorderlevel)
-	{
-		//send mail to the handler
-		$handler=getPrdHandler($product_id);
-		$handler_name = getUserName($handler);
-		$to_address= getUserEmail($handler);
-		//Get the email details from database;
-		$query = "select * from inventorynotification where notificationname='InvoiceNotification'";
-		$result = $adb->query($query);
-		$subject = $adb->query_result($result,0,'notificationsubject');
-		$body = $adb->query_result($result,0,'notificationbody');
-		$subject = str_replace('{PRODUCTNAME}',$prod_name,$subject);
-		$body = str_replace('{HANDLER}',$handler_name,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{PRODUCTNAME}',$prod_name,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{CURRENTSTOCK}',$upd_qty,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{REORDERLEVELVALUE}',$reorderlevel,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{CURRENTUSER}',$current_user->user_name,$body);	
-		$mail_status = send_mail("Invoice",$to_address,$current_user->user_name,$current_user->email1,$subject,$body);
-	}
-function getPrdQtyInStck($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select qtyinstock from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$qtyinstck= $adb->query_result($result,0,"qtyinstock");
-	return $qtyinstck;
-function getPrdReOrderLevel($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select reorderlevel from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$reorderlevel= $adb->query_result($result,0,"reorderlevel");
-	return $reorderlevel;
-function getPrdHandler($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select handler from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$handler= $adb->query_result($result,0,"handler");
-	return $handler;
 //code added for returning back to the current view after edit from list view
 if($_REQUEST['return_viewname'] == '') $return_viewname='0';
 if($_REQUEST['return_viewname'] != '')$return_viewname=$_REQUEST['return_viewname'];

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Quotes/Save.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Quotes/Save.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Quotes/Save.php Thu Mar 30 06:12:11 2006
@@ -33,26 +33,9 @@
 $log->debug("Inside Quote Save");
 $focus = new Quote();
-	$focus->id = $_REQUEST['record'];
-	$log->debug("Quote ID ".$focus->id);
-	$focus->mode = $_REQUEST['mode'];
-	  $log->debug("Mode is  ".$focus->mode);
-foreach($focus->column_fields as $fieldname => $val)
-	if(isset($_REQUEST[$fieldname]))
-	{
-		$value = $_REQUEST[$fieldname];
-		$focus->column_fields[$fieldname] = $value;
-	}
 $log->debug("The Field Value Array -----> ".$focus->column_fields);
@@ -94,8 +77,8 @@
 		$query ="insert into quotesproductrel values(".$focus->id.",".$prod_id.",".$qty.",".$listprice.")";
 		//Checking the re-order level and sending mail	
-		updateStk($prod_id,$qty,$focus->mode,$ext_prod_arr); 	
-	}	
+		updateStk($prod_id,$qty,$focus->mode,$ext_prod_arr,'Quotes');
+	}
@@ -109,122 +92,6 @@
 $local_log->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id);
-function updateStk($product_id,$qty,$mode,$ext_prod_arr)
-	global $log;
-	global $adb;
-	global $current_user;
-	 $log->debug("Inside Quote updateStk function.");
-        $log->debug("Product Id is".$product_id);
-        $log->debug("Qty is".$qty);
-	$prod_name = getProductName($product_id);
-	$qtyinstk= getPrdQtyInStck($product_id);
-	$log->debug("Prd Qty in Stock ".$qtyinstk);
-	if($mode == 'edit')
-	{
-		if(array_key_exists($product_id,$ext_prod_arr))
-		{
-			$old_qty = $ext_prod_arr[$product_id];
-			if($old_qty > $qty)
-			{
-				$diff_qty = $old_qty - $qty;
-				$upd_qty = $qtyinstk+$diff_qty;
-	   			 sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-			}
-			elseif($old_qty < $qty)
-			{
-				$diff_qty = $qty - $old_qty;
-				$upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$diff_qty;
-				sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-			}		
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$qty;
-			sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);	
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-			$upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$qty;
-			sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-	}
-function sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty)
-	global $current_user;
-	global $adb;
-	global $log;
-	$reorderlevel = getPrdReOrderLevel($product_id);
-        $log->debug("Prd reorder level ".$reorderlevel);
-	if($upd_qty < $reorderlevel)
-        {
-                //send mail to the handler
-		$log->debug("Sending mail to handler ");
-                $handler=getPrdHandler($product_id);
-                $handler_name = getUserName($handler);
-		$log->debug("Handler Name is ".$handler_name);
-                $to_address= getUserEmail($handler);
-		$log->debug("Handler Email is ".$to_address);
-                //Get the email details from database;
-                $query = "select * from inventorynotification where notificationname='QuoteNotification'";
-                $result = $adb->query($query);
-                $subject = $adb->query_result($result,0,'notificationsubject');
-                $body = $adb->query_result($result,0,'notificationbody');
-                $subject = str_replace('{PRODUCTNAME}',$prod_name,$subject);
-                $body = str_replace('{HANDLER}',$handler_name,$body);
-                $body = str_replace('{PRODUCTNAME}',$prod_name,$body);
-                $body = str_replace('{CURRENTSTOCK}',$qtyinstk,$body);
-                $body = str_replace('{QUOTEQUANTITY}',$qty,$body);
-                $body = str_replace('{CURRENTUSER}',$current_user->user_name,$body);
-		$mail_status = send_mail("Quotes",$to_address,$current_user->user_name,$current_user->email1,$subject,$body);
-        }
-function getPrdQtyInStck($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select qtyinstock from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$qtyinstck= $adb->query_result($result,0,"qtyinstock");
-	return $qtyinstck;
-function getPrdReOrderLevel($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select reorderlevel from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$reorderlevel= $adb->query_result($result,0,"reorderlevel");
-	return $reorderlevel;
-function getPrdHandler($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select handler from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$handler= $adb->query_result($result,0,"handler");
-	return $handler;
 //code added for returning back to the current view after edit from list view
 if($_REQUEST['return_viewname'] == '') $return_viewname='0';
 if($_REQUEST['return_viewname'] != '')$return_viewname=$_REQUEST['return_viewname'];

