[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r4057 - in /vtigercrm/branches/4.2: config.template.php install/2setConfig.php

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Mon Mar 6 08:20:45 EST 2006

Author: saraj
Date: Mon Mar  6 06:20:40 2006
New Revision: 4057

changes made to support multiple packaging


Modified: vtigercrm/branches/4.2/config.template.php
--- vtigercrm/branches/4.2/config.template.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/4.2/config.template.php Mon Mar  6 06:20:40 2006
@@ -1,180 +1,189 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the 
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sugarcrm.com/SPL
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
- * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
- * The Original Code is:  SugarCRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
- * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-// more than 8MB memory needed for graphics
-// memory limit default value = 16M
-// show or hide world clock and calculator
-// world_clock_display default value = true
-// calculator_clock_display default value = true
-// url for customer portal (Example: http://vtiger.com/portal)
-$PORTAL_URL = 'http://your-domain.com/customerportal';
-// helpdesk support email id and support name (Example: 'support at vtiger.com' and 'vtiger support')
-$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ID = 'support at your-domain.com';
-$HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME = 'your-domain name';
-/* database configuration
-      db_server
-      db_port
-      db_hostname
-      db_username
-      db_password
-      db_name
-$dbconfig['db_server'] = '_DBC_SERVER_';
-$dbconfig['db_port'] = ':_DBC_PORT_';
-$dbconfig['db_username'] = '_DBC_USER_';
-$dbconfig['db_password'] = '_DBC_PASS_';
-$dbconfig['db_name'] = '_DBC_NAME_';
-$dbconfig['db_type'] = '_DBC_TYPE_';
-// TODO: test if port is empty
-// TODO: set db_hostname dependending on db_type
-$dbconfig['db_hostname'] = $dbconfig['db_server'].$dbconfig['db_port'];
-// log_sql default value = false
-$dbconfig['log_sql'] = false;
-// persistent default value = true
-$dbconfigoption['persistent'] = true;
-// autofree default value = false
-$dbconfigoption['autofree'] = false;
-// debug default value = 0
-$dbconfigoption['debug'] = 0;
-// seqname_format default value = '%s_seq'
-$dbconfigoption['seqname_format'] = '%s_seq';
-// portability default value = 0
-$dbconfigoption['portability'] = 0;
-// ssl default value = false
-$dbconfigoption['ssl'] = false;
-$host_name = $dbconfig['db_hostname'];
-$site_URL = '_SITE_URL_';
-// root directory path
-$root_directory = '_VT_ROOTDIR_';
-// cache direcory path
-$cache_dir = '_VT_CACHEDIR_';
-// tmp_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = images/
-$tmp_dir = '_VT_TMPDIR_';
-// import_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = import/
-$import_dir = '_VT_IMPORTDIR_';
-// upload_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = upload/
-$upload_dir = '_VT_UPLOADDIR_';
-// mail server parameters
-$mail_server = '_MAIL_SERVER_';
-$mail_server_username = '_MAIL_USERNAME_';
-$mail_server_password = '_MAIL_PASSWORD_';
-// maximum file size for uploaded files in bytes also used when uploading import files
-// upload_maxsize default value = 3000000
-$upload_maxsize = 3000000;
-// flag to allow export functionality
-// 'all' to allow anyone to use exports 
-// 'admin' to only allow admins to export 
-// 'none' to block exports completely 
-// allow_exports default value = all
-$allow_exports = 'all';
-// files with one of these extensions will have '.txt' appended to their filename on upload
-// upload_badext default value = php, php3, php4, php5, pl, cgi, py, asp, cfm, js, vbs, html, htm
-$upload_badext = array('php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'pl', 'cgi', 'py', 'asp', 'cfm', 'js', 'vbs', 'html', 'htm');
-// full path to include directory including the trailing slash
-// includeDirectory default value = $root_directory..'include/
-$includeDirectory = $root_directory.'include/';
-// list_max_entries_per_page default value = 20
-$list_max_entries_per_page = '20';
-// history_max_viewed default value = 5
-$history_max_viewed = '5';
-// define list of menu tabs
-//$moduleList = Array('Home', 'Dashboard', 'Contacts', 'Accounts', 'Opportunities', 'Cases', 'Notes', 'Calls', 'Emails', 'Meetings', 'Tasks','MessageBoard');
-// map sugar language codes to jscalendar language codes
-// unimplemented until jscalendar language files are fixed
-// $cal_codes = array('en_us'=>'en', 'ja'=>'jp', 'sp_ve'=>'sp', 'it_it'=>'it', 'tw_zh'=>'zh', 'pt_br'=>'pt', 'se'=>'sv', 'cn_zh'=>'zh', 'ge_ge'=>'de', 'ge_ch'=>'de', 'fr'=>'fr');
-// default_module default value = Home
-$default_module = 'Home';
-// default_action default value = index
-$default_action = 'index';
-// set default theme
-// default_theme default value = blue
-$default_theme = 'blue';
-// show or hide time to compose each page
-// calculate_response_time default value = true
-$calculate_response_time = true;
-// default text that is placed initially in the login form for user name
-// no default_user_name default value
-$default_user_name = '';
-// default text that is placed initially in the login form for password
-// no default_password default value
-$default_password = '';
-// create user with default username and password
-// create_default_user default value = false
-$create_default_user = false;
-// default_user_is_admin default value = false
-$default_user_is_admin = false;
-// if your MySQL/PHP configuration does not support persistent connections set this to true to avoid a large performance slowdown
-// disable_persistent_connections default value = false
-$disable_persistent_connections = false;
-// defined languages available. the key must be the language file prefix. (Example 'en_us' is the prefix for every 'en_us.lang.php' file)
-// languages default value = en_us=>US English
-$languages = Array('en_us'=>'US English',);
-// default charset
-// default charset default value = ISO-8859-1
-$default_charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
-// default language
-// default_language default value = en_us
-$default_language = 'en_us';
-// add the language pack name to every translation string in the display.
-// translation_string_prefix default value = false
-$translation_string_prefix = false;
+ /********************************************************************************* 
+3  * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2 
+4  * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the  
