[Vtigercrm-commits] [vtiger-commits] r5068 - in /vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss: Delete.php Forms.php ListView.php Popup.php Rss.js Rss.php

vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com vtigercrm-commits at vtiger.fosslabs.com
Wed Apr 12 05:22:59 EDT 2006

Author: don
Date: Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
New Revision: 5068

NEW RSS integrated


Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Delete.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Delete.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Delete.php Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@
  //code added for returning back to the current view after delete from list view
-header("Location: index.php?module=".$_REQUEST['return_module']."&action=".$_REQUEST['return_action']);
+header("Location: index.php?module=".$_REQUEST['return_module']."&action=RssAjax&vtigerfile=ListView&directmode=ajax");

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Forms.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Forms.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Forms.php Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
@@ -20,37 +20,6 @@
  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
- * Create javascript to validate the data entered into a record.
- * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
-function get_validate_record_js () {
-global $mod_strings;
-global $app_strings;
-global $image_path;
-<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="include/js/general.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
-function toggleRSSFolder(id) {
-	if (document.getElementById(id+"_feeds").style.display=="none") {
-                document.getElementById(id+"_feeds").style.display="block"
-                document.getElementById(id+"_folder").src="'.$image_path.'rss_folder_opn.gif"
-                document.getElementById(id+"_toggle").src="'.$image_path.'minus.gif"
-        } else {
-                document.getElementById(id+"_feeds").style.display="none"
-                document.getElementById(id+"_folder").src="'.$image_path.'rss_folder_cls.gif"
-                document.getElementById(id+"_toggle").src="'.$image_path.'plus.gif"
-        }
-return $the_script;
 $oRss = new vtigerRSS();
@@ -63,25 +32,13 @@
 $oRss = new vtigerRSS();
 $allrsshtml = $oRss->getRSSCategoryHTML();
-$starred_rss_html = $oRss->getStarredRssFolder();
+//$starred_rss_html = $oRss->getStarredRssFolder();
-$the_form .= '<form name="rssfolder"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top:10px">
-        <tr>
-          <td width="15"><div align="center"><a href="javascript:;" onClick="toggleRSSFolder('."'S'".')"><img id="S_toggle"
-src="'.$image_path.'plus.gif" border="0"></a></div></td>
-          <td width="20"><div align="center"><img id="S_folder" src="'.$image_path.'rss_folder_cls.gif"></div></td>
-          <td nowrap><a href="javascript:;" onClick="toggleRSSFolder('."'S'".')" class="rssFolder">Starred Feeds</a></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td colspan="3"><div id="S_feeds" style="display:none"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding=
-"2" style="margin:5 0 0 35">'.$starred_rss_html.'</table></div></td>
-        </tr>';
+$the_form .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top:10px">';
 $the_form .= $allrsshtml;
 $the_form .= "</table>";
-$the_form .= get_validate_record_js();
-$this_form .= "</form>";
 return $the_form;

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/ListView.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/ListView.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/ListView.php Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
@@ -29,7 +29,15 @@
 global $cache_dir;
 // focus_list is the means of passing data to a ListView.
 global $focus_list;
+global $adb;
+$oRss = new vtigerRSS();
+if(isset($_REQUEST[folders]) && $_REQUEST[folders] == 'true')
+	require_once("modules/".$currentModule."/Forms.php");
+	echo get_rssfeeds_form();
+	die;
 	$recordid = $_REQUEST[record];
@@ -43,7 +51,6 @@
 //$url = 'http://forums/rss.php?name=forums&file=rss';
 //$url = 'http://forums/weblog_rss.php?w=202';
-$oRss = new vtigerRSS();
     $recordid = $_REQUEST[record];
@@ -56,32 +63,30 @@
         	$rss_html = "<strong>No RSS Feeds are selected</strong>";
+	$rss_form->assign("ID",$recordid);
+	$rss_form->assign("TITLE",gerRssTitle());
 	$rss_html = $oRss->getStarredRssHTML();
+	$query = "select rssid from rss where starred=1";
+	$result = $adb->query($query);
+	$recordid = $adb->query_result($result,0,'rssid');
+	$rss_form->assign("ID",$recordid);
+	$rss_form->assign("DEFAULT",'yes');
 if($currentModule == "Rss")
 	if (function_exists('get_rssfeeds_form'))
-		$rss_form->assign("RSSFEEDS_TITLE","<img src='".$image_path."rssroot.gif' align='absmiddle'/>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:openPopUp(\"addRssFeedIns\",this,\"index.php?action=Popup&module=Rss\",\"addRssFeedWin\",350,150,\"menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes\");' title='".$app_strings['LBL_ADD_RSS_FEEDS']."'>Add RSS Feed</a>");
+		$rss_form->assign("RSSCATEG", $oRss->getRsscategory_html());
 		$rss_form->assign("RSSFEEDS", get_rssfeeds_form());
-function gerRssTitle($id)
-	global $adb;
-	$query = 'select * from rss where rssid ='.$id;	 
-	$result = $adb->query($query);	
-	$title = $adb->query_result($result,0,'rsstitle');
-	return $title;
+if(isset($_REQUEST['directmode']) && $_REQUEST['directmode'] == 'ajax')
+	$rss_form->display("RssFeeds.tpl");
+	$rss_form->display("Rss.tpl");

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Popup.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Popup.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Popup.php Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
@@ -8,77 +8,45 @@
  * All Rights Reserved.
