[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r8056 - /vtigercrm/trunk/include/language/en_us.lang.php

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Sat Jul 15 09:19:30 EDT 2006

Author: richie
Date: Sat Jul 15 07:19:21 2006
New Revision: 8056

Language strings added to display no data message in listview


Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/include/language/en_us.lang.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/include/language/en_us.lang.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/include/language/en_us.lang.php Sat Jul 15 07:19:21 2006
@@ -1,1140 +1,1150 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
- * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sugarcrm.com/SPL
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
- * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
- * The Original Code is:  SugarCRM Open Source
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
- * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
- ********************************************************************************/
- * $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/include/language/en_us.lang.php,v 1.68 2005/04/26 06:50:39 rank Exp $
- * Description:  Defines the English language pack for the base application.
- * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
- ********************************************************************************/
-$app_strings = Array(
-'LBL_BROWSER_TITLE'=>'vtiger CRM 5 - Commercial Open Source CRM',
-'LBL_MY_ACCOUNT'=>'My Account',
-'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'=>'My Preferences',
-'LBL_LAST_VIEWED'=>'Last Viewed',
-'NTC_WELCOME_MESSAGE'=>"Welcome to vtiger CRM!",
-'NTC_DESCRIPTION'=>"Use a valid username and password to login to the vtiger CRM.",
-//added for 4.2
-'LBL_LIST_SIGNIN'=>'Sign in Time',
-'LBL_LIST_SIGNOUT'=>'Sign out Time',
-'LBL_LIST_USER_NAME'=>'User Name',
-'LBL_LIST_CONTACT_NAME'=>'Contact Name',
-'LBL_LIST_ACCOUNT_NAME'=>'Account Name',
-'LBL_USER_LIST'=>'User List',
-'LBL_CONTACT_LIST'=>'Contact List',
-'LBL_LNK_SETTINGS'=> 'Settings',
-'LNK_IMPORT_LEADS'=>'Import Leads',
-'LBL_LOCATE_MAP'=>'Locate Map',
-'LBL_TAG_IT'=>'Tag it',
-'LNK_ADVANCED_SEARCH'=>'Advanced Search',
-'LNK_BASIC_SEARCH'=>'Basic Search',
-'LNK_VTDOCS'=>'vtiger Docs',
-'LNK_NEW_HDESK'=>'New Ticket',
-'LNK_NEW_PRODUCT'=>'New Product',
-'LNK_NEW_CONTACT'=>'New Contact',
-'LNK_NEW_CAMPAIGN'=>'New Campaign',
-'LNK_NEW_LEAD'=>'New Lead',
-'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT'=>'New Account',
-'LNK_NEW_OPPORTUNITY'=>'New Potential',
-'LNK_NEW_NOTE'=>'New Note',
-'LNK_NEW_EMAIL'=>'New Email',
-'LNK_NEW_TASK'=>'New Task',
-'LNK_NEW_EVENT'=>'New Event',
-'LNK_NEW_QUOTE'=>'New Quote',
-'LNK_NEW_PO'=>'New Purchase Order',
-'LNK_NEW_SO'=>'New Sales Order',
-'LNK_NEW_INVOICE'=>'New Invoice',
-'LNK_NEW_VENDOR'=>'New Vendor',
-'LNK_NEW_PRICEBOOK'=>'New PriceBook',
-'NTC_REQUIRED'=>'Indicates required field',
-'NTC_DATE_TIME_FORMAT'=>'(yyyy-mm-dd 24:00)',
-'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this record?',
-'ERR_DELETE_RECORD'=>'A record number must be specified to delete the contact.',
-'ERR_CREATING_TABLE'=>'Error creating table: ',
-'ERR_CREATING_FIELDS'=>'Error filling in additional detail fields: ',
-'ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS'=>'Missing required fields:',
-'ERR_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'=>'not a valid email address.',
-'ERR_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT'=>'The date format must be: yyyy-mm-dd',
-'ERR_INVALID_MONTH'=>'Please enter a valid month.',
-'ERR_INVALID_DAY'=>'Please enter a valid day.',
-'ERR_INVALID_YEAR'=>'Please enter a valid 4 digit year.',
-'ERR_INVALID_DATE'=>'Please enter a valid date.',
-'ERR_INVALID_HOUR'=>'Please enter a valid hour.',
-'ERR_INVALID_TIME'=>'Please enter a valid time.',
-'NTC_CLICK_BACK'=>'Please click the browser back button and fix the error.',