+5  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sugarcrm.com/SPL 
+6  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis, 
+7  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for 
+8  * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. 
+9  * The Original Code is:  SugarCRM Open Source 
+10  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. 
+11  * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.; 
+12  * All Rights Reserved. 
+13  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. 
+14 ********************************************************************************/ 
+ include('vtigerversion.php'); 
+ // more than 8MB memory needed for graphics 
+ // memory limit default value = 16M 
+ ini_set('memory_limit','16M'); 
+ // show or hide world clock and calculator 
+ // world_clock_display default value = true 
+ // calculator_clock_display default value = true 
+ // url for customer portal (Example: http://vtiger.com/portal) 
+ $PORTAL_URL = 'http://your-domain.com/customerportal'; 
+ // helpdesk support email id and support name (Example: 'support at vtiger.com' and 'vtiger support') 
+ $HELPDESK_SUPPORT_EMAIL_ID = 'support at your-domain.com'; 
+ $HELPDESK_SUPPORT_NAME = 'your-domain name'; 
+ /* database configuration 
+36       db_server 
+37       db_port 
+38       db_hostname 
+39       db_username 
+40       db_password 
+41       db_name 
+42 */ 
+   $mysql_dir = 'MYSQLINSTALLDIR'; 
+ $mysql_bundled = 'MYSQLBUNDLEDSTATUS';
+ $dbconfig['db_server'] = '_DBC_SERVER_';
+ $dbconfig['db_name'] = '_DBC_NAME_'; 
+ $dbconfig['db_type'] = '_DBC_TYPE_'; 
+$apache_dir = 'APACHEINSTALLDIR';
+$apache_bin = 'APACHEBIN';
+$apache_conf = 'APACHECONF';
+$apache_port = 'APACHEPORT';
+ $apache_bundled = 'APACHEBUNDLED';
+   $dbconfig['db_username'] = '_DBC_USER_';
+   $dbconfig['db_password'] = '_DBC_PASS_';
+   $dbconfig['db_port'] = ':_DBC_PORT_';
+  $mysql_username = '_DBC_USER_';
+  $mysql_password = '_DBC_PASS_';
+  $mysql_port = '_DBC_PORT_';
+ // TODO: test if port is empty 
+ // TODO: set db_hostname dependending on db_type 
+ $dbconfig['db_hostname'] = $dbconfig['db_server'].$dbconfig['db_port']; 
+ // log_sql default value = false 
+ $dbconfig['log_sql'] = false; 
+ // persistent default value = true 
+ $dbconfigoption['persistent'] = true; 
+ // autofree default value = false 
+ $dbconfigoption['autofree'] = false; 
+ // debug default value = 0 
+ $dbconfigoption['debug'] = 0; 
+ // seqname_format default value = '%s_seq' 
+ $dbconfigoption['seqname_format'] = '%s_seq'; 
+// portability default value = 0 
+ $dbconfigoption['portability'] = 0; 
+ // ssl default value = false 
+ $dbconfigoption['ssl'] = false; 
+ $host_name = $dbconfig['db_hostname']; 
+ $site_URL = '_SITE_URL_'; 
+ // root directory path 
+ $root_directory = 'C:\Program Files\vtigerCRM4.2.4\apache\htdocs\vtigerCRM/'; 
+ // cache direcory path 
+ $cache_dir = 'cache/'; 
+ // tmp_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = images/ 
+ $tmp_dir = 'cache/images/'; 
+ // import_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = import/ 
+ $import_dir = 'cache/import/'; 
+ // upload_dir default value prepended by cache_dir = upload/ 
+ $upload_dir = 'cache/upload/'; 
+ // mail server parameters 
+ $mail_server = ''; 
+ $mail_server_username = ''; 
+ $mail_server_password = ''; 
+ // maximum file size for uploaded files in bytes also used when uploading import files 
+ // upload_maxsize default value = 3000000 
+ $upload_maxsize = 3000000; 
+ // flag to allow export functionality 
+ // 'all' to allow anyone to use exports  
+ // 'admin' to only allow admins to export  
+ // 'none' to block exports completely  
+ // allow_exports default value = all 
+ $allow_exports = 'all'; 
+ // files with one of these extensions will have '.txt' appended to their filename on upload 
+ // upload_badext default value = php, php3, php4, php5, pl, cgi, py, asp, cfm, js, vbs, html, htm 
+ $upload_badext = array('php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'pl', 'cgi', 'py', 'asp', 'cfm', 'js', 'vbs', 'html', 'htm'); 
+ // full path to include directory including the trailing slash 
+ // includeDirectory default value = $root_directory..'include/ 
+ $includeDirectory = $root_directory.'include/'; 
+ // list_max_entries_per_page default value = 20 
+ $list_max_entries_per_page = '20'; 
+ // history_max_viewed default value = 5 
+ $history_max_viewed = '5'; 
+ // define list of menu tabs 
+ //$moduleList = Array('Home', 'Dashboard', 'Contacts', 'Accounts', 'Opportunities', 'Cases', 'Notes', 'Calls', 'Emails', 'Meetings', 'Tasks','MessageBoard'); 
+ // map sugar language codes to jscalendar language codes 
+ // unimplemented until jscalendar language files are fixed 
+ // $cal_codes = array('en_us'=>'en', 'ja'=>'jp', 'sp_ve'=>'sp', 'it_it'=>'it', 'tw_zh'=>'zh', 'pt_br'=>'pt', 'se'=>'sv', 'cn_zh'=>'zh', 'ge_ge'=>'de', 'ge_ch'=>'de', 'fr'=>'fr'); 
+ // default_module default value = Home 
+ $default_module = 'Home'; 
+ // default_action default value = index 
+ $default_action = 'index'; 
+ // set default theme 
+ // default_theme default value = blue 
+ $default_theme = 'blue'; 
+ // show or hide time to compose each page 
+ // calculate_response_time default value = true 
+ $calculate_response_time = true; 
+ // default text that is placed initially in the login form for user name 
+ // no default_user_name default value 
+ $default_user_name = ''; 
+ // default text that is placed initially in the login form for password 
+ // no default_password default value 
+ $default_password = ''; 
+ // create user with default username and password 
+ // create_default_user default value = false 
+ $create_default_user = false; 
+ // default_user_is_admin default value = false 
+ $default_user_is_admin = false; 
+ // if your MySQL/PHP configuration does not support persistent connections set this to true to avoid a large performance slowdown 
+ // disable_persistent_connections default value = false 
+ $disable_persistent_connections = false; 
+ // defined languages available. the key must be the language file prefix. (Example 'en_us' is the prefix for every 'en_us.lang.php' file) 
+ // languages default value = en_us=>US English 
+ $languages = Array('en_us'=>'US English',); 
+ // default charset 
+ // default charset default value = ISO-8859-1 
+ $default_charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; 
+ // default language 
+ // default_language default value = en_us 
+ $default_language = 'en_us'; 
+ // add the language pack name to every translation string in the display. 
+ // translation_string_prefix default value = false 
+ $translation_string_prefix = false; 

