[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r7877 - in /branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH: include/pclzip.lib.php modules/Accounts/Merge.php modules/Contacts/Merge.php

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Thu Jul 6 13:21:08 EDT 2006

Author: mmbrich
Date: Thu Jul  6 11:21:07 2006
New Revision: 7877

ODT merge capabilites, thanks to Nico (nango) for this contribution


Modified: branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/modules/Accounts/Merge.php
--- branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/modules/Accounts/Merge.php (original)
+++ branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/modules/Accounts/Merge.php Thu Jul  6 11:21:07 2006
@@ -5,31 +5,19 @@
  * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
  * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * Portions created by prudento are Copyright (C) prudento.
  * All Rights Reserved.
-if (document.layers)
-	document.write("This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.");
-	document.write("<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page");
-else if (document.layers || (!document.all && document.getElementById))
-	document.write("This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.");
-	document.write("<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page");	
-else if(document.all)
-	document.write("<OBJECT Name='vtigerCRM' codebase='modules/Settings/vtigerCRM.CAB#version=1,5,0,0' id='objMMPage' classid='clsid:0FC436C2-2E62-46EF-A3FB-E68E94705126' width=0 height=0></object>");
+    <body>
 $templateid = $_REQUEST['mergefile'];
@@ -37,24 +25,38 @@
 	die("Select Mail Merge Template");
-//get the particular file from db and store it in the local hard disk.
-//store the path to the location where the file is stored and pass it  as parameter to the method 
-$sql = "select filename,data,filesize from vtiger_wordtemplates where templateid=".$templateid;
+if (GetFileExtention($filename)=="doc")
+	echo "<script>
+	if (document.layers)
+	{
+		document.write(\"This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.\");
+		document.write(\"<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page\");
+	}	
+	else if (document.layers || (!document.all && document.getElementById))
+	{
+		document.write(\"This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.\");
+		document.write(\"<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page\");
+	}
+	else if(document.all)
+	{
+		document.write(\"<OBJECT Name='vtigerCRM' codebase='modules/Settings/vtigerCRM.CAB#version=1,5,0,0' id='objMMPage' classid='clsid:0FC436C2-2E62-46EF-A3FB-E68E94705126' width=0 height=0></object>\");
+	}
+	</script>";
+$sql = "select filename,data,filesize from wordtemplates where templateid=".$templateid;
 $result = $adb->query($sql);
 $temparray = $adb->fetch_array($result);
-$fileContent = $temparray['data'];
+$filecontent = $temparray['data'];
-$wordtemplatedownloadpath =$root_directory ."/test/wordtemplatedownload/";
-$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temparray['filename'],"wb");
-//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<for mass merge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+$wordtemplatedownloadpath ='test/wordtemplatedownload/';
+//$wordtemplatedownloadpath =$root_directory .'test/wordtemplatedownload/';
+//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<for mass merge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
 $mass_merge = $_REQUEST['idlist'];
 $single_record = $_REQUEST['record'];
@@ -73,10 +75,8 @@
 	die("Record Id is not found, cannot merge the document");
-//echo $mass_merge;
-//for setting vtiger_accountid=0 for the contacts which are deleted
-$ct_query = "select crmid from vtiger_crmentity where setype='Contacts' and deleted=1";
+//for setting accountid=0 for the contacts which are deleted
+$ct_query = "select crmid from crmentity where setype='Contacts' and deleted=1";
 $result = $adb->query($ct_query);
 while($row = $adb->fetch_array($result))
@@ -87,45 +87,44 @@
 if(count($deleted_id) > 0)
 	$deleted_id = implode(",",$deleted_id);
-	$update_query = "update vtiger_contactdetails set accountid = 0 where contactid in (".$deleted_id.")";
+	$update_query = "update contactdetails set accountid = 0 where contactid in (".$deleted_id.")";
 	$result = $adb->query($update_query);
-//End setting vtiger_accountid=0 for the contacts which are deleted
+//End setting accountid=0 for the contacts which are deleted
 //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<header for csv and select columns for query>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-$query1="select vtiger_tab.name,vtiger_field.tablename,vtiger_field.columnname,vtiger_field.fieldlabel from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid where vtiger_field.tabid in (4,6) and vtiger_field.block <> 6 and vtiger_field.block <> 75 order by vtiger_field.tablename";