-'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'=>'Assigned To:',
-'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED'=>'Last Modified:',
-'LBL_CURRENT_USER_FILTER'=>'Only my items:',
-'LBL_EXPORT_ALL'=>'Export All',
-'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'=>'Quick Create...',
-'LBL_SHOW_RESULTS'=>'Show Results in',
-'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FOUND'=>'Total Records found :',
-'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS_FOR'=>' -- Search results for ',
-'LBL_TAG_SEARCH'=>' -- Tag search for ',
-'LBL_NO_DATA'=>'No Data Found',
-//3.2 release
-'NTC_MERGE_CONFIRMATION'=>'Are you sure you want to merge this record?',
-//Added fields for upload file as attachment -- 4 Beta
-'LBL_FILENAME'=>'File Name',
-'LBL_TYPE'=>'File Type',
-'LBL_DOWNLOAD'=>'Download Now',
-'LBL_GROUP_ALLOCATION_TITLE'=>'My Group Allocation ',
-'LBL_ENTITY_NAME'=>'Entity Name',
-//Added fields for Ticket Attachment in RelatedTicketListUtil
-'LBL_NEW_TICKET'=>'New Ticket',
-//Added fields for Change Owner and Change Status in all modules -- after 4 Beta
-'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'=>'Change Owner',
-'LBL_CHANGE_STATUS'=>'Change Status',
-//added by raju
-//Added for version 5
-'LBL_CALENDAR_TITLE'=>'Open Calendar...',
-'LBL_CALENDAR_ALT'=>'Open Calendar...',
-'LBL_CALCULATOR_TITLE'=>'Open Calculator...',
-'LBL_CALCULATOR_ALT'=>'Open Calculator...',
-'LBL_CLOCK_TITLE'=>'Show World Clock...',
-'LBL_CLOCK_ALT'=>'Show World Clock...',
-'LBL_ALL_MENU_TITLE'=>'Open All Menu...',
-'LBL_ALL_MENU_ALT'=>'Open All Menu...',
-'LBL_SEARCH_TITLE'=>'Search in ',
-'LBL_SEARCH_ALT'=>'Search in ',
-'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'=>'Search for',
-'LBL_GO_TO'=>'Go to',
-'LBL_ADV_SEARCH_MSG_ANY'=>'Match Any of the Following',
-'LBL_ADV_SEARCH_MSG_ALL'=>'Match All of the Following',
-// Added fields for Related Field Display Informations in Detail View of All Modules
-'LBL_OPEN_ACTIVITIES'=>'Open Activities',
-'LBL_ACTIVITY_HISTORY'=>'Activity History',
-'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'=>'Assigned To',
-'LBL_RELATED_TO'=>'Related To',
-//added by raju for emails
-'LBL_DUE_DATE'=>'Due Date',
-'LBL_LAST_MODIFIED'=>'Last Modified',
-'LBL_CREATED'=>'Created', // Armando Lüscher 26.09.2005 -> §visibleDescription -> Desc: Added
-'LBL_NEW_TASK'=>'New Task',
-'LBL_NEW_EVENT'=>'New Event',
-'LBL_ATTACHMENT_AND_NOTES'=>'Attachments & Notes',
-'LBL_POTENTIAL_NAME'=>'Potential Name',
-'LBL_CONTACT_NAME'=>'Contact Name',
-'LBL_CLOSE_DATE'=>'Close Date',
-'LBL_NEW_ATTACHMENT'=>'New Attachment',
-'LBL_NEW_NOTE'=>'New Note',
-'LBL_NEW_PRODUCT'=>'New Product',
-'LBL_PRODUCT_NAME'=>'Product Name',
-'LBL_SALES_PRICE'=>'Sale Price',
-'LBL_PURCHASE_DATE'=>'Purchase Date',
-'LBL_TICKET_ID'=>'Ticket Id',
-'LBL_NEW_TICKET'=>'New Ticket',
-'LBL_NEW_POTENTIAL'=>'New Potential',
-'LBL_LEAD_NAME'=>'Lead Name',
-'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME'=>'Account Name',
-'LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE'=>'Account Type',
-// 4 GA
-'LBL_SHOWING' => 'Showing',
-//Added fields after RC1 - Release
-'LBL_VIEW'=>'Filters :',
-// Mike Crowe Mod --------------------------------------------------------Added for group sort
-'LBL_SALES_STAGE'=>'Sales Stage',
-'LBL_BULK_MAILS'=>'Bulk Mails',
-'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK'=>'World Clock',
-'LBL_CLOSE_WON' =>'Closed-Won',			# 'Closed Won'
-'LBL_CLOSE_LOST'=>'Closed-Lost',					# 'Closed Lost'
-'LBL_SELECT_GROUP'=>'Select a group',
-//List Fields
-'Assigned To'=>'Assigned To',
-'Account Name'=>'Account Name',
-'Sales Stage'=>'Sales Stage',
-'Expected Close'=>'Expected Close',
-'Contact Name'=>'Contact Name',
-'Related to'=>'Related To',
-'Last Modified'=>'Last Modified',
-'Start Date/Due Date'=>'Start Date/Due Date',
-'Date Sent'=>'Date Sent',
-'Ticket ID'=>'Ticket ID',
-'Product Name'=>'Product Name',
-'Product Code'=>'Product Code',
-'Commission Rate'=>'Commission Rate',
