[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger development] #52: Version 4.2.4 Updates
vtiger development
vtiger-tickets at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Tue Feb 28 01:15:42 EST 2006
#52: Version 4.2.4 Updates
Reporter: briand | Owner: mfedyk
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone: 4.2.4
Component: vtigercrm | Version: 4.2.4rc2
Keywords: version 4.2.4 tags |
Updates to the script to reflect the v4.2.4. This includes the
modules/about_us.php, vtigerversion.php, and the changelog.txt.
Additionally, the about_us.php window was not tall enough for the data it
needed to display, so all themes had header.html updated to open pop-up
slightly taller.
Ticket URL: <http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/52>
vtiger development <http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/>
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