-$result = $adb->query($query1);
+$sql="select tab.name,field.tablename,field.columnname,field.fieldlabel from field inner join tab on tab.tabid = field.tabid where field.tabid in (4,6) order by field.tablename";
+$result = $adb->query($sql);
 for ($x=0; $x<$y; $x++)
-  $tablename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"tablename");
-  $columnname = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"columnname");
-  $modulename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"name");
-  if($tablename == "crmentity")
-  {
-  	if($modulename == "Contacts")
+	$tablename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"tablename");
+	$columnname = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"columnname");
+	$modulename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"name");
+	if($tablename == "crmentity")
-  		$tablename = "crmentityContacts";
+  		if($modulename == "Accounts")
+  		{
+  			$tablename = "crmentityAccounts";
+  		}
-  }
-  $querycolumns[$x] = $tablename.".".$columnname;
-	if($columnname == "smownerid")
-  {
-      if($modulename == "Accounts")
-      {
-  			$querycolumns[$x] = "concat(vtiger_users.last_name,' ',vtiger_users.first_name) as userjoinname,vtiger_users.first_name,vtiger_users.last_name,vtiger_users.user_name,vtiger_users.yahoo_id,vtiger_users.title,vtiger_users.phone_work,vtiger_users.department,vtiger_users.phone_mobile,vtiger_users.phone_other,vtiger_users.phone_fax,vtiger_users.email1,vtiger_users.phone_home,vtiger_users.email2,vtiger_users.address_street,vtiger_users.address_city,vtiger_users.address_state,vtiger_users.address_postalcode,vtiger_users.address_country";
-      }
-  		if($modulename == "Contacts")
-      {
-      	$querycolumns[$x] = "concat(usersContacts.last_name,' ',usersContacts.first_name) as userjoincname";
-      }
-  }
+  	$querycolumns[$x] = $tablename.".".$columnname;
+  	if($columnname == "smownerid")
+  	{
+    		if($modulename == "Accounts")
+    		{
+			$querycolumns[$x]="concat(usersAccounts.last_name,' ',usersAccounts.first_name) as username";
+    		}
+		if($modulename == "Contacts")
+		{
+    		$querycolumns[$x]="concat(users.last_name,' ',users.first_name) as usercname,users.first_name,users.last_name,users.user_name,users.yahoo_id,users.title,users.phone_work,users.department,users.phone_mobile,users.phone_other,users.phone_fax,users.email1,users.phone_home,users.email2,users.address_street,users.address_city,users.address_state,users.address_postalcode,users.address_country";
+    		}
+  	}
 	if($columnname == "parentid")
-		$querycolumns[$x] = "accountAccount.accountname";
+		$querycolumns[$x] = "accountAccounts.accountname";
 	if($columnname == "accountid")
@@ -135,48 +134,49 @@
 		$querycolumns[$x] = "contactdetailsContacts.lastname";
 	if($modulename == "Accounts")
-  {
-    	$field_label[$x] = "ACCOUNT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
+	{
+    		$field_label[$x] = "ACCOUNT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
   		if($columnname == "smownerid")
 	if($modulename == "Contacts")
-  {
-  	$field_label[$x] = "CONTACT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
-  }
+	{
+  		$field_label[$x] = "CONTACT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
+	}
 $csvheader = implode(",",$field_label);
 if(count($querycolumns) > 0)
 	$selectcolumns = implode($querycolumns,",");
-$query = "select  ".$selectcolumns." from vtiger_account 
-				inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid=vtiger_account.accountid 
-				inner join vtiger_accountbillads on vtiger_account.accountid=vtiger_accountbillads.accountaddressid 
-				inner join vtiger_accountshipads on vtiger_account.accountid=vtiger_accountshipads.accountaddressid 
-				inner join vtiger_accountscf on vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_accountscf.accountid 
-				left join vtiger_account as vtiger_accountAccount on vtiger_accountAccount.accountid = vtiger_account.parentid
-				left join vtiger_users on vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-				left join vtiger_contactdetails on vtiger_contactdetails.accountid=vtiger_account.accountid
-				left join vtiger_crmentity as vtiger_crmentityContacts on vtiger_crmentityContacts.crmid = vtiger_contactdetails.contactid 
-				left join vtiger_contactaddress on vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_contactaddress.contactaddressid 
-				left join vtiger_contactsubdetails on vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_contactsubdetails.contactsubscriptionid 