-'Unit Price'=>'Unit Price',
-'Price Book Name'=>'Price Book Name',
-//Added after 4 GA
-'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'=>'Custom Information',
-//Added fields to display the related lists titles and None Scheduled 
-'LBL_NONE_SCHEDULED'=>'None Scheduled',
-'Accounts & Contacts'=>'Accounts & Contacts',
-'PriceBook'=>'Price Books',
-'PurchaseOrder'=>'Purchase Order',
-'SalesOrder'=> 'Sales Order',
-'Portal'=>'My Sites',
-'Activity History'=>'Activity History',
-'Ticket History'=>'Ticket History',
-'Purchase Order'=>'Purchase Order',
-'Sales Stage History'=>'Sales Stage History',
-'PurchaseOrder Status History'=>'PurchaseOrder Status History',
-'SalesOrder Status History'=>'SalesOrder Status History',
-'Quote Stage History'=>'Quote Stage History',
-'Invoice Status History'=>'Invoice Status History',
-//Added language for Parent Tab
-'My Home Page'=>'My Home Page',
-//Added for Detail/Edit/Related List of all modules
-'PurchaseOrder'=>'Purchase Order',
-'SalesOrder'=> 'Sales Order',
-'LBL_NONE_INCLUDED'=>'None Included',
-'LBL_ADD_TO'=>'Add to',
-'LBL_SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_MAIL_MERGE'=>'Select template to Mail Merge:',
-'LBL_TITLE_OR_DESCRIPTION'=>'Title / Description',
-//Added for RSS Module
-'LBL_RSS_FEEDS'=>'RSS Feeds',
-'LBL_ADD_RSS_FEEDS'=>'Add New RSS Feed',
-//Added fields after 4.2 alpha
-'LNK_NEW_FAQ'=>'New FAQ',
-'Vendor Name'=>'Vendor Name',
-'LNK_WEARE'=>'We are?',
-'LBL_ABOUTUS_TITLE'=>'vtiger CRM - About Us',
-'LBL_DISCUSS'=>'Discuss with other users',
-'Quote Stage'=>'Quote Stage',
-'Potential Name'=>'Potential Name',
-'Total'=>'Total Amount',
-'First Name'=>'First Name',
-'Last Name'=>'Last Name',
-  /* For purchase order related list in vendor */
-'LBL_PORDER_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'New Purchase Order [Alt+O]',
-'LBL_PORDER_BUTTON'=>'New Purchase Order',
-'Tracking Number'=>'Tracking Number',
-'Order Id'=>'Order Id',
-'Quote Name'=>'Quote Name',
-'Invoice Id'=>'Invoice Id',
-'Quote Id'=>'Quote Id',
-'Sales Order'=>'Sales Order',
- // Added Quote in activity parent type selection / Related list
-'End Date'=>'End Date',
-'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
-'Related to'=>'Related To',
-'Recurring Type'=> 'Recurring Type',
-'SalesOrder'=> 'Sales Orders',
-'PurchaseOrder'=> 'Purchase Orders',
-'LBL_QUOTE_NAME'=>'Quote Name',
- //Added Orders in activity parent type selection / Related list
-'COMBO_PORDER'=>'Purchase Order',
-'COMBO_SORDER'=>'Sales Order',
-'LBL_PORDER_NAME'=>'Purchase Order',
-'LBL_SORDER_NAME'=>'Sales Order',
- // Added Invoice in activity parent type selection / Related list
-'LBL_NEW_SORDER_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'New Sales Order [Alt+E]',
-'LBL_NEW_SORDER_BUTTON'=>'New Sales Order',
-'LBL_PRODUCT_DETAILS'=>'Product Details',
-'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'=>'Qty In Stock',
-'LBL_UNIT_PRICE'=>'Unit Price',
-'LBL_LIST_PRICE'=>'List Price',
-'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'=>'Add Product',
-'LBL_SUB_TOTAL'=>'Sub Total',
-'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'=>'Grand Total',
-'LBL_QUOTE_ID'=>'Quote Id',
-'LBL_SALES_ORDER_ID'=>'Sales Order Id',
-'LBL_PURCHASE_ORDER_ID'=>'Purchase Order Id',
-'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'=>'Export To PDF',
-//Added for 4.2 Patch I
-'LBL_HOME_KEY_METRICS'=>'Key Metrics',
-//Added for 4.2 patch 2
-//Added for 5.0
-'LBL_UPD_FIELD_ORD'=>'Update Field Order',
-'LBL_UPDATED_TODAY'=>'Updated today',
-'LBL_DAY_AGO'=>'day ago',
-'LBL_DAYS_AGO'=>'days ago',
-//Added after 5.0 Alpha5
-'Campaign Name'=>'Campaign Name',
-'Campaign Type'=>'Campaign Type',
-'LBL_TAX_DETAILS'=>'Tax Details',
-'LBL_TAX_CALCULATION'=>'Tax Calculation',
-'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'=>'Tag Cloud',
-'LBL_PO_STATUS'=>'PurchaseOrder Status',
-'LBL_SO_STATUS'=>'SalesOrder Status',
-'LBL_INVOICE_STATUS'=>'Invoice Status',