-global $app_strings;
-global $app_list_strings;
-global $mod_strings;
-$current_module_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Rss');
-global $urlPrefix;
 $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('rss_save');
-global $currentModule;
-global $image_path;
-global $theme;
-// focus_list is the means of passing data to a ListView.
-global $focus_list;
+	global $adb;
+	$query = 'update rss set starred=0';
+	$adb->query($query);
+	$query = 'update rss set starred=1 where rssid ='.$_REQUEST["record"]; 
+	$adb->query($query);
+	echo $_REQUEST["record"];
 	$newRssUrl = $_REQUEST["rssurl"];
 	$rsscategory = $_REQUEST["rsscategory"];
-	$setstarred = $_REQUEST["setstarred"];
-	if($setstarred != 1)
-	{
-		$setstarred = 0;
-	}
+	$setstarred = 0;
 	$oRss = new vtigerRSS();
-        	if($oRss->saveRSSUrl($newRssUrl,$setstarred,$rsscategory) == false)
+			$result = $oRss->saveRSSUrl($newRssUrl,$setstarred,$rsscategory);
+        	if($result == false)
-			echo "<font color='red'><b>Unable to save the RSS Feed URL</b></font><br>" ;
+				echo "Unable to save the RSS Feed URL" ;
-			$jscript = "window.opener.location.href=window.opener.location.href;
-				    window.self.close();";
+				echo $result;
-		echo "<font color='red'><b>Not a valid RSS Feed URL</b></font><br>" ;
+		echo "Not a valid RSS Feed URL" ;
-function getRsscategory_html()
-	$oRss = new vtigerRSS();
-	$rsscategory = $oRss->getRsscategory();
-	//print_r($rsscategory);
-	if(isset($rsscategory)) 
-	{
-		for($i=0;$i<count($rsscategory);$i++)
-		{
-			$shtml .= "<option value=\"$rsscategory[$i]\">$rsscategory[$i]</option>";
-		}
-	}
-	return $shtml;
-$save_rss_form=new XTemplate ("modules/Rss/Popup.html");
-$save_rss_form->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
-$save_rss_form->assign("APP", $app_strings);

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Rss.js
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Rss.js (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Rss.js Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
         return true;
-function display(url,list)
+function display(url,id)
-	document.getElementById('rsstitle').innerHTML = list;
+	document.getElementById('rsstitle').innerHTML = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;
 	document.getElementById('mysite').src = url;

Modified: vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Rss.php
--- vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Rss.php (original)
+++ vtigercrm/trunk/modules/Rss/Rss.php Wed Apr 12 03:22:52 2006
@@ -31,23 +31,14 @@
 	var $rss_title;
 	var $rss_link;
+	/** Function to get the Rss Feeds from the Given URL 
+	  * This Function accepts the url string as the argument 
+	  * and assign the value for the class variables correspondingly
+	 */
 	function setRSSUrl($url)
 		global $cache_dir;
-		//print_r($url);
-		/*$this->rss = new lastRSS();
-		$this->rss->cache_dir = $cache_dir;
-		$this->cache_time = $this->rsscache_time;
-		if($this->rss_object = $this->rss->get($url))
-		{
-			$this->rss_title = $this->rss_object["title"];
-			$this->rss_link = $this->rss_object["link"];
-			return true;
-		}else
-		{
-			return false;
-		}*/
 		$this->rss = new feedParser();
 		// Read in our sample feed file
 		$data = @implode("", at file($url));
@@ -64,62 +55,53 @@
 			$this->rss_title = $this->rss_object["title"];
-                        $this->rss_link = $this->rss_object["link"];
+			$this->rss_link = $this->rss_object["link"];
 			$this->rss_object = $info["item"];
-                        return true;
+			return true;
 			return false;
-	/*function getRSSHeadings()
-	{
-		global $image_path;
-		if($this->rss_object)
-		{
-			$shtml = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\">
-        		   <tr>
-			        <td class=\"rssPgTitle\"><img src=\"".$image_path."starred.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\">
-			            <a href=\"".$this->rss_object[link]."\">".$this->rss_object[title]."</a>
-				</td>
-        		   </tr>
-      			</table>";
+	/** Function to get the List of Rss feeds  
+	  * This Function accepts no arguments and returns the listview contents on Sucess
+	  * returns "Sorry: It's not possible to reach RSS URL" if fails
+	 */
+	function getListViewRSSHtml()
+	{
+		if(isset($this->rss_object))
+		{
+			$i = 0;
+			foreach($this->rss_object as $key=>$item)
+			{
+				$i = $i + 1;	   
+				$shtml .= "<tr class='prvPrfHoverOff' onmouseover=\"this.className='prvPrfHoverOn'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='prvPrfHoverOff'\"><td><a href=\"javascript:display('".$item[link]."','feedlist_".$i."')\"; id='feedlist_".$i."' class=\"rssNews\">".$item[title]."</a></td><td>".$this->rss_title."</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
+				if($i == 10)
+				{
+					return $shtml;
+				}
+			}
 			return $shtml;
-		}
-	}*/
-        function getListViewRSSHtml()
-	{
-		if(isset($this->rss_object))
-        	{
-                	$i = 0;
-			foreach($this->rss_object as $key=>$item)
-                	{
-			   $i = $i + 1;	   
