[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r7919 - in /branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH: include/js/objects/CommSystem.js schema/DatabaseSchema.xml

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Sun Jul 9 22:56:32 EDT 2006

Author: mmbrich
Date: Sun Jul  9 20:56:31 2006
New Revision: 7919

merge with trunk


Modified: branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/include/js/objects/CommSystem.js
--- branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/include/js/objects/CommSystem.js (original)
+++ branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/include/js/objects/CommSystem.js Sun Jul  9 20:56:31 2006
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
         	this.refreshtime = '1000'; 
         	this.username = VtUser.user_name;
 		this.sliderElement = element;
-		this.CheckSession();
 		this.sliderOpen = "false";
@@ -26,6 +25,7 @@
 		this.reloadMsg="This is reloaded content:";
+		this.CheckSession();
@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@
+	/*
+	 * internal function.  Please increase the number
+	 * of times this function returns true if you call it
+	 * more than it already is (ie: each time it's called in the first
+	 * loop should return true)
+	 */
 	IsPageReload: function() {
 		if(typeof(globalCommSystem.tmpCount) == "undefined") { 
@@ -510,3 +516,516 @@
 		globalCommSystem.timer = window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.CommUpdate()',globalCommSystem.refreshtime);
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the vtiger CRM Public License Version 1.0
+ * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
+ * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is FOSS Labs.
+ * Portions created by FOSS Labs are Copyright (C) FOSS Lbas.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *****************************************/
+CommSystem = Class.create();
+CommSystem.prototype = {
+    	initialize: function(element,CurrentUser,chatWith,sendValue) {
+		this.debug=true;
+        	this.refreshtime = '1000'; 
+        	this.username = VtUser.user_name;
+		this.sliderElement = element;
+		this.CheckSession();
+		this.sliderOpen = "false";
+		this.timer;
+		this.keycount=0;
+		this.keytimer;
+		this.user=CurrentUser;
+		this.tmpCount=0;
+		this.Focused='true';
+		this.ChattingWith=chatWith;
+		this.SendValue=sendValue;
+		this.reloadMsg="This is reloaded content:";
+    	},
+	/* 
+	 * Update function to fire @ refreshtime
+	 * Calls the HandleEvent function which
+	 * will react on the JSON data passed to it.
+	 */
+    	CommUpdate: function() {
+		globalCommSystem = this;
+		if(globalCommSystem.Focused == 'false') {
+			window.clearTimeout(globalCommSystem.timer);
+			globalCommSystem.timer = window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.CommUpdate()',globalCommSystem.refreshtime);
+		} else {
+			window.clearTimeout(globalCommSystem.timer);
+			var first = globalCommSystem.IsPageReload();
+	        	new Ajax.Request(
+                		'index.php',
+                		{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+                        		method: 'post',
+                        		postBody: 'module=CommSystem&action=CommSystemAjax&command=getPeriodicalInfo&first_load='+first,
+                        		onComplete: globalCommSystem.HandleEvent,
+					onFailure: function() {
+						alert("Failed");
+						window.clearTimeout(globalCommSystem.timer);
+					}
+				}
+        		);
+		}
+	},
+	IsPageReload: function() {
+		if(typeof(globalCommSystem.tmpCount) == "undefined") { 
+			globalCommSystem.tmpCount++;
+			var answer = 'true';
+		} else if(globalCommSystem.tmpCount < 1)  {
+			globalCommSystem.tmpCount++;
+			var answer = 'true';
+		} else
+			var answer = 'false';
+		return answer;
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Function to open slider for comm center.