-'Last 2 Days'=>'Last 2 Days',
-'Last Week'=>'Last Week',
-'This Week'=>'This Week',
-'This Month'=>'This Month',
-'This Year'=>'This Year',
-'LBL_PLEASE_CLICK'=>'Please Click',
-'LBL_TO_CONFIGURE'=>'to Configure',
-'LBL_SCROLL'=>'[Scroll to Top]',
-'LBL_RCPY_ADDRESS'=>'Copy Shipping address',
-'LBL_LCPY_ADDRESS'=>'Copy Billing address',
-'LBL_RECORD_ID'=>'Record ID',
-'LBL_ACTION_DATE'=>'Action Date',
-'LBL_HOMEPAGE_DASHBOARD'=>'HomePage Dashboard',
-//the left value is the key stored in the db and the right value is the display value
-//to translate, only modify the right value in each key/value pair
-$app_list_strings = Array(
-//e.g. auf Deutsch 'Contacts'=>'Contakten',
-'moduleList' => Array('Home'=>'Home'
-				, 'Dashboard'=>'Dashboard'
-				, 'Leads'=>'Leads'
-				, 'Contacts'=>'Contacts'
-				, 'Accounts'=>'Accounts'
-				, 'Potentials'=>'Potentials'
-				, 'Campaigns'=>'Campaigns'
-				, 'Notes'=>'Notes'
-				, 'Emails'=>'Emails'
-				, 'Activities'=>'Activities'
-				, 'Products'=>'Products'
-				, 'HelpDesk'=>'HelpDesk'
-				, 'Faq'=>'FAQ'
-				, 'Calendar'=>'Calendar'
-				, 'Quotes'=>'Quotes'
-				, 'PurchaseOrder'=>'PurchaseOrder'
-				, 'Invoice'=>'Invoice'
-				, 'Rss'=>'RSS'
-				, 'Reports'=>'Reports'
-				, 'Vendors'=>'Vendors'
-				, 'PriceBooks'=>'PriceBooks'
-				, 'SalesOrder'=>'SalesOrder'
-				, 'Portal'=>'My Sites'
-				),
-//Note:  do not translate opportunity_relationship_type_default_key
-//       it is the key for the default opportunity_relationship_type_dom value
-'opportunity_relationship_type_default_key' => 'Primary Decision Maker',
-'opportunity_relationship_type_dom' => Array(''=>''
-		, 'Primary Decision Maker'=>'Primary Decision Maker'
-		, 'Business Decision Maker'=>'Business Decision Maker'
-		, 'Business Evaluator'=>'Business Evaluator'
-		, 'Technical Decision Maker'=>'Technical Decision Maker'
-		, 'Technical Evaluator'=>'Technical Evaluator'
-		, 'Executive Sponsor'=>'Executive Sponsor'
-		, 'Influencer'=>'Influencer'
-		, 'Other'=>'Other'
-		),
-//Note:  do not translate case_relationship_type_default_key
-//       it is the key for the default case_relationship_type_dom value
-'case_relationship_type_default_key' => 'Primary Contact',
-'case_relationship_type_dom' => Array(''=>''
-		, 'Primary Contact'=>'Primary Contact'
-		, 'Alternate Contact'=>'Alternate Contact'
-		),
-'task_priority_dom' => Array('High'=>'High'
-		, 'Medium'=>'Medium'
-		, 'Low'=>'Low'
-		),
-'task_status_dom' => Array('Planned'=>'Planned'
-		, 'Completed'=>'Completed'
-		, 'Deferred'=>'Deferred'
-		),
-'meeting_status_dom' => Array('Planned'=>'Planned'
-		, 'Held'=>'Held'
-		, 'Not Held'=>'Not Held'
-		),
-'call_status_dom' => Array('Planned'=>'Planned'
-		, 'Held'=>'Held'
-		, 'Not Held'=>'Not Held'
-		),
-//Note:  do not translate case_status_default_key
-//       it is the key for the default case_status_dom value
-'case_status_default_key' => 'New',
-'case_status_dom' => Array('New'=>'New'
-		, 'Assigned'=>'Assigned'
-		, 'Closed'=>'Closed'
-		, 'Pending Input'=>'Pending Input'
-		, 'Rejected'=>'Rejected'
-		),
-'user_status_dom' => Array('Active'=>'Active'
-		, 'Inactive'=>'Inactive'
-		),
-//Note:  do not translate record_type_default_key
-//       it is the key for the default record_type_module value
-'record_type_default_key' => 'Accounts',
-'record_type_display' => array('Accounts' => 'Account',
-		'Leads' => 'Lead',
-		'Opportunities' => 'Opportunity'),
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sugarcrm.com/SPL
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+ * The Original Code is:  SugarCRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
+ * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+ ********************************************************************************/
+ * $Header: /advent/projects/wesat/vtiger_crm/sugarcrm/include/language/en_us.lang.php,v 1.68 2005/04/26 06:50:39 rank Exp $
+ * Description:  Defines the English language pack for the base application.
+ * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
+ ********************************************************************************/
+$app_strings = Array(
+'LBL_BROWSER_TITLE'=>'vtiger CRM 5 - Commercial Open Source CRM',
+'LBL_MY_ACCOUNT'=>'My Account',
+'LBL_MY_PREFERENCES'=>'My Preferences',
+'LBL_LAST_VIEWED'=>'Last Viewed',
+'NTC_WELCOME_MESSAGE'=>"Welcome to vtiger CRM!",
+'NTC_DESCRIPTION'=>"Use a valid username and password to login to the vtiger CRM.",
+//added for 4.2
+'LBL_LIST_SIGNIN'=>'Sign in Time',
+'LBL_LIST_SIGNOUT'=>'Sign out Time',
+'LBL_LIST_USER_NAME'=>'User Name',
+'LBL_LIST_CONTACT_NAME'=>'Contact Name',
+'LBL_LIST_ACCOUNT_NAME'=>'Account Name',
+'LBL_USER_LIST'=>'User List',
+'LBL_CONTACT_LIST'=>'Contact List',
+'LBL_LNK_SETTINGS'=> 'Settings',
+'LNK_IMPORT_LEADS'=>'Import Leads',
+'LBL_LOCATE_MAP'=>'Locate Map',
+'LBL_TAG_IT'=>'Tag it',
+'LNK_ADVANCED_SEARCH'=>'Advanced Search',
+'LNK_BASIC_SEARCH'=>'Basic Search',
+'LNK_VTDOCS'=>'vtiger Docs',
+'LNK_NEW_HDESK'=>'New Ticket',
+'LNK_NEW_PRODUCT'=>'New Product',
+'LNK_NEW_CONTACT'=>'New Contact',
+'LNK_NEW_CAMPAIGN'=>'New Campaign',
+'LNK_NEW_LEAD'=>'New Lead',
+'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT'=>'New Account',
+'LNK_NEW_OPPORTUNITY'=>'New Potential',
+'LNK_NEW_NOTE'=>'New Note',
+'LNK_NEW_EMAIL'=>'New Email',
+'LNK_NEW_TASK'=>'New Task',
+'LNK_NEW_EVENT'=>'New Event',
+'LNK_NEW_QUOTE'=>'New Quote',
+'LNK_NEW_PO'=>'New Purchase Order',
+'LNK_NEW_SO'=>'New Sales Order',
+'LNK_NEW_INVOICE'=>'New Invoice',
+'LNK_NEW_VENDOR'=>'New Vendor',
+'LNK_NEW_PRICEBOOK'=>'New PriceBook',
+'NTC_REQUIRED'=>'Indicates required field',
+'NTC_DATE_TIME_FORMAT'=>'(yyyy-mm-dd 24:00)',
+'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this record?',
+'ERR_DELETE_RECORD'=>'A record number must be specified to delete the contact.',
+'ERR_CREATING_TABLE'=>'Error creating table: ',
+'ERR_CREATING_FIELDS'=>'Error filling in additional detail fields: ',
+'ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS'=>'Missing required fields:',
+'ERR_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'=>'not a valid email address.',
+'ERR_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT'=>'The date format must be: yyyy-mm-dd',
+'ERR_INVALID_MONTH'=>'Please enter a valid month.',
+'ERR_INVALID_DAY'=>'Please enter a valid day.',
+'ERR_INVALID_YEAR'=>'Please enter a valid 4 digit year.',
+'ERR_INVALID_DATE'=>'Please enter a valid date.',
+'ERR_INVALID_HOUR'=>'Please enter a valid hour.',
+'ERR_INVALID_TIME'=>'Please enter a valid time.',
+'NTC_CLICK_BACK'=>'Please click the browser back button and fix the error.',
+'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'=>'Assigned To:',
+'LBL_DATE_MODIFIED'=>'Last Modified:',
+'LBL_CURRENT_USER_FILTER'=>'Only my items:',
+'LBL_EXPORT_ALL'=>'Export All',
+'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'=>'Quick Create...',
+'LBL_SHOW_RESULTS'=>'Show Results in',
+'LBL_TOTAL_RECORDS_FOUND'=>'Total Records found :',
+'LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS_FOR'=>' -- Search results for ',
+'LBL_TAG_SEARCH'=>' -- Tag search for ',
+'LBL_NO_DATA'=>'No Data Found',
+//3.2 release
+'NTC_MERGE_CONFIRMATION'=>'Are you sure you want to merge this record?',
+//Added fields for upload file as attachment -- 4 Beta
+'LBL_FILENAME'=>'File Name',
+'LBL_TYPE'=>'File Type',
+'LBL_DOWNLOAD'=>'Download Now',
+'LBL_GROUP_ALLOCATION_TITLE'=>'My Group Allocation ',