-			   $shtml .= "<li><a href=\"javascript:display('".$item[link]."','".$item[title]."')\"; class=\"rssNews\">$item[title]</a></li>";
-			   if($i == 10)
-			   {
-				return $shtml;
-			   }
-	                }
-			return $shtml;
-        	}else
-        	{
-                	$shtml = "Sorry: It's not possible to reach RSS URL";
-        	}
-        	//return $shtml;
-	}
+		}else
+		{
+			$shtml = "Sorry: It's not possible to reach RSS URL";
+		}
+	}
+	/** Function to save the Rss Feeds  
+	  * This Function accepts the RssURl,RssCategory,Starred Status as arguments and 
+	  * returns true on sucess 
+	  * returns false if fails
+	 */
 	function saveRSSUrl($url,$makestarred,$rsscategory)
 		global $adb;
 		if ($url != "")
 			$rsstitle = $this->rss_title;
@@ -127,67 +109,66 @@
 				$rsstitle = $url;
-                        $genRssId = $adb->getUniqueID("rss");
+			$genRssId = $adb->getUniqueID("rss");
 			$sSQL = "insert into rss (RSSID,RSSURL,RSSTITLE,RSSTYPE,STARRED,RSSCATEGORY) values (".$genRssId.",'".addslashes($url);
 			$sSQL .= "','".addslashes($rsstitle)."',0,".$makestarred.",'".addslashes($rsscategory)."')";
 			$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-				 return true;
+				return $genRssId;
-				 return false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	function getStarredRssFolder()
-		global $adb;
-                global $image_path;
-                $sSQL = "select * from rss where starred=1";
-                $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-                while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-                {
-                   $shtml .= "<tr>";
-                   $shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
-                   <img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"></td>";
-                   $shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\" width=\"10%\"><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]
-\" class=\"rssTitle\">".substr($allrssrow['rsstitle'],0,15)."...</a></td><td><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Delete&return_module=Rss&return_action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td>";
-                   $shtml .= "</tr>";
-		}
-                return $shtml;
-	}
+		global $adb;
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rss where starred=1";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			$shtml .= "<tr id='feed_".$allrssrow[rssid]."'>";
+			$shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
+				<img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"></td>";
+			$shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\" width=\"10%\" nowrap><a href=\"javascript:GetRssFeedList('$allrssrow[rssid]')\" class=\"rssTitle\">".substr($allrssrow['rsstitle'],0,15)."...</a></td><td><a href=\"javascript:DeleteRssFeeds('$allrssrow[rssid]');\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td>";
+			$shtml .= "</tr>";
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
 	function getCRMRssFeeds()
 		global $adb;
-                global $image_path;
-                $sSQL = "select * from rss where rsstype=1";
-                $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-                //$allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result);
-                while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-                {
-                   $shtml .= "<tr>";
-		   if($allrssrow["starred"] == 1)
-                   {
-                      $shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
-                      <img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"></td>";
-                   }else
-                   {
-                      $shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
-                      <img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\"></td>";
-                   }
-                   $shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\"><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=ListView&record=$allrssrow[rssid]
-\" class=\"rssTitle\">".$allrssrow[rsstitle]."</a></td>";
-                   $shtml .= "<td><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Delete&return_module=Rss&return_action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td></tr>";
-                }
-                return $shtml;
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rss where rsstype=1";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			$shtml .= "<tr>";
+			if($allrssrow["starred"] == 1)
+			{
+				$shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
+					<img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"></td>";
+			}else
+			{
+				$shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
+					<img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\"></td>";
+			}
+			$shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\"><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=ListView&record=$allrssrow[rssid]
+				\" class=\"rssTitle\">".$allrssrow[rsstitle]."</a></td>";