+	 * First the function tries to open the slider by
+	 * using an Effect(), if that fails it uses a css
+	 * class value to change the appearance
+	 */
+	OpenSlider: function() {
+		globalCommSystem = this;
+		if(this.sliderOpen == "false") {
+		    Try.these (
+			function() {
+				$(globalCommSystem.sliderElement).className = "commSliderOpen";
+			},
+			function() {
+				$(globalCommSystem.sliderElement).style.width = '180px';
+			},
+			function() {
+				new Effect.Appear($(globalCommSystem.sliderElement),{duration:'0.2'});
+			}
+		    );
+		    this.sliderOpen = "true";
+		} else {
+		    Try.these (
+			function() {
+				$(globalCommSystem.sliderElement).className = "commSlider";
+			},
+			function() {
+				new Effect.Fade($(globalCommSystem.sliderElement),{duration:'0.2'});
+			},
+			function() {
+				$(globalCommSystem.sliderElement).style.width = '0px';
+			}
+		    );
+		    this.sliderOpen = "false";
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Function to check past sessions and load elements
+	 * that were open when window was reloaded, etc.
+	 * Creates elements and populates with past info
+	 */
+	CheckSession: function() {
+		this.Focused='true';
+		Event.observe(document, 'focus', this.OnFocusEvent.bindAsEventListener(this));
+		Event.observe(document, 'blur', this.OnFocusEvent.bindAsEventListener(this));
+		window.clearTimeout(this.timer);
+		this.CommUpdate();
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Called when this window is focused or un-focused
+	 */
+	OnFocusEvent: function(evt) {
+		if(evt.type == "focus")
+			this.Focused='true';
+		else if(evt.type == "blur") {
+			window.focus();
+			this.Focused='false';
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Send a "User is typing" or "Done typing" message
+	 */
+	SendStatusMessage: function(period,users) {
+	        new Ajax.Request(
+                	'index.php',
+                	{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+                        	method: 'post',
+                        	postBody: 'module=CommSystem&action=CommSystemAjax&command=sendStatusMessage&receivers='+users+'&period='+period,
+                        	onComplete: function(response) {
+					//alert(response.responseText);
+				}
+			}
+        	);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Function to send an instant message to another
+	 * user and update the chat window element with
+	 * message text.
+	 */
+	SendChatMessage: function(otheruser,msg) {
+		if(msg == "") {return;}
+		var myDate=new Date();
+		msgStruct = {
+			sending_user: otheruser,
+			msg_data: msg,
+			msg_type: 'P2PIM',
+			user_name: globalCommSystem.user.user_name,
+			timestamp: myDate.getHours()+":"+myDate.getMinutes()+":"+myDate.getSeconds()
+		}
+		globalCommSystem = this;
+	        new Ajax.Request(
+                	'index.php',
+                	{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+                        	method: 'post',
+                        	postBody: 'module=CommSystem&action=CommSystemAjax&command=sendChatMessage&receivers='+otheruser+'&msg='+msg.stripTags()+'&msg_type=P2PIM',
+                        	onComplete: function(response) {
+					if(response.responseText != "failed") {
+						globalCommSystem.ShowNewChatMessage(msgStruct,"");
+					} else {
+						Object.extend(msgStruct, {msg_data:'<font color="red">Failed to deliver message</font>: '+msgStruct.msg_data});
+						globalCommSystem.ShowNewChatMessage(msgStruct,"");
+					}
+                		}
+			}
+        	);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Called prior to SendChatMessage so that proper variables
+	 * can be populated
+	 */
+	SendMsg: function(evt) {
+		try {
+			globalCommSystem.UserStopTyping(Event.element(evt).name);
+			var dat = $("msg_input_"+Event.element(evt).name);
+			globalCommSystem.SendChatMessage(Event.element(evt).name,dat.value);
+		}catch(p){alert(p);}
+		dat.value = "";
+	},