Modified: vtigercrm/branches/4.2/install/2setConfig.php
--- vtigercrm/branches/4.2/install/2setConfig.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/branches/4.2/install/2setConfig.php Mon Mar  6 06:20:40 2006
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 $cache_dir = "cache/";
 if (is_file("config.php") && is_file("config.inc.php")) {
-  require_once("config.php");
+  require_once("config.template.php");
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
   if (isset($_REQUEST['db_name']))
     $db_name = $_REQUEST['db_name'];
-  elseif (isset($dbconfig['db_name']))
+  elseif (isset($dbconfig['db_name']) && $dbconfig['db_name']!='_DBC_NAME_')
     $db_name = $dbconfig['db_name'];
-    $db_name = 'vtigercrm';
+    $db_name = 'vtigercrm4_2_4';
   !isset($_REQUEST['db_drop_tables']) ? $db_drop_tables = "0" : $db_drop_tables = $_REQUEST['db_drop_tables'];
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
   !isset($_REQUEST['db_username']) ? $db_username = $mysql_username : $db_username = $_REQUEST['db_username'];
   !isset($_REQUEST['db_password']) ? $db_password= $mysql_password : $db_password = $_REQUEST['db_password'];
-  !isset($_REQUEST['db_name']) ? $db_name = "vtigercrm" : $db_name = $_REQUEST['db_name'];
+  !isset($_REQUEST['db_name']) ? $db_name = "vtigercrm4_2_4" : $db_name = $_REQUEST['db_name'];
   !isset($_REQUEST['db_drop_tables']) ? $db_drop_tables = "0" : $db_drop_tables = $_REQUEST['db_drop_tables'];
   !isset($_REQUEST['host_name']) ? $host_name= $hostname : $host_name= $_REQUEST['host_name'];
   !isset($_REQUEST['site_URL']) ? $site_URL = $web_root : $site_URL = $_REQUEST['site_URL'];

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