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/SalesOrder/Save.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/SalesOrder/Save.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/SalesOrder/Save.php Thu Mar 30 06:12:11 2006
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
                 $query ="insert into soproductrel values(".$focus->id.",".$prod_id.",".$qty.",".$listprice.")";
-		updateStk($prod_id,$qty,$focus->mode,$ext_prod_arr);
+		updateStk($prod_id,$qty,$focus->mode,$ext_prod_arr,'SalesOrder');
 $return_id = $focus->id;
@@ -91,111 +91,6 @@
 $local_log->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id);
-function updateStk($product_id,$qty,$mode,$ext_prod_arr)
-	global $adb;
-	global $current_user;
-	$prod_name = getProductName($product_id);
-	$qtyinstk= getPrdQtyInStck($product_id);
-	if($mode == 'edit')
-        {
-                if(array_key_exists($product_id,$ext_prod_arr))
-                {
-                        $old_qty = $ext_prod_arr[$product_id];
-                        if($old_qty > $qty)
-                        {
-                                $diff_qty = $old_qty - $qty;
-                                $upd_qty = $qtyinstk+$diff_qty;
-                                 sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-                        }
-                        elseif($old_qty < $qty)
-                        {
-                                $diff_qty = $qty - $old_qty;
-                                $upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$diff_qty;
-                                sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-                        }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                        $upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$qty;
-                        sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-                }
-        }
-	else
-        {
-                        $upd_qty = $qtyinstk-$qty;
-                        sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty);
-        }
-function sendPrdStckMail($product_id,$upd_qty,$prod_name,$qtyinstk,$qty)
-        global $current_user;
-        global $adb;
-	$reorderlevel = getPrdReOrderLevel($product_id);
-	if($upd_qty < $reorderlevel)
-	{
-		//send mail to the handler
-		$handler=getPrdHandler($product_id);
-		$handler_name = getUserName($handler);
-		$to_address= getUserEmail($handler);
-		//Get the email details from database;
-		$query = "select * from inventorynotification where notificationname='SalesOrderNotification'";
-		$result = $adb->query($query);
-		$subject = $adb->query_result($result,0,'notificationsubject');
-		$body = $adb->query_result($result,0,'notificationbody');
-		$subject = str_replace('{PRODUCTNAME}',$prod_name,$subject);
-		$body = str_replace('{HANDLER}',$handler_name,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{PRODUCTNAME}',$prod_name,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{CURRENTSTOCK}',$qtyinstk,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{SOQUANTITY}',$qty,$body);	
-		$body = str_replace('{CURRENTUSER}',$current_user->user_name,$body);	
-		$mail_status = send_mail("SalesOrder",$to_address,$current_user->user_name,$current_user->email1,$subject,$body);
-	}
-function getPrdQtyInStck($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select qtyinstock from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$qtyinstck= $adb->query_result($result,0,"qtyinstock");
-	return $qtyinstck;
-function getPrdReOrderLevel($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select reorderlevel from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$reorderlevel= $adb->query_result($result,0,"reorderlevel");
-	return $reorderlevel;
-function getPrdHandler($product_id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query1 = "select handler from products where productid=".$product_id;
-	$result=$adb->query($query1);
-	$handler= $adb->query_result($result,0,"handler");
-	return $handler;
 //code added for returning back to the current view after edit from list view
 if($_REQUEST['return_viewname'] == '') $return_viewname='0';
 if($_REQUEST['return_viewname'] != '')$return_viewname=$_REQUEST['return_viewname'];

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