+	OpenChatSession: function(receivers,usr_name) {
+		var myDate=new Date();
+		msgStruct = {
+			sending_user: receivers,
+			msg_data: '',
+			msg_type: 'P2PIM',
+			user_name: usr_name,
+			timestamp: myDate.getHours()+":"+myDate.getMinutes()+":"+myDate.getSeconds()
+		}
+		this.ShowNewChatMessage(msgStruct, this.ChattingWith+" "+usr_name);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Open a new chat window for a fresh session
+	 * or open a past window that was closed during
+	 * this session
+	 */
+	ShowNewChatMessage: function(msg,header_msg) {
+		Try.these (
+			/* Try to open a window from past messaging with this user */
+			function() {
+				new Effect.Appear("msgwindow_"+msg.sending_user,{duration:'0.2'});
+				if(msg.user_name == "" || typeof(msg.user_name) == "undefined" || msg.user_name == globalCommSystem.user.user_name) {
+					msg.msg_data = "<BR><font color='blue'>"+globalCommSystem.user.user_name+"</font> ("+msg.timestamp+"): "+msg.msg_data;
+				} else if(msg.user_name != globalCommSystem.user.user_name && msg.msg_data != "") {
+					msg.msg_data = "<br><font color='red'>"+msg.user_name+"</font> ("+msg.timestamp+"): "+msg.msg_data;
+				} else if(msg.msg_data != "")
+					msg.msg_data = "<br>"+msg.msg_data;
+				$("chat_data_"+msg.sending_user).innerHTML += msg.msg_data;
+				globalCommSystem.ScrollChatWindow($("chat_data_"+msg.sending_user));
+			},
+			/* Build a new chat window */
+			function() {
+				if(msg.msg_type == "P2PIM")
+					var clsname = "chatWindow";
+				else if(msg.msg_type == "GRPCHAT")
+					var clsname = "grpChatWindow";
+				var main_table = Builder.node(
+					'table', 
+					{
+						name:msg.sending_user,cellpadding:'2',cellspacing:'0',border:'0',
+						className:clsname,id:'msgwindow_'+msg.sending_user
+					}
+				);
+				var top_bar = Builder.node(
+					'tr',
+					{
+						align:'center',width:'100%',valign:'top'
+					},
+					[ Builder.node(
+						'td',
+						[ Builder.node(
+							'span',
+							{
+								className:'chatWindowHeaderLeft'
+							},
+							header_msg+"  "
+						)],
+						[ Builder.node(
+							'span',
+							{
+								className:'chatWindowHeaderRight'
+							},
+							[ Builder.node(
+								'img',
+								{src:'themes/blue/images/close.gif',
+								onClick: 'globalCommSystem.CloseSession(\''+msg.sending_user+'\')'
+								}
+							)]
+						)]
+					)]
+				);
+				main_table.appendChild(top_bar);
+				Try.these (
+					function() {
+						if(msg.user_name != globalCommSystem.user.user_name) {return false;}
+							msg.msg_data = "<BR><font color='red'>"+msg.user_name+"</font> ("+msg.timestamp+"): "+msg.msg_data;
+					},
+					function() {
+						msg.msg_data += "<BR>";
+					}
+				);
+				var chat_data = Builder.node(
+					'tr',
+					{
+						valign:'top',align:'center',id:'chatd_row_'+msg.sending_user
+					},
+					[ Builder.node(
+						'td',
+						{
+							width:'100%',height:'100%',colspan:'2'
+						},
+						[ Builder.node(
+							'div', {id:'chat_data_'+msg.sending_user,className:'chatWindowDataArea',name:msg.sending_user}
+						)]
+					)]
+				);
+				main_table.appendChild(chat_data);
+				var msg_input = Builder.node(
+					'tr',
+					{valign:'top',align:'center',id:'bchat_row_'+msg.sending_user},
+					[ Builder.node(
+						'td',
+						[ Builder.node(
+							'div', {id:'msg_wrapper_'+msg.sending_user},
+							[ Builder.node(
+								'textarea', {id:'msg_input_'+msg.sending_user,name:msg.sending_user}
+							)] 
+						)],
+						[ Builder.node(
+							'p',{id:'status_bar_'+msg.sending_user}
+						)],
+						{width:'100%',colspan:'2'}
+					)]
+				);
+				main_table.appendChild(msg_input);
+				main_table.style.display = "none";
+				$("comm_sys").appendChild(main_table);
+				if(globalCommSystem.IsPageReload() != 'true' && msg.sending_user != globalCommSystem.user.user_name && msg.msg_data != "") {