+			$shtml .= "<td><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Delete&return_module=Rss&return_action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td></tr>";
+		}
+		return $shtml;
@@ -200,34 +181,37 @@
 		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
 		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))	
-		 	$shtml .= "<tr>";
+			$shtml .= "<tr>";
 			if($allrssrow["starred"] == 1)
-    			   $shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
-			   <img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"></td>";
+				$shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
+					<img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"></td>";
-      			   $shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
-			   <img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\"></td>";
-			}
-                   $shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\"><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=ListView&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\" class=\"rssTitle\">".$allrssrow[rsstitle]."</a></td><td><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Delete&return_module=Rss&return_action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td>";
-  	           $shtml .= "</tr>";
-		}
-		return $shtml;
-	}
+				$shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
+					<img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\"></td>";
+			}
+			$shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\"><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=ListView&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\" class=\"rssTitle\">".$allrssrow[rsstitle]."</a></td><td><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Delete&return_module=Rss&return_action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td>";
+			$shtml .= "</tr>";
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
+	/** Function to get the rssurl for the given id  
+	  * This Function accepts the rssid as argument and returns the rssurl for that id
+	 */
 	function getRssUrlfromId($rssid)
 		global $adb;
 		if($rssid != "")
 			$sSQL = "select * from rss where rssid=".$rssid;
 			$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
 			$rssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result);
 			if(count($rssrow) > 0)
 				$rssurl = $rssrow[rssurl];
@@ -237,218 +221,266 @@
 	function getRSSHeadings($rssid)
-        {
-                global $image_path;
-		global $adb;
-                if($rssid != "")
-                {
-                        $sSQL = "select * from rss where rssid=".$rssid;
-                        $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-                        $rssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result);
-                        if(count($rssrow) > 0)
-                        {
-		          $shtml = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\">
-	                            <tr>
-                                    <td class=\"rssPgTitle\">";
-                                    if($rssrow[starred] == 1)
-				    {
-				    	$shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."starred.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\">";
-				    }else
-				    {
-                                        $shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."unstarred.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\">";
-				    }		
-                                    $shtml .= "<a href=\"".$this->rss_object[link]."\">  ".$rssrow[rsstitle]."</a>
-                                    </td>
-                                    </tr>
-                                    </table>";
-                        }
-                }
-                return $shtml;
-                /*if($this->rss_object)
-                {
-                        $shtml = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\">
-                           <tr>
-                                <td class=\"rssPgTitle\"><img src=\"".$image_path."starred.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\">
-                                    <a href=\"".$this->rss_object[link]."\">".$this->rss_object[title]."</a>
-                                </td>
-                           </tr>
-                        </table>";
-                        return $shtml;
-                }*/
-        }
+	{
+		global $image_path;
+		global $adb;
+		if($rssid != "")
+		{
+			$sSQL = "select * from rss where rssid=".$rssid;
+			$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+			$rssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result);
+			if(count($rssrow) > 0)
+			{
+				$shtml = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\">
+					<tr>
+					<td class=\"rssPgTitle\">";
+				if($rssrow[starred] == 1)
+				{
+					$shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."starred.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\">";
+				}else
+				{
+					$shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."unstarred.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\">";
+				}		