+'LBL_ENTITY_NAME'=>'Entity Name',
+//Added fields for Ticket Attachment in RelatedTicketListUtil
+'LBL_NEW_TICKET'=>'New Ticket',
+//Added fields for Change Owner and Change Status in all modules -- after 4 Beta
+'LBL_CHANGE_OWNER'=>'Change Owner',
+'LBL_CHANGE_STATUS'=>'Change Status',
+//added by raju
+//Added for version 5
+'LBL_CALENDAR_TITLE'=>'Open Calendar...',
+'LBL_CALENDAR_ALT'=>'Open Calendar...',
+'LBL_CALCULATOR_TITLE'=>'Open Calculator...',
+'LBL_CALCULATOR_ALT'=>'Open Calculator...',
+'LBL_CLOCK_TITLE'=>'Show World Clock...',
+'LBL_CLOCK_ALT'=>'Show World Clock...',
+'LBL_ALL_MENU_TITLE'=>'Open All Menu...',
+'LBL_ALL_MENU_ALT'=>'Open All Menu...',
+'LBL_SEARCH_TITLE'=>'Search in ',
+'LBL_SEARCH_ALT'=>'Search in ',
+'LBL_SEARCH_FOR'=>'Search for',
+'LBL_GO_TO'=>'Go to',
+'LBL_ADV_SEARCH_MSG_ANY'=>'Match Any of the Following',
+'LBL_ADV_SEARCH_MSG_ALL'=>'Match All of the Following',
+// Added fields for Related Field Display Informations in Detail View of All Modules
+'LBL_OPEN_ACTIVITIES'=>'Open Activities',
+'LBL_ACTIVITY_HISTORY'=>'Activity History',
+'LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'=>'Assigned To',
+'LBL_RELATED_TO'=>'Related To',
+//added by raju for emails
+'LBL_DUE_DATE'=>'Due Date',
+'LBL_LAST_MODIFIED'=>'Last Modified',
+'LBL_CREATED'=>'Created', // Armando Lüscher 26.09.2005 -> §visibleDescription -> Desc: Added
+'LBL_NEW_TASK'=>'New Task',
+'LBL_NEW_EVENT'=>'New Event',
+'LBL_ATTACHMENT_AND_NOTES'=>'Attachments & Notes',
+'LBL_POTENTIAL_NAME'=>'Potential Name',
+'LBL_CONTACT_NAME'=>'Contact Name',
+'LBL_CLOSE_DATE'=>'Close Date',
+'LBL_NEW_ATTACHMENT'=>'New Attachment',
+'LBL_NEW_NOTE'=>'New Note',
+'LBL_NEW_PRODUCT'=>'New Product',
+'LBL_PRODUCT_NAME'=>'Product Name',
+'LBL_SALES_PRICE'=>'Sale Price',
+'LBL_PURCHASE_DATE'=>'Purchase Date',
+'LBL_TICKET_ID'=>'Ticket Id',
+'LBL_NEW_TICKET'=>'New Ticket',
+'LBL_NEW_POTENTIAL'=>'New Potential',
+'LBL_LEAD_NAME'=>'Lead Name',
+'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME'=>'Account Name',
+'LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE'=>'Account Type',
+// 4 GA
+'LBL_SHOWING' => 'Showing',
+//Added fields after RC1 - Release
+'LBL_VIEW'=>'Filters :',
+// Mike Crowe Mod --------------------------------------------------------Added for group sort
+'LBL_SALES_STAGE'=>'Sales Stage',
+'LBL_BULK_MAILS'=>'Bulk Mails',
+'LBL_WORLD_CLOCK'=>'World Clock',
+'LBL_CLOSE_WON' =>'Closed-Won',			# 'Closed Won'
+'LBL_CLOSE_LOST'=>'Closed-Lost',					# 'Closed Lost'
+'LBL_SELECT_GROUP'=>'Select a group',
+//List Fields
+'Assigned To'=>'Assigned To',
+'Account Name'=>'Account Name',
+'Sales Stage'=>'Sales Stage',
+'Expected Close'=>'Expected Close',
+'Contact Name'=>'Contact Name',
+'Related to'=>'Related To',
+'Last Modified'=>'Last Modified',
+'Start Date/Due Date'=>'Start Date/Due Date',
+'Date Sent'=>'Date Sent',
+'Ticket ID'=>'Ticket ID',
+'Product Name'=>'Product Name',
+'Product Code'=>'Product Code',
+'Commission Rate'=>'Commission Rate',
+'Unit Price'=>'Unit Price',
+'Price Book Name'=>'Price Book Name',
+//Added after 4 GA
+'LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION'=>'Custom Information',
+//Added fields to display the related lists titles and None Scheduled 
+'LBL_NONE_SCHEDULED'=>'None Scheduled',
+'Accounts & Contacts'=>'Accounts & Contacts',
+'PriceBook'=>'Price Books',
+'PurchaseOrder'=>'Purchase Order',
+'SalesOrder'=> 'Sales Order',
+'Portal'=>'My Sites',
+'Activity History'=>'Activity History',
+'Ticket History'=>'Ticket History',
+'Purchase Order'=>'Purchase Order',
+'Sales Stage History'=>'Sales Stage History',
+'PurchaseOrder Status History'=>'PurchaseOrder Status History',
+'SalesOrder Status History'=>'SalesOrder Status History',
+'Quote Stage History'=>'Quote Stage History',
+'Invoice Status History'=>'Invoice Status History',
+//Added language for Parent Tab
+'My Home Page'=>'My Home Page',
+//Added for Detail/Edit/Related List of all modules
+'PurchaseOrder'=>'Purchase Order',
+'SalesOrder'=> 'Sales Order',
+'LBL_NONE_INCLUDED'=>'None Included',
+'LBL_ADD_TO'=>'Add to',
+'LBL_SELECT_TEMPLATE_TO_MAIL_MERGE'=>'Select template to Mail Merge:',
+'LBL_TITLE_OR_DESCRIPTION'=>'Title / Description',
+//Added for RSS Module
+'LBL_RSS_FEEDS'=>'RSS Feeds',
+'LBL_ADD_RSS_FEEDS'=>'Add New RSS Feed',
+//Added fields after 4.2 alpha
+'LNK_NEW_FAQ'=>'New FAQ',
+'Vendor Name'=>'Vendor Name',
+'LNK_WEARE'=>'We are?',
+'LBL_ABOUTUS_TITLE'=>'vtiger CRM - About Us',
+'LBL_DISCUSS'=>'Discuss with other users',
+'Quote Stage'=>'Quote Stage',
+'Potential Name'=>'Potential Name',
+'Total'=>'Total Amount',
+'First Name'=>'First Name',
+'Last Name'=>'Last Name',
+  /* For purchase order related list in vendor */
+'LBL_PORDER_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'New Purchase Order [Alt+O]',
+'LBL_PORDER_BUTTON'=>'New Purchase Order',
+'Tracking Number'=>'Tracking Number',
+'Order Id'=>'Order Id',
+'Quote Name'=>'Quote Name',
+'Invoice Id'=>'Invoice Id',
+'Quote Id'=>'Quote Id',
+'Sales Order'=>'Sales Order',
+ // Added Quote in activity parent type selection / Related list
+'End Date'=>'End Date',
+'Start Date'=>'Start Date',
+'Related to'=>'Related To',
+'Recurring Type'=> 'Recurring Type',
+'SalesOrders'=> 'Sales Orders',
+'PurchaseOrder'=> 'Purchase Order',
+'LBL_QUOTE_NAME'=>'Quote Name',
+ //Added Orders in activity parent type selection / Related list
+'COMBO_PORDER'=>'Purchase Order',
+'COMBO_SORDER'=>'Sales Order',
+'LBL_PORDER_NAME'=>'Purchase Order',
+'LBL_SORDER_NAME'=>'Sales Order',
+ // Added Invoice in activity parent type selection / Related list
+'LBL_NEW_SORDER_BUTTON_TITLE'=>'New Sales Order [Alt+E]',
+'LBL_NEW_SORDER_BUTTON'=>'New Sales Order',
+'LBL_PRODUCT_DETAILS'=>'Product Details',
+'LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK'=>'Qty In Stock',
+'LBL_UNIT_PRICE'=>'Unit Price',
+'LBL_LIST_PRICE'=>'List Price',
+'LBL_ADD_PRODUCT'=>'Add Product',
+'LBL_SUB_TOTAL'=>'Sub Total',
+'LBL_GRAND_TOTAL'=>'Grand Total',
+'LBL_QUOTE_ID'=>'Quote Id',
+'LBL_SALES_ORDER_ID'=>'Sales Order Id',
+'LBL_PURCHASE_ORDER_ID'=>'Purchase Order Id',
+'LBL_EXPORT_TO_PDF'=>'Export To PDF',
+//Added for 4.2 Patch I
+'LBL_HOME_KEY_METRICS'=>'Key Metrics',
+//Added for 4.2 patch 2
+//Added for 5.0
+'LBL_UPD_FIELD_ORD'=>'Update Field Order',
+'LBL_UPDATED_TODAY'=>'Updated today',
+'LBL_DAY_AGO'=>'day ago',
+'LBL_DAYS_AGO'=>'days ago',
+//Added after 5.0 Alpha5
+'Campaign Name'=>'Campaign Name',
+'Campaign Type'=>'Campaign Type',
+'LBL_TAX_DETAILS'=>'Tax Details',
+'LBL_TAX_CALCULATION'=>'Tax Calculation',
+'LBL_TAG_CLOUD'=>'Tag Cloud',
+'LBL_PO_STATUS'=>'PurchaseOrder Status',
+'LBL_SO_STATUS'=>'SalesOrder Status',
+'LBL_INVOICE_STATUS'=>'Invoice Status',
+'Last 2 Days'=>'Last 2 Days',
+'Last Week'=>'Last Week',
+'This Week'=>'This Week',
+'This Month'=>'This Month',
+'This Year'=>'This Year',
+'LBL_PLEASE_CLICK'=>'Please Click',
+'LBL_TO_CONFIGURE'=>'to Configure',