+					$("chat_data_"+msg.sending_user).innerHTML = "<font color='red'>"+msg.user_name+"</font> ("+msg.timestamp+"): "+msg.msg_data;
+				} else if(msg.msg_data != "") {
+					$("chat_data_"+msg.sending_user).innerHTML = "<font color='red'>"+globalCommSystem.reloadMsg+"<BR>"+msg.user_name+"</font> ("+msg.timestamp+"): "+msg.msg_data;
+				}
+				try {
+					$("msg_wrapper_"+msg.sending_user).innerHTML += '<input type="submit" class="button" value="'+globalCommSystem.SendValue+'" id="send_button_'+msg.sending_user+'" name="'+msg.sending_user+'">';
+					Event.observe($("msg_input_"+msg.sending_user), 'keypress', globalCommSystem.UserTyping.bindAsEventListener(this));
+					Event.observe($("send_button_"+msg.sending_user), 'click', globalCommSystem.SendMsg.bindAsEventListener(this));
+				}catch(g){alert(g);}
+				new Effect.Appear(main_table,{duration:'0.2'});
+				new Draggable(main_table);
+			}
+		);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * call this function with any old message 
+	 * to have it appear in the alert slider
+	 */
+	ShowAlertSlider: function(msg) {
+		$("alert_display").innerHTML = "<b><a href='index.php?module=Webmails&action=index'>"+msg+"</a></b>";
+		$("alert_display").style.display = "block";
+		new Effect.Highlight("alert_display",{startcolor:'#ff99ff',endcolor:'#999999',
+					queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+					afterFinish:function() {
+						new Effect.Highlight("alert_display",{
+							startcolor:'#ff99ff',endcolor:'#999999',
+							queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'}
+						}
+					)
+				}
+			}
+		);
+		window.setTimeout(function() {
+			globalCommSystem.HideAlertSlider();
+		},4500);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Hide the alert slider
+	 */
+	HideAlertSlider: function() {
+		new Effect.Squish($("alert_display"), {
+				queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+				afterFinish: function() {
+					$("alert_display").innerHTML = "";
+				}
+			}
+		);
+	},
+	CloseSession: function(sending_user) {
+		new Effect.Fade($("msgwindow_"+sending_user),{duration:'0.2'});
+	        new Ajax.Request(
+                	'index.php',
+                	{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+                        	method: 'post',
+                        	postBody: 'module=CommSystem&action=CommSystemAjax&command=closeSession&sending_user='+sending_user
+			}
+        	);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Call this any time you suspect the chat window
+	 * content has changed.  Can either be called with
+	 * the prototype event listener or with the actual
+	 * element passed to this function
+	 */
+	ScrollChatWindow: function(evt) {
+		//$("debug_win").innerHTML += "<br>Scrolling";
+		Try.these (
+			function() {
+				var tname = "chat_data_"+Event.element(evt).name;
+				$(tname).scrollTop = $(tname).scrollHeight;
+			},
+			function() {
+				evt.scrollTop = evt.scrollHeight;
+			}
+		);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * called from event listeners.  This will send a user typing
+	 * status message to the other user
+	 */
+	UserTyping: function(evt) {
+		var tname = "status_bar_"+Event.element(evt).name;
+		if(evt.type === "keypress") {
+			window.clearTimeout(globalCommSystem.keytimer);
+			if(globalCommSystem.keycount == 0) {
+				globalCommSystem.SendStatusMessage('begin',Event.element(evt).name);
+				globalCommSystem.keycount++;
+			}
+			globalCommSystem.keytimer = window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.UserStopTyping("'+Event.element(evt).name+'")',1000);
+		}
+	},
+	/*
+	 * stop your last UserTyping() message
+	 */
+	UserStopTyping: function(sending_user) {
+		window.clearTimeout(globalCommSystem.keytimer);
+		globalCommSystem.keycount=0;
+		globalCommSystem.SendStatusMessage('end',sending_user);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * Call this function (n) seconds after your message
+	 * was first opened.  This is for session tracking.