+				$shtml .= "<a href=\"".$this->rss_object[link]."\">  ".$rssrow[rsstitle]."</a>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					</table>";
+			}
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
 	function getTopStarredRSSFeeds()
 		global $adb;
-                global $image_path;
-                $sSQL = "select * from rss where starred=1";
-                $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rss where starred=1";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
 		$shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."rss.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" hspace=\"2\"><a href=\"#\" onclick='window.open(\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Popup\",\"new\",\"width=500,height=300,resizable=1,scrollbars=1\");'>Add New Rss</a>";
-                while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-                {
-                 $shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."rss.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" hspace=\"2\">"; 
-		 $shtml .= "<a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=ListView&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\" class=\"rssFavLink\">				 ".substr($allrssrow['rsstitle'],0,10)."...</a></img>";
-                }
-                return $shtml;
-	}
+		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			$shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."rss.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" hspace=\"2\">"; 
+			$shtml .= "<a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=ListView&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\" class=\"rssFavLink\">				 ".substr($allrssrow['rsstitle'],0,10)."...</a></img>";
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
+	/** Function to get the rssfeed lists for the starred Rss feeds  
+	  * This Function accepts no argument and returns the rss feeds of 
+	  * the starred Feeds as HTML strings
+	 */
 	function getStarredRssHTML()
 		global $adb;
-                global $image_path;
-                $sSQL = "select * from rss where starred=1";
-                $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-                //$shtml = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr>";
-                while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-                {
-		 //$allrssrow["rssurl"];
-		 if($this->setRSSUrl($allrssrow["rssurl"]))
-                 {
-                        $rss_html = $this->getListViewRSSHtml();
-                 }
-		$shtml .= "<td width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\">
-			   <table class=\"formOuterBorder\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\">			       <tr><td class=\"formSecHeader\">";    
-		$shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"> 
-			   <span style=\"font-weight:normal\">Today at</span>";
-                $shtml .= " <a href=\"javascript:display('".$this->rss_link."',this)\";>".$allrssrow['rsstitle']."</a>";
-		$shtml .= "</td></tr>";
-		$shtml .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-top:10\"><ul>".$rss_html."</ul></td></tr>";
-		if(isset($this->rss_object))
-		{
-		 	if(count($this->rss_object) > 10)
-			{
-		  		$shtml .= "<tr><td align=\"right\">
-				  	   <a href=\"javascript:display('".$this->rss_link."',this)\";>More...</a>
-		  		           </td></tr>";
-			}
-		 }
-		 $shtml .= "</table></td><td style=\"width:20;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
-		 $sreturnhtml[] = $shtml;
-		 $shtml = "";
-                }
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rss where starred=1";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			if($this->setRSSUrl($allrssrow["rssurl"]))
+			{
+				$rss_html = $this->getListViewRSSHtml();
+			}
+			$shtml .= $rss_html;
+			if(isset($this->rss_object))
+			{
+				if(count($this->rss_object) > 10)
+				{
+					$shtml .= "<tr><td colspan='3' align=\"right\">
+						<a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"$this->rss_link\">More...</a>
+						</td></tr>";
+				}
+			}
+			$sreturnhtml[] = $shtml;
+			$shtml = "";
+		}
 		$recordcount = round((count($sreturnhtml))/2);
 		$j = $recordcount;
-	        for($i=0;$i<$recordcount;$i++)
-		{
-			$starredhtml .= "<tr>".$sreturnhtml[$i].$sreturnhtml[$j]."</tr>";
+		for($i=0;$i<$recordcount;$i++)
+		{
+			$starredhtml .= $sreturnhtml[$i].$sreturnhtml[$j];
 			$j = $j + 1;
-		$starredhtml  = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">".$starredhtml."</table>";
+		$starredhtml  = "<table class='rssTable' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
+						<tr>
+       	                <th width='65%'>Subject</th>
+           	            <th width='20%'>Sender</th>
+               	        <th width='15%'>Date</th>
+                   	    </tr>".$starredhtml."</table>";
 		return $starredhtml;
+	/** Function to get the rssfeed lists for the given rssid  
+	  * This Function accepts the rssid as argument and returns the rss feeds as HTML strings
+	 */
+	function getSelectedRssHTML($rssid)
+	{
+		global $adb;