+'LBL_SCROLL'=>'[Scroll to Top]',
+'LBL_RCPY_ADDRESS'=>'Copy Shipping address',
+'LBL_LCPY_ADDRESS'=>'Copy Billing address',
+'LBL_RECORD_ID'=>'Record ID',
+'LBL_ACTION_DATE'=>'Action Date',
+'LBL_HOMEPAGE_DASHBOARD'=>'HomePage Dashboard',
+'LBL_YOU_CAN_CREATE'=>'You can Create',
+'LBL_CLICK_THE_LINK'=>'Click the link below',
+'LBL_YOU_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CREATE'=>'You are not allowed to create',
+//the left value is the key stored in the db and the right value is the display value
+//to translate, only modify the right value in each key/value pair
+$app_list_strings = Array(
+//e.g. auf Deutsch 'Contacts'=>'Contakten',
+'moduleList' => Array('Home'=>'Home'
+				, 'Dashboard'=>'Dashboard'
+				, 'Leads'=>'Leads'
+				, 'Contacts'=>'Contacts'
+				, 'Accounts'=>'Accounts'
+				, 'Potentials'=>'Potentials'
+				, 'Campaigns'=>'Campaigns'
+				, 'Notes'=>'Notes'
+				, 'Emails'=>'Emails'
+				, 'Activities'=>'Activities'
+				, 'Products'=>'Products'
+				, 'HelpDesk'=>'HelpDesk'
+				, 'Faq'=>'FAQ'
+				, 'Calendar'=>'Calendar'
+				, 'Quotes'=>'Quotes'
+				, 'PurchaseOrder'=>'PurchaseOrder'
+				, 'Invoice'=>'Invoice'
+				, 'Rss'=>'RSS'
+				, 'Reports'=>'Reports'
+				, 'Vendors'=>'Vendors'
+				, 'PriceBooks'=>'PriceBooks'
+				, 'SalesOrder'=>'SalesOrder'
+				, 'Portal'=>'My Sites'
+				),
+//Note:  do not translate opportunity_relationship_type_default_key
+//       it is the key for the default opportunity_relationship_type_dom value
+'opportunity_relationship_type_default_key' => 'Primary Decision Maker',
+'opportunity_relationship_type_dom' => Array(''=>''
+		, 'Primary Decision Maker'=>'Primary Decision Maker'
+		, 'Business Decision Maker'=>'Business Decision Maker'
+		, 'Business Evaluator'=>'Business Evaluator'
+		, 'Technical Decision Maker'=>'Technical Decision Maker'
+		, 'Technical Evaluator'=>'Technical Evaluator'
+		, 'Executive Sponsor'=>'Executive Sponsor'
+		, 'Influencer'=>'Influencer'
+		, 'Other'=>'Other'
+		),
+//Note:  do not translate case_relationship_type_default_key
+//       it is the key for the default case_relationship_type_dom value
+'case_relationship_type_default_key' => 'Primary Contact',
+'case_relationship_type_dom' => Array(''=>''
+		, 'Primary Contact'=>'Primary Contact'
+		, 'Alternate Contact'=>'Alternate Contact'
+		),
+'task_priority_dom' => Array('High'=>'High'
+		, 'Medium'=>'Medium'
+		, 'Low'=>'Low'
+		),
+'task_status_dom' => Array('Planned'=>'Planned'
+		, 'Completed'=>'Completed'
+		, 'Deferred'=>'Deferred'
+		),
+'meeting_status_dom' => Array('Planned'=>'Planned'
+		, 'Held'=>'Held'
+		, 'Not Held'=>'Not Held'
+		),
+'call_status_dom' => Array('Planned'=>'Planned'
+		, 'Held'=>'Held'
+		, 'Not Held'=>'Not Held'
+		),
+//Note:  do not translate case_status_default_key
+//       it is the key for the default case_status_dom value
+'case_status_default_key' => 'New',
+'case_status_dom' => Array('New'=>'New'
+		, 'Assigned'=>'Assigned'
+		, 'Closed'=>'Closed'
+		, 'Pending Input'=>'Pending Input'
+		, 'Rejected'=>'Rejected'
+		),
+'user_status_dom' => Array('Active'=>'Active'
+		, 'Inactive'=>'Inactive'
+		),
+//Note:  do not translate record_type_default_key
+//       it is the key for the default record_type_module value
+'record_type_default_key' => 'Accounts',
+'record_type_display' => array('Accounts' => 'Account',
+		'Leads' => 'Lead',
+		'Opportunities' => 'Opportunity'),

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