+	 * If this function isn't called after a message is
+	 * displayed it will appear again the next time the
+	 * receiving user opens a CRM window of any kind.
+	 */
+	MarkAsRead: function(msgid) {
+	        new Ajax.Request(
+                	'index.php',
+                	{queue: {position: 'end', scope: 'commsys'},
+                        	method: 'post',
+                        	postBody: 'module=CommSystem&action=CommSystemAjax&command=markAsRead&msgid='+msgid
+			}
+        	);
+	},
+	/*
+	 * function to parse JSON msg data
+	 * and act on alerts or messages
+	 * for alerts the system will open a small slider 
+	 * on the screen to alert the user
+	 * for messages (IMs) a window object will be built for the message.
+	 */
+	HandleEvent: function(responseData) {
+		//$("debug_win").innerHTML += "<BR>"+responseData.responseText;
+		try {
+		if(!responseData.responseText.match(/none/)) {
+			var msgs = eval('(' + responseData.responseText + ')');
+                        for (var i=0;i<msgs.CommSysMessages.length;i++) {
+			try {
+				    var msg = msgs.CommSysMessages[i].message;
+				    var msgid = msg.msgid;
+			 	    var msg_type = msg.msg_type;
+				    if(msg.sending_user == globalCommSystem.user.user_id) {return;}
+				    switch(msg_type) {
+					case 'P2PIM':
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+						globalCommSystem.ShowNewChatMessage(msg,globalCommSystem.ChattingWith+" "+msg.user_name);
+					break;
+					case 'GRPIM':
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+						alert(msgs.CommSysMessages[i].message.msg_data);
+					break;
+					case 'EMAIL':
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+						globalCommSystem.ShowAlertSlider("<b>New Email:</b><br> "+msgs.CommSysMessages[i].message.recordid);
+					break;
+					case 'INPHONE':
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+						globalCommSystem.ShowAlertSlider("<b>Incoming Call:</b><br> "+msgs.CommSysMessages[i].message.msg_data);
+					break;
+					case 'VOICEMAIL':
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+						globalCommSystem.ShowAlertSlider("<b>New Voicemial:</b><br> "+msgs.CommSysMessages[i].message.msg_data);
+					break;
+					case 'GENERAL':
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+						globalCommSystem.ShowAlertSlider("<b>New Voicemial:</b><br> "+msgs.CommSysMessages[i].message.msg_data);
+					break;
+					case 'STATUS':
+						$("status_bar_"+msg.sending_user).innerHTML = msg.msg_data;
+						window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.MarkAsRead("'+msgid+'")',3000);
+					break;
+				    }
+				}catch(h){}
+				Try.these (
+					function() {
+						if(msgs.CommSysMessages[i].email.unseen_emails > 0)
+							globalCommSystem.ShowAlertSlider("You have "+msgs.CommSysMessages[i].email.unseen_emails+" new emails");
+					},
+					function() {
+						if(msgs.CommSysMessages[(i+1)].email.unseen_emails > 0)
+							globalCommSystem.ShowAlertSlider("You have "+msgs.CommSysMessages[i].email.unseen_emails+" new emails");
+					}
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		}catch(f){}
+		globalCommSystem.timer = window.setTimeout('globalCommSystem.CommUpdate()',globalCommSystem.refreshtime);
+	}

Modified: branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/schema/DatabaseSchema.xml
--- branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/schema/DatabaseSchema.xml (original)
+++ branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/schema/DatabaseSchema.xml Sun Jul  9 20:56:31 2006
@@ -6127,4 +6127,4 @@
 		<opt platform="mysql">Type=InnoDB</opt>

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