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rss where rssid=".$rssid;
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			if($this->setRSSUrl($allrssrow["rssurl"]))
+			{
+				$rss_html = $this->getListViewRSSHtml();
+			}
+			$shtml .= $rss_html;
+			if(isset($this->rss_object))
+			{
+				if(count($this->rss_object) > 10)
+				{
+					$shtml .= "<tr><td colspan='3' align=\"right\">
+							<a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"$this->rss_link\">More...</a>
+							</td></tr>";
+				}
+			}
+			$sreturnhtml[] = $shtml;
+			$shtml = "";
+		}
+		$recordcount = round((count($sreturnhtml))/2);
+		$j = $recordcount;
+		for($i=0;$i<$recordcount;$i++)
+		{
+			$starredhtml .= $sreturnhtml[$i].$sreturnhtml[$j];
+			$j = $j + 1;
+		}
+		$starredhtml  = "<table class='rssTable' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
+						<tr>
+       	                <th width='65%'>Subject</th>
+           	            <th width='20%'>Sender</th>
+               	        <th width='15%'>Date</th>
+                   	    </tr>".$starredhtml."</table>";
+		return $starredhtml;
+	}
+	/** Function to get the Rss Feeds by Category 
+	  * This Function accepts the RssCategory as argument 
+	  * and returns the html string for the Rss feeds lists
+	 */
+	function getRSSCategoryHTML()
+	{
+		global $adb;
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rsscategory where presence = 1 order by sortorderid";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($categoryrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			$shtml .= "<tr>
+						<td width=\"15\">
+						<div align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"toggleRSSFolder('".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."')\"><img id=\"".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."_toggle\" src=\"".$image_path."plus.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></div>
+						</td>
+						<td width=\"20\">
+						<div align=\"center\"><img id=\"".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."_folder\" src=\"".$image_path."rss_folder_cls.gif\"></div>
+						</td>
+						<td nowrap><a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"toggleRSSFolder('".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."')\" class=\"rssFolder\">".$categoryrow["rsscategory"]."</a>
+						</td>
+					  </tr>
+					  <tr>
+						<td colspan=\"3\">
+						<div id=\"".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."_feeds\" style=\"display:none\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" style=\"margin:5 0 0 35\">".$this->getRssFeedsbyCategory($categoryrow["rsscategory"])."</table></div>
+						</td>
+					  </tr>";
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
+	/** Function to get the Rss Feeds for the Given Category 
+	  * This Function accepts the RssCategory as argument 
+	  * and returns the html string for the Rss feeds lists
+	 */
+	function getRssFeedsbyCategory($rsscategory)
+	{
+		global $adb;
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rss where rsscategory='".$rsscategory."'";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			$shtml .= "<tr id='feed_".$allrssrow[rssid]."'>";
+			$shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">";
+			if($allrssrow["starred"] == 1)
+			{
+				 	   $shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\">";
+			}else
+			{
+				 	   $shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\">";
+			}
+					   $shtml .= "</td>";
+			$shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\" width=\"10%\" nowrap><a href=\"javascript:GetRssFeedList('$allrssrow[rssid]')\" class=\"rssTitle\">".$allrssrow[rsstitle]."</a></td><td><a href=\"javascript:DeleteRssFeeds('$allrssrow[rssid]');\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\"  border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td>";
+			$shtml .= "</tr>";
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
+	/** Function to get the rsscategories   
+	* This Function accepts no argument and returns the categorylist as an array
+	*/
+	function getRsscategory()
+	{
+		global $adb;
+		global $image_path;
+		$sSQL = "select * from rsscategory where presence = 1 order by sortorderid";
+		$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
+		while($categoryrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
+		{
+			$rsscategories[] = $categoryrow["rsscategory"];
+		}
+		return $rsscategories;
+	}
-	function getSelectedRssHTML($rssid)
-	{
-		global $adb;
-                global $image_path;
-                $sSQL = "select * from rss where rssid=".$rssid;
-                $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-               // $shtml = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"4\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
-                while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-                {
-		 //$allrssrow["rssurl"];
-		 if($this->setRSSUrl($allrssrow["rssurl"]))
-                 {
-                        $rss_html = $this->getListViewRSSHtml();
-                 }