-				left join vtiger_contactscf on vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_contactscf.contactid 
-				left join vtiger_contactdetails as vtiger_contactdetailsContacts on vtiger_contactdetailsContacts.contactid = vtiger_contactdetails.reportsto
-				left join vtiger_account as vtiger_accountContacts on vtiger_accountContacts.accountid = vtiger_contactdetails.accountid 
-				left join vtiger_users as vtiger_usersContacts on vtiger_usersContacts.id = vtiger_crmentityContacts.smownerid
-				where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and (crmentityContacts.deleted=0 || vtiger_crmentityContacts.deleted is null) and vtiger_account.accountid in(".$mass_merge.")";
-//echo $query;
+$query = "select  ".$selectcolumns." from account 
+				inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid=account.accountid 
+				inner join accountbillads on account.accountid=accountbillads.accountaddressid 
+				inner join accountshipads on account.accountid=accountshipads.accountaddressid 
+				inner join accountscf on account.accountid = accountscf.accountid 
+				left join account as accountAccounts on accountAccounts.accountid = account.parentid
+				left join users on users.id = crmentity.smownerid
+				left join contactdetails on contactdetails.accountid=account.accountid
+				left join crmentity as crmentityContacts on crmentityContacts.crmid = contactdetails.contactid 
+				left join crmentity as crmentityAccounts on crmentityAccounts.crmid = account.accountid
+				left join contactaddress on contactdetails.contactid = contactaddress.contactaddressid 
+				left join contactsubdetails on contactdetails.contactid = contactsubdetails.contactsubscriptionid 
+				left join contactscf on contactdetails.contactid = contactscf.contactid 
+				left join contactdetails as contactdetailsContacts on contactdetailsContacts.contactid = contactdetails.reportsto
+				left join account as accountContacts on accountContacts.accountid = contactdetails.accountid 
+				left join users as usersAccounts on usersAccounts.id = crmentityContacts.smownerid
+				left join users as usersContacts on usersContacts.id = crmentityContacts.smownerid
+				left join customerdetails on contactdetails.contactid = customerdetails.customerid
+				where crmentity.deleted=0 and (crmentityContacts.deleted=0 || crmentityContacts.deleted is null) and account.accountid in(".$mass_merge.")";
 $result = $adb->query($query);
 while($columnValues = $adb->fetch_array($result))
@@ -204,20 +204,253 @@
 		$actual_values[$x] = str_replace(","," ",$actual_values[$x]);
-	$mergevalue[] = implode($actual_values,",");  	
-$csvdata = implode($mergevalue,"###");
-	die("No fields to do Merge");
-$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath."datasrc.csv","wb");
+	$mergevalue[] = implode(",",$actual_values);
+$csvdata = implode("###",$mergevalue);
+echo "<br><br><br><br><br>";
+$extension = GetFileExtention($filename);
+if($extension == "doc")
+	$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath."datasrc.csv","wb");
+	fwrite($handle,$csvheader."\r\n");
+	fwrite($handle,str_replace("###","\r\n",$csvdata));
+	fclose($handle);
+else if($extension == "odt")
+	//delete old .odt files in the wordtemplatedownload directory
+	foreach (glob("$wordtemplatedownloadpath/*.odt") as $delefile) 
+		{
+			unlink($delefile);
+		}
+	$mass_merge = explode(",",$mass_merge);
+	$y=count($mass_merge);
+	if ($y>1)
+	{
+		//Mass Merge
+		for($x=0;$x<$y;$x++)
+		{
+			//Unzip the .odt file
+			$temp_dir=entpack($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$filecontent);
+			// copy the content.xml into a variable
+			$concontent=file_get_contents($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');
+			//delete the content.xml
+			unlink($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');	
+			// Merge the Template with the selected data
+			if ($y-$x>1)
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'true');
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'false');
+			}
+			//Zip all to a new .odt File			
+			packen($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$temp_dir,$new_filecontent);
+			//rename the filename
+			$newfilename = "$x-$filename";
+			rename($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath.$newfilename);
+			//remove the unziped data
+			remove_dir($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir);
+			echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$newfilename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$temp_dir=entpack($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$filecontent);
+		$concontent=file_get_contents($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');
+		unlink($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');
+		$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'false');
+		packen($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$temp_dir,$new_filecontent);
+		//Send Document to the Browser 
+		//header("Content-Type: $mimetype");
+		//header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
+		//echo file_get_contents($wordtemplatedownloadpath .$filename);
+		//readfile($root_directory .$wordtemplatedownloadpath .$filename);
+		echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$filename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+		remove_dir($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir);
+	}
+else if($extension == "rtf")
+	foreach (glob("$wordtemplatedownloadpath/*.rtf") as $delefile) 
+		{
+			unlink($delefile);
+		}
+	$mass_merge = explode(",",$mass_merge);
+	$y=count($mass_merge);
+	$filecontent = base64_decode($filecontent);
+	if ($y>1)
+	{
+		for($x=0;$x<$y;$x++)
+		{
+			$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,"wb");
+			if ($y-$x>1)
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'true');
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'false');
+			}
+			fwrite($handle,$new_filecontent);
+			fclose($handle);
+			$newfilename = "$x-$filename";
+			rename($wordtemplatedownloadpath .$filename, $wordtemplatedownloadpath .$newfilename);
+			echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$newfilename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,"wb");
+		$new_filecontent = crmmerge($csvheader,$filecontent,'false');
+		fwrite($handle,$new_filecontent);
+		fclose($handle);			
+		echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$filename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+	}
+	die("unknown file format");
+function GetFileExtention($filename) 
+	$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
+	return $pathinfo['extension'];
+function crmmerge($csvheader,$content,$y)
+	global $csvdata;
+	$Header = explode (",",$csvheader);
+	if($y)
+	// if mass merge
+	{	
+		//Search for account_name
+		$i=0;
+		while($Header[$i]!="ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTNAME")
+		{
+			$i++;
+		}
+		//unpacking all into string array Temp
+		$Temp = explode ("###",$csvdata);
+		$z=count($Temp);
+		//unpacking all into array array Temp_Values
+		for ($x=0;$x<$z;$x++)
+		{
+			$Temp_Values[$x] = explode (",",$Temp[$x]);
+		}
+		$Values = explode (",",$Temp[0]);
+		//echo $Header[$i].' '.$Temp_Values[0][$i].' '.$z.'<br>';
+		$j=1;
+		//echo $Temp_Values[$j][$i].' und j:'.$j.'<br>';
+		while ($Temp_Values[$j][$i] == $Temp_Values[0][$i])
+		{
+			$j++;
+			//echo $Temp_Values[$j][$i].' und j:'.$j.'<br>';
+		}
+		//packing it without read data
+		/*
+		for($x=$j;$x<$z;$x++)
+		{
+			$test[$x-$j]=$Temp_Values[$x];
+		}
+		$csvdata = implode ("###", $test);*/
+		if ($z>$j)
+		{
+			$csvdata = $Temp[$j];
+			if ($z>($j+1))
+			{
+				for($x=$j;$x<$z;$x++)
+				{
+					$csvdata=$csvdata.'###'.$Temp[$x];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$Temp = explode ("###",$csvdata);
+		$Values = explode (",",$Temp[0]);
+	}
+	for($i=0;$i<count($Header);$i++)
+	{
+			$content=str_replace($Header[$i],$Values[$i],$content);
+	}
+	return $content;
+function entpack($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$filecontent)
+	$temp_dir = time();
+	mkdir($root_directory.$wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir,0777);
+	$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,"wb");
+	$filecontent = base64_decode($filecontent);
+	fwrite($handle,$filecontent);
+	fclose($handle);
+	$archive = new PclZip($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename);
+	//unzip all files 
+	if ($archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH,$wordtemplatedownloadpath.'/'.$temp_dir) == 0)
+	{
+		die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true));
+	}
+	//delete the template
+	unlink($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename);
+	return $temp_dir;
+function packen($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$temp_dir,$concontent)
+	//write a new content.xml
+	$handle=fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml',"w");
+	fwrite($handle,$concontent);
+	fclose($handle);
+	$archive = new PclZip($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename);
+	//make a new archive (or .odt file)
+	$v_list = $archive->add($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir,PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir);
+	if ($v_list == 0) 
+	{
+		die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true));
+	}
+function remove_dir($dir)
+	$handle = opendir($dir);
+	while (false!==($item = readdir($handle)))
+	{
+		if($item != '.' && $item != '..')
+		{
+			if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$item)) 
+			{
+				remove_dir($dir.'/'.$item);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				unlink($dir.'/'.$item);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	closedir($handle);
+	if(rmdir($dir))
+	{
+		$success = true;
+	}
+	return $success;
+//var filenameExtention = "<?php echo GetFileExtention($filename)?>";
+if("<?php echo GetFileExtention($filename)?>" == "doc")
 if (window.ActiveXObject){
@@ -227,7 +460,7 @@
         	var filename = "<?php echo $filename?>";
         	if(filename != "")
-        		if(objMMPage.bDLTempDoc("<?php echo $site_URL;?>/test/wordtemplatedownload/<?php echo $filename; ?>","MMTemplate.doc"))
+        		if(objMMPage.bDLTempDoc("<?php echo $site_URL?>/test/wordtemplatedownload/<?php echo $filename?>","MMTemplate.doc"))

Modified: branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/modules/Contacts/Merge.php
--- branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/modules/Contacts/Merge.php (original)
+++ branches/VTIGERCRM-5.0.2-MMBRICH/modules/Contacts/Merge.php Thu Jul  6 11:21:07 2006
@@ -5,34 +5,19 @@
  * The Original Code is:  vtiger CRM Open Source
  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is vtiger.
  * Portions created by vtiger are Copyright (C) vtiger.
+ * Portions created by prudento are Copyright (C) prudento.
  * All Rights Reserved.
-if (document.layers)
-	document.write("This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.");
-	document.write("<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page");
-else if (document.layers || (!document.all && document.getElementById))
-	document.write("This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.");
-	document.write("<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page");	
-else if(document.all)
-	document.write("<OBJECT Name='vtigerCRM' codebase='modules/Settings/vtigerCRM.CAB#version=1,5,0,0' id='objMMPage' classid='clsid:0FC436C2-2E62-46EF-A3FB-E68E94705126' width=0 height=0></object>");
+    <body>
-//echo 'id is ....... ' .$_REQUEST['record'];
-//echo 'merge file name is ...' .$_REQUEST['mergefile'];
 $templateid = $_REQUEST['mergefile'];
@@ -40,22 +25,37 @@
 	die("Select Mail Merge Template");
-//get the particular file from db and store it in the local hard disk.
-//store the path to the location where the file is stored and pass it  as parameter to the method 
-$sql = "select filename,data,filesize from vtiger_wordtemplates where templateid=".$templateid;
+if (GetFileExtention($filename)=="doc")
+	echo "<script>
+	if (document.layers)
+	{
+		document.write(\"This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.\");
+		document.write(\"<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page\");
+	}	
+	else if (document.layers || (!document.all && document.getElementById))
+	{
+		document.write(\"This feature requires IE 5.5 or higher for Windows on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT4 SP6, Windows XP.\");
+		document.write(\"<br><br>Click <a href='#' onclick='window.history.back();'>here</a> to return to the previous page\");
+	}
+	else if(document.all)
+	{
+		document.write(\"<OBJECT Name='vtigerCRM' codebase='modules/Settings/vtigerCRM.CAB#version=1,5,0,0' id='objMMPage' classid='clsid:0FC436C2-2E62-46EF-A3FB-E68E94705126' width=0 height=0></object>\");
+	}
+	</script>";
+$sql = "select filename,data,filesize from wordtemplates where templateid=".$templateid;
 $result = $adb->query($sql);
 $temparray = $adb->fetch_array($result);
-$fileContent = $temparray['data'];
+$filecontent = $temparray['data'];
-$wordtemplatedownloadpath =$root_directory ."/test/wordtemplatedownload/";
-$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath .$temparray['filename'],"wb");
+$wordtemplatedownloadpath ='test/wordtemplatedownload/';
+//$wordtemplatedownloadpath =$root_directory .'test/wordtemplatedownload/';
 //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<for mass merge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
 $mass_merge = $_REQUEST['idlist'];
@@ -77,36 +77,35 @@
 //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<header for csv and select columns for query>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-$query1="select vtiger_tab.name,vtiger_field.tablename,vtiger_field.columnname,vtiger_field.fieldlabel from vtiger_field inner join vtiger_tab on vtiger_tab.tabid = vtiger_field.tabid where vtiger_field.tabid in (4,6) and vtiger_field.block <> 6 and vtiger_field.block <> 75 order by vtiger_field.tablename";
-$result = $adb->query($query1);
+$sql="select tab.name,field.tablename,field.columnname,field.fieldlabel from field inner join tab on tab.tabid = field.tabid where field.tabid in (4,6) order by field.tablename";
+$result = $adb->query($sql);
 for ($x=0; $x<$y; $x++)
-  $tablename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"tablename");
-  $columnname = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"columnname");
-  $modulename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"name");
+	$tablename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"tablename");
+	$columnname = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"columnname");
+	$modulename = $adb->query_result($result,$x,"name");
 	if($tablename == "crmentity")
-  {
-  	if($modulename == "Accounts")
-  		$tablename = "crmentityAccounts";
+  		if($modulename == "Accounts")
+  		{
+  			$tablename = "crmentityAccounts";
+  		}
-  }
-  $querycolumns[$x] = $tablename.".".$columnname;
-  if($columnname == "smownerid")
-  {
-    if($modulename == "Accounts")
-    {
+  	$querycolumns[$x] = $tablename.".".$columnname;
+  	if($columnname == "smownerid")
+  	{
+    		if($modulename == "Accounts")
+    		{
 			$querycolumns[$x]="concat(usersAccounts.last_name,' ',usersAccounts.first_name) as username";
-    }
+    		}
 		if($modulename == "Contacts")
-    {
-    	$querycolumns[$x]="concat(vtiger_users.last_name,' ',vtiger_users.first_name) as usercname,vtiger_users.first_name,vtiger_users.last_name,vtiger_users.user_name,vtiger_users.yahoo_id,vtiger_users.title,vtiger_users.phone_work,vtiger_users.department,vtiger_users.phone_mobile,vtiger_users.phone_other,vtiger_users.phone_fax,vtiger_users.email1,vtiger_users.phone_home,vtiger_users.email2,vtiger_users.address_street,vtiger_users.address_city,vtiger_users.address_state,vtiger_users.address_postalcode,vtiger_users.address_country";
-    }
-  }
+		{
+    		$querycolumns[$x]="concat(users.last_name,' ',users.first_name) as usercname,users.first_name,users.last_name,users.user_name,users.yahoo_id,users.title,users.phone_work,users.department,users.phone_mobile,users.phone_other,users.phone_fax,users.email1,users.phone_home,users.email2,users.address_street,users.address_city,users.address_state,users.address_postalcode,users.address_country";
+    		}
+  	}
 	if($columnname == "parentid")
 		$querycolumns[$x] = "accountAccounts.accountname";
@@ -119,69 +118,62 @@
 		$querycolumns[$x] = "contactdetailsContacts.lastname";
 	if($modulename == "Accounts")
-  {
-  	$field_label[$x] = "ACCOUNT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
-  }
+  	{
+  		$field_label[$x] = "ACCOUNT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
+  	}
 	if($modulename == "Contacts")
-  {
-  	$field_label[$x] = "CONTACT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
-  	if($columnname == "smownerid")
+  	{
+  		$field_label[$x] = "CONTACT_".strtoupper(str_replace(" ","",$adb->query_result($result,$x,"fieldlabel")));
+  		if($columnname == "smownerid")
-  }
+  	}
 $csvheader = implode(",",$field_label);
-//echo $csvheader;
 if(count($querycolumns) > 0)
 	$selectcolumns = implode($querycolumns,",");
-$query = "select ".$selectcolumns." from vtiger_contactdetails
-				inner join vtiger_crmentity on vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_contactdetails.contactid 
-				inner join vtiger_contactaddress on vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_contactaddress.contactaddressid 
-				inner join vtiger_contactsubdetails on vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_contactsubdetails.contactsubscriptionid 
-				inner join vtiger_contactscf on vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_contactscf.contactid 
-				left join vtiger_contactdetails as contactdetailsContacts on contactdetailsContacts.contactid = vtiger_contactdetails.reportsto
-				left join vtiger_account as accountContacts on accountContacts.accountid = contactdetails.accountid 
-				left join vtiger_users on vtiger_users.id = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid
-				left join vtiger_account on vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_contactdetails.accountid
-				left join vtiger_crmentity as crmentityAccounts on crmentityAccounts.crmid=vtiger_account.accountid
-				left join vtiger_accountbillads on vtiger_account.accountid=vtiger_accountbillads.accountaddressid
-				left join vtiger_accountshipads on vtiger_account.accountid=vtiger_accountshipads.accountaddressid
-				left join vtiger_accountscf on vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_accountscf.accountid
-				left join vtiger_account as accountAccounts on accountAccounts.accountid = vtiger_account.parentid
-				left join vtiger_users as usersAccounts on usersAccounts.id = crmentityAccounts.smownerid 
-				where vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and (crmentityAccounts.deleted <> 1) and vtiger_contactdetails.contactid in(".$mass_merge.")";
+$query = "select ".$selectcolumns." from contactdetails
+				inner join crmentity on crmentity.crmid = contactdetails.contactid 
+				inner join contactaddress on contactdetails.contactid = contactaddress.contactaddressid 
+				inner join contactsubdetails on contactdetails.contactid = contactsubdetails.contactsubscriptionid 
+				inner join contactscf on contactdetails.contactid = contactscf.contactid 
+				left join contactdetails as contactdetailsContacts on contactdetailsContacts.contactid = contactdetails.reportsto
+				left join account as accountContacts on accountContacts.accountid = contactdetails.accountid 
+				left join users on users.id = crmentity.smownerid
+				left join account on account.accountid = contactdetails.accountid
+				left join crmentity as crmentityAccounts on crmentityAccounts.crmid=account.accountid
+				left join accountbillads on account.accountid=accountbillads.accountaddressid
+				left join accountshipads on account.accountid=accountshipads.accountaddressid
+				left join accountscf on account.accountid = accountscf.accountid
+				left join account as accountAccounts on accountAccounts.accountid = account.parentid
+				left join users as usersAccounts on usersAccounts.id = crmentityAccounts.smownerid
+				left join customerdetails on contactdetails.contactid = customerdetails.customerid
+				where crmentity.deleted=0 and (crmentityAccounts.deleted <> 1) and contactdetails.contactid in(".$mass_merge.")";
 $result = $adb->query($query);
 while($columnValues = $adb->fetch_array($result))
 	for($x=0; $x<$y; $x++)
-  {
-  	$value = $columnValues[$x];
-  	//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For blank Fields >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-  	if($value == "0")
-  	{
-  		$value = "";
-  	}
-  	if(trim($value) == "--None--" || trim($value) == "--none--")
-  	{
-  		$value = "";
-  	}
-	//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+	{
+		$value = $columnValues[$x];
+  		//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For blank Fields >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+  		if($value == "0")
+  		{
+  			$value = "";	
+  		}
+  		if(trim($value) == "--None--" || trim($value) == "--none--")
+  		{
+  			$value = "";
+  		}
+		//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
 		$actual_values[$x] = $value;
 		$actual_values[$x] = str_replace('"'," ",$actual_values[$x]);
 		//if value contains any line feed or carriage return replace the value with ".value."
@@ -190,23 +182,230 @@
 			$actual_values[$x] = '"'.$actual_values[$x].'"';
 		$actual_values[$x] = str_replace(","," ",$actual_values[$x]);
-  }
-  $mergevalue[] = implode($actual_values,",");  	
-$csvdata = implode($mergevalue,"###");
-	die("No fields to do Merge");
+	}
+	$mergevalue[] = implode(",",$actual_values);
+	$csvdata = implode("###",$mergevalue);
+echo "<br><br><br><br><br>";
+$extension = GetFileExtention($filename);
+if($extension == "doc")
+	$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath."datasrc.csv","wb");
+	fwrite($handle,$csvheader."\r\n");
+	fwrite($handle,str_replace("###","\r\n",$csvdata));
+	fclose($handle);
+else if($extension == "odt")
+	//delete old .odt files in the wordtemplatedownload directory
+	foreach (glob("$wordtemplatedownloadpath/*.odt") as $delefile) 
+		{
+			unlink($delefile);
+		}
+	$mass_merge = explode(",",$mass_merge);
+	$y=count($mass_merge);
+	if ($y>1)
+	{
+		//Mass Merge
+		for($x=0;$x<$y;$x++)
+		{
+			//Unzip the .odt file
+			$temp_dir=entpack($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$filecontent);
+			// copy the content.xml into a variable
+			$concontent=file_get_contents($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');
+			//delete the content.xml
+			unlink($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');	
+			// Merge the Template with the selected data
+			if ($y-$x>1)
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'true');
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'false');
+			}
+			//Zip all to a new .odt File			
+			packen($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$temp_dir,$new_filecontent);
+			//rename the filename
+			$newfilename = "$x-$filename";
+			rename($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath.$newfilename);
+			//remove the unziped data
+			remove_dir($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir);
+			echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$newfilename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$temp_dir=entpack($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$filecontent);
+		$concontent=file_get_contents($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');
+		unlink($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml');
+		$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'false');
+		packen($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$temp_dir,$new_filecontent);
+		//Send Document to the Browser 
+		//header("Content-Type: $mimetype");
+		//header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
+		//echo file_get_contents($wordtemplatedownloadpath .$filename);
+		//readfile($root_directory .$wordtemplatedownloadpath .$filename);
+		echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$filename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+		remove_dir($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir);
+	}
+else if($extension == "rtf")
+	foreach (glob("$wordtemplatedownloadpath/*.rtf") as $delefile) 
+		{
+			unlink($delefile);
+		}
+	$mass_merge = explode(",",$mass_merge);
+	$y=count($mass_merge);
+	$filecontent = base64_decode($filecontent);
+	if ($y>1)
+	{
+		for($x=0;$x<$y;$x++)
+		{
+			$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,"wb");
+			if ($y-$x>1)
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'true');
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$new_filecontent=crmmerge($csvheader,$concontent,'false');
+			}
+			fwrite($handle,$new_filecontent);
+			fclose($handle);
+			$newfilename = "$x-$filename";
+			rename($wordtemplatedownloadpath .$filename, $wordtemplatedownloadpath .$newfilename);
+			echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$newfilename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,"wb");
+		$new_filecontent = crmmerge($csvheader,$filecontent,'false');
+		fwrite($handle,$new_filecontent);
+		fclose($handle);			
+		echo "<a href=$wordtemplatedownloadpath$filename>download merged document here</a><br>";
+	}
+	die("unknown file format");
+function GetFileExtention($filename) 
+	$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
+	return $pathinfo['extension'];
+function crmmerge($csvheader,$content,$y)
+	global $csvdata;
+	$Header = explode (",",$csvheader);
+	if($y)
+	// if mass merge
+	{
+		//unpacking all into string array Temp
+		$Temp = explode ("###",$csvdata);
+		$Values = explode (",",$Temp[0]);
+		//packing it without read data
+		/*
+		for($x=1;$x<count($Temp);$x++)
+		{
+			$test[$x-1]=$Temp[$x];
+		}
+		$csvdata = implode ("###", $test);
+		*/
+		$csvdata = $Temp[1];
+		if (count($Temp)>2)
+		{
+			for($x=2;$x<count($Temp);$x++)
+			{
+				$csvdata=$csvdata.'###'.$Temp[$x];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$Values = explode (",",$csvdata);
+	}
+	for($i=0;$i<count($Header);$i++)
+	{
+			$content=str_replace($Header[$i],$Values[$i],$content);
+	}
+	return $content;
+function entpack($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$filecontent)
+	$temp_dir = time();
+	mkdir($root_directory.$wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir,0777);
+	$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename,"wb");
+	$filecontent = base64_decode($filecontent);
+	fwrite($handle,$filecontent);
+	fclose($handle);
+	$archive = new PclZip($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename);
+	//unzip all files 
+	if ($archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH,$wordtemplatedownloadpath.'/'.$temp_dir) == 0)
+	{
+		die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true));
+	}
+	//delete the template
+	unlink($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename);
+	return $temp_dir;
-$handle = fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath."datasrc.csv","wb");
+function packen($filename,$wordtemplatedownloadpath,$temp_dir,$concontent)
+	//write a new content.xml
+	$handle=fopen($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir.'/content.xml',"w");
+	fwrite($handle,$concontent);
+	fclose($handle);
+	$archive = new PclZip($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$filename);
+	//make a new archive (or .odt file)
+	$v_list = $archive->add($wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir,PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $wordtemplatedownloadpath.$temp_dir);
+	if ($v_list == 0) 
+	{
+		die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true));
+	}
+function remove_dir($dir)
+	$handle = opendir($dir);
+	while (false!==($item = readdir($handle)))
+	{
+		if($item != '.' && $item != '..')
+		{
+			if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$item)) 
+			{
+				remove_dir($dir.'/'.$item);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				unlink($dir.'/'.$item);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	closedir($handle);
+	if(rmdir($dir))
+	{
+		$success = true;
+	}
+	return $success;
+//var filenameExtention = "<?php echo GetFileExtention($filename)?>";
+if("<?php echo GetFileExtention($filename)?>" == "doc")
 if (window.ActiveXObject){

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