-		 $shtml = "<table class=\"formOuterBorder\" width=\"80%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td class=\"formSecHeader\">";  
-		if($allrssrow["starred"] == 1)
-                {
-                $shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."onstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','0')\"> <span style=\"font-weight:normal\">Today at</span> ";                                                  }else
-                {
-        $shtml .= "<img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\"> <span style=\"font-weight:normal\">Today at</span> ";
-                }
-		 $shtml .= " <a href=\"javascript:display('".$this->rss_link."',this)\";>".$allrssrow['rsstitle']."</a>";
-		 $shtml .= "</td></tr>";
-		 $shtml .= "<tr><td style=\"padding-top:10\"><ul>".$rss_html."</ul></td></tr>";
-		 }
-		 if(isset($this->rss_object))
-                 {
-                        if(count($this->rss_object) > 10)
-                        {
-                                $shtml .= "<tr><td align=\"right\">
-                                           <a href=\"javascript:display('".$this->rss_link."',this)\";>More...</a>
-                                           </td></tr>";
-                        }
-                 }
-		 $shtml .= "</table>";
- 		 return $shtml;
-	}
-	function getRSSCategoryHTML()
-	{
+	function getRsscategory_html()
+	{
+		$rsscategory = $this->getRsscategory();
+		if(isset($rsscategory)) 
+		{
+			for($i=0;$i<count($rsscategory);$i++)
+			{
+				$shtml .= "<option value=\"$rsscategory[$i]\">$rsscategory[$i]</option>";
+			}
+		}
+		return $shtml;
+	}
+/** Function to get the rsstitle for the given rssid  
+ * This Function accepts the rssid as an optional argument and returns the title
+ * if no id is passed it will return the tittle of the starred rss
+ */
+function gerRssTitle($id='')
 	global $adb;
-	global $image_path;
-	$sSQL = "select * from rsscategory where presence = 1 order by sortorderid";
-	$result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-//	$categoryrow = $adb->fetch_array($result);
+	if($id == '')
+		$query = 'select * from rss where starred=1';	 
+	else		
+		$query = 'select * from rss where rssid ='.$id;	 
+	$result = $adb->query($query);	
+	$title = $adb->query_result($result,0,'rsstitle');
+	return $title;
-	while($categoryrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-	{
-	$shtml .= "<tr>
-                <td width=\"15\">
-	  	<div align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"toggleRSSFolder('".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."')\"><img id=\"".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."_toggle\" src=\"".$image_path."plus.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></div></td>
-          <td width=\"20\"><div align=\"center\"><img id=\"".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."_folder\" src=\"".$image_path."rss_folder_cls.gif\"></div></td>
-          <td nowrap><a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"toggleRSSFolder('".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."')\" class=\"rssFolder\">".$categoryrow["rsscategory"]."</a></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td colspan=\"3\"><div id=\"".$categoryrow["sortorderid"]."_feeds\" style=\"display:none\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" style=\"margin:5 0 0 35\">".$this->getRssFeedsbyCategory($categoryrow["rsscategory"])."</table></div></td>
-        </tr>";
-	}
-		return $shtml;
-        }
-	function getRssFeedsbyCategory($rsscategory)
-        {
-                global $adb;
-                global $image_path;
-                $sSQL = "select * from rss where starred <> 1 and rsscategory='".$rsscategory."'";
-                $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-                while($allrssrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-                {
-                   $shtml .= "<tr>";
-                   $shtml .= "<td width=\"15\">
-                   <img src=\"".$image_path."offstar.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.cursor='pointer'\" id=\"star-$allrssrow[rssid]\" onclick=\"star('$allrssrow[rssid]','1')\"></td>";
-                   $shtml .= "<td class=\"rssTitle\" width=\"10%\"><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\" class=\"rssTitle\">".$allrssrow[rsstitle]."</a></td><td><a href=\"index.php?module=Rss&action=Delete&return_module=Rss&return_action=index&record=$allrssrow[rssid]\"><img src=\"".$image_path."del.gif\"  border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a></td>";
-                   $shtml .= "</tr>";
-                }
-                return $shtml;
-        }
-	function getRsscategory()
-	{
-	    global $adb;
-            global $image_path;
-            $sSQL = "select * from rsscategory where presence = 1 order by sortorderid";
-            $result = $adb->query($sSQL);
-            while($categoryrow = $adb->fetch_array($result))
-            {
-		$rsscategories[] = $categoryrow["rsscategory"];
-	    }
-	    return $rsscategories;